Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 3765: Member of Parliament

"I didn't expect this Phoenix reincarnation to be really bought by him."

Ning Qi took out the fruit and placed it in his hands to look at it carefully. Judging from his breath, it was no different from the Phoenix reincarnation that Wang Xue swallowed that day.

He thought that this fruit would be photographed by the long-prepared Luo Right. It seems that the sects in the Taikoo area seem to underestimate the value of the Phoenix reincarnation.

In addition to the phoenix reincarnation, a small number of sacred stone in the Qiankun ring has a total of seven or eight hundred million, so Ningqi intends to go over the business of the business more than doubled, next time to build the domain, the body is at least tens of billions of stone Go up!

Put away the Phoenix round fruit, its grade is too high, and now taking it will waste too much effect, Ning Qi still intends to try to use the nine turn Tianxin Dan to impact the immortality! After arranging the ban, and after they confessed to Zhao Er, Ning Qi once again entered a retreat state. When the first nine turns Tian Xin Dan swallowed into the abdomen, there was a hot breath that grew from Dantian, followed by sweeping. The whole Danhai, eventually

Turned into a pulse of energy, Chao Ningqi has tempered 20% of the golden body rushed.

After spending a full month, Ning Qi only absorbed the effect of this nine-turn Tianxin Dan. He found that his golden body was condensed for a few points, and there is a hidden bottleneck!

carry on!

One after another, the nine-turn Tianxin Dan swallowed into the abdomen. When the nine turns Tianxin Dan had only ten left, Ning Qi felt that the breakthrough bottleneck was in front of him, but he needed a foot!

He swallowed the remaining ten nine turns into Tianxin Dan, and the power of terror seemed to be stormy, and he continued to sweep in Ningqi.


Ning Qi seemed to hear a crisp sound. Then he found that his golden body had already passed over the shoulder blade, and the first bone in his chest was constantly changing towards the golden body!

In the early days of immortality!

Ning Qi took a look at the property panel and found that he had broken through the unsettled great consummation. At the beginning of the immortality, the power in the body was producing some indescribable change. Under the same amount, the power was even more terrifying.

After spending more than a decade, Ning Qi was able to stabilize the current realm. When he broke through the day, his breath was ten times more than that! "The realm has broken through, but the power of the gods has not kept up. It is estimated that the limit of my current power of the gods has been more than 30,000 points. In addition, the golden body is only tempered to two-thirds, but the combat power. But it’s improved, I don’t know how many times, this time

Then I met Feng Jia, the second elder, and I was afraid that it would be solved by one palm! ”

"Young master, have you repaired and broken through?"

Zuo Shi saw that Ning Qi came out of the retreat, his eyes moved slightly, and found that Ning Qi's current state of breath is like a river from a river pond to a lake!

A few horrified eyes, cast from Liu Huang.

The face of Jiang Tianshu became more and more ugly, and the depth of the eye was deep, revealing a hint of despair.

"It really is the creation of the gods, he does not know what has been made, in such a short period of time, successive breakthroughs, and now is an immortal monk."

Jiang Broken muttered to himself, he believes that if he can escape from this place, he is likely to have the opportunity to break through the current bottleneck and enter the ranks of the emperor! The grandson who has become a beggar has no Buddha. The eyes of the hollow hole are staring at Ning Qi. The last hope in my heart has been cut off. In a short time, Ning Qi has become immortal. Isn’t it the next time I meet? Next time


At this moment, the Gongsun no Buddha hopes that there will be regrets in the world. I knew that when I was in Tianzhumen, I should retreat and retreat, and I wouldn’t be in a position to do so now!

"Well, break through to immortality."

Ning Qi nodded to Zuo's smile.

The handsome couple who just walked out of the room heard the words, and they looked at each other with a sigh of relief. Then they became a streamer and appeared in front of Ningqi. They dare not believe: "Boss, have you broken through?" Well, after this breakthrough, I intend to go to the land of Taikoo to see if there is any skyfall. You should also find out that when I am not there, the time flow rate here is the same as the outside world, but don’t go deep into the domain. Those ones

The repair of the **** warrior is too horrible. If you accidentally get stuck, can you escape to this place as you did last time? ”

Ning Qi smiled. After a pause, he smiled and smiled. He said: "You probably don't want to appear in The Hague City in the near future. The guy who stole something from you is the Lord of the Seas in The Hague. I heard that he is already in the hands of Liu Huang. For a long time, the master of the city of The Hague

No, it will definitely find you all over the place. It is at least the strongest of the seven turns of the emperor. It is not so strong from the beginning of the Taiji and so on. Only the ancients have it. If he finds your trace, who will save it? No, you can't. ”

Duan handsome Wen Yan, looked at Ning Qi slyly: "Boss, what you said is true?"

The background of the four-character warrior is so terrible? The emperor has turned seven or more? Read this, Duan handsome has a chill, this kind of realm, he did not dare to think!

"As long as you stay in the small courtyard, it is safe. Wait for the limelight of this matter to pass, then go out."

Ning Qi smiled.

Duan Shuai nodded quickly and knew that there might be a place where the emperor might come to him. Where would he dare to leave the small courtyard, it would be better to practice here!

After leaving a little **** stone, Ning Qi left the creation of the gods, plus the last time to the left of the practice resources, even if the cold days of the holy 妃 they all returned to the small courtyard, and for a long time no need to worry about the practice of resources.

However, it was not long before he left the domain of creation. Ning Qi found himself being stared, and the horrible breath descended from the sky, turning into a big hand and pinching Ning Qi.

At this moment, whether Ning Qi wants to go to the creation of the domain or resist, he finds that it is in vain, and his strength is imprisoned, just as Liu Huang imprisoned the grandson without Buddha!


Ning Qi seems quite calm, it is a blessing, not a curse, it is a curse, but the other party can control his position so accurately, and the means of easily restraining him, the person who is shot must be a great emperor!

"At the beginning, I asked you to send you to the first day to perform the task. Why did you not return after the end of the mission?"

A voice rang in Ning Qi's ear.

Dark Council?

Ning Qi’s heart was relieved. He thought that the other party was the emperor’s emperor. Since it was a dark parliament, there was room for things.

"The predecessors must have been members of the Dark Council, and the tasks of the younger generation failed. Although they want to return to the Dark Council, they have never had a chance."

Ning Qi is not moving.

The atmosphere of the other party is different from that of the Sirius. It is obvious that other members have taken the shot. Ning Qi still cannot know how many members of the parliamentary level exist in the dark parliament. As for the reason why he did not return, it was very simple. When the channel of the creation of the Divine domain was merged with his body, many people saw it, and the paper could not hold the fire. If the Dark Council knew this, Ningqi was not sure if the other party would be because of him. Identity, while under the enthusiasm, is likely to imprison Ningqi as an alternative channel!

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