Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 3579: Wu Yuanqing

It’s been a month since the death of the more than a dozen monks. In this month, there has been a lot of news gathered on Ningqi’s side, but they have not found the whereabouts of the two blood-sucking leaders, and there is no trace of Wuyuanqing. However, three more

About a month later, there was news that in the lost giant city of this steam world, traces of a large number of monks were discovered, and many monks were rushing in that direction.

After receiving this news, Ningqi immediately guessed that there was a possibility that there would be flying scorpions and the things that the monks wanted in this time. Wu Yuanqing, it is likely that there is a possibility that the blood-cry commander and the sinister commander are there. . A few days later, Ning Qi’s body shape was slightly smashed, and the refining pot was taken out, and a blood-colored medicinal herb was poured out from it. This is the blood dan that was condensed after the reincarnation of the eight nin-year-old people, but unfortunately that name In the middle of the reincarnation, it was directly blown up by Ning Qi.

There is no physical body left, otherwise the effect of this blood Dan will be stronger.

"One two three..." Ning Qi put this blood Dan into the space package, there are already three similar medicinal herbs, the first one is refining with the body of Nangong Yuanqing, and the second one is in Tai Cangshan. At the time of the pulse, use the two arrogances of the Canglongmen, and the rest of the forces.

Numerous Tianjiao monks have refining their lives, which is much stronger than the first one. However, the two add up, and the effect is not as strong as the third one. After all, it is the body of the eight rounds of reincarnation. . These three blood Dan, if given to some body repairs, will greatly help their physical improvement, but if Ningqi himself takes it, the effect is equivalent to a practice in the refining pot for about 100 years, and there is a top training ground. when,

But for a hundred days of hard work, swallowing is too wasteful. After a dozen days, Ning Qi was about to rush to the lost giant city, but unexpectedly halfway through the road, I saw the blood crying commander and the Yinzheng commander, and the rest of the hundreds of monks from the dark parliament, and many others. Xiangong Tianjiao, but

These days of life, the fairy tales, have all been seriously injured, or fell, or crouched, or lying flat.

Only the blood-sucking commander and the Yin-shock commander stood aside with a little wolf, and not far from them, there was a young monk who smiled like a wolf, and looked at the two with a cat-like mouse. .

"Blood weeping, tremor, and I will send you these two wastes to kill me? This is too much to despise me."

Wuyuan is like a smile.

Just now, he relied on his own efforts to not only defeat the blood-cry commander and the Yin-shock commander, but also seriously injured the Tianyuu monk and the Xiangong Tianjiao present.

The Secretary-General said that there is nothing wrong with it. The cultivation of Wu Yuanqing is indeed not only the mid-term of the reincarnation, but the late stage of the reincarnation. The strength is stronger than that of the blood-crushing commander and the Yinzheng commander!

"Wuyuan Qing, you have to be proud."

Yin Yin led the gloomy road.

"I am proud." Wuyuan smiled. "Forty thousand years ago, I felt that your dark monks were not good enough. After 40,000 years, they were still so stupid. They sent two middle-aged guys. To suppress me, is this really awkward? Let me think about it, oh, your Secretary General’s adult is so stupid, can be desperate, let you kill me without any preparation, it should be How old is that old guy? Hey, his Taoist dying in our hands

In the middle, he is mad and swears, swears to heaven, and kills me. As a result, 40,000 years have passed, I am still alive and kicking, oh..." Blood weeping is very incomparable, but the other side is fighting Force, indeed, they are much stronger than them. Just now he joined forces with the Yinzheng commander, and he can only test the strength of Wuyuan Qing’s three or four points. The reincarnation of the late monks is indeed not a medium term.

Easily contend, now, there are two roads in front of everyone. The first is to fight against Wuyuan, and the second is to crush the jade card and return to the headquarters.

But the latter would be a shame to the Dark Council. Not until the last moment, the Blood Weeping Commander would not like to go back to the headquarters with everyone.

at the same time.

Dark Parliament headquarters.

There are no other monks' perspectives on the LCD screen. The large screen reflects the face of Wuyuan Qing, which makes the picture more gnashing. Especially after Wu Yuanqing said the ridiculous words, Tudu's face was white.

Not only him, but all the monks present, now use the murderous eyes, staring at Wuyuanqing, if Wuyuanqing is caught by them, they will have thousands of horrible means to display on Wuyuanqing!

"I want to kill this child in person!"

Tudo suddenly gave a low voice and waved his hand to open the passage.


The Secretary-General shook his head and looked at Tudu with a resolute look. "Yu Yuanqing may have deliberately angered you and wants to lead you. If you go now, it is likely that there will be an ambush for the monks."

"Then let this son be so arrogant? Over the years, under the cover of the Holy Parliament, he has constantly hidden his identity. This time it is rare to seize his trace, I must let him die!"

Tudor looks gloomy and his eyes are filled with endless anger.

"hold on."

Secretary-General Shen Sheng.

Tudo heard the words, looked at the Secretary-General, and finally stared at the screen without saying a word.

"Look, isn't that the fifth district kid?"

Someone finally noticed Ning Qi in the corner of the screen.

The Secretary-General and Tudor’s eyes suddenly fell on Ning Qi.

"The Blood Weeping Commander told me that the monk who was cut from the Tianyuan Stone in the early days of the reincarnation could not beat Ning Xiaozi."

The Secretary-General’s mouth has risen slightly.

"Ning Xiaozi is strong and strong, but even the disciples of the Great, in his realm, want to be more difficult to overcome the late stage of the reincarnation, isn't that simple?"

Tuto looked at the Secretary-General with some doubts.

The Secretary-General smiled. "There are always some opportunities."

There is a saying in his heart that he did not tell Tudo.

Can someone who can be seen by Mr. Tong Tian is so simple?

He is not sure in his heart, so he just took the opportunity to take a look. There is another point that makes him feel calm. He guesses that Mr. Tong Tian is probably also concerned about the steam world!


"How? Dissatisfaction? This time, the monks who came to the world of steam, in addition to our reincarnation, are not dead, immortal, not dying, everything, do not know if you dare to come in person?"

Wu Yuanqing looked at the **** crying leader with a look of provocation.

Blood weeping leads the silence.

At this moment, a figure walked into the field and stood beside the blood and weeping. Under the command of Yin Zhen, the monks of the destiny of the various regions, and Wu Yuanqing, have come over.

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