Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 3825: Misfortune

Tu Wanli's body became stiff and stiff, and there was a cold sweat on his forehead. In the face of Ning Qi's gaze pressure, he even talked with his mouth, it was extremely difficult!

"Master, brother..."

Half-sounding, Tu Wanli tried his best to use his strength. "Before everything was a misunderstanding, I also asked the brothers to have a lot of..."

"Some things can't be concealed only by misunderstanding, so you can give up your Dongfu to Feng Jiuyou, and this time things will be settled."

Ning Qi smiled.

Let out the cave house?

There is more cold sweat on the face of Tu Wanli, which is a shameful shame! However, if he does not follow suit, a monk who is not perfected, there are many ways to deal with him!

"Well, I am moving away from Dongfu."

Tu Wanli finally made a decision. After saying this sentence, he found that the pressure on his body was reduced a lot.

Next, Tu Wanli left his own Dongfu, and lived in the Dongfu, which belongs to Fengjiuyou. However, the Fengfu Gate of Fengqiu has been smashed by Xue Qingguang, and the empty, cold and windy inside. Feng Jiuyou, who lived in the tortoise of Tuwanli, is also a foreign disciple. The cave house in Tuwanli is different from his previous residence. It is only aura, it is several times stronger, and there is a pole in front of it. Large medicine field, planted with a slaughter

Most of the people who have accumulated thousands of years of land.

Tu Wanli intended to take them with him, but after seeing Ning Qi’s smile, he gave up the decision and reluctantly cut love.

Those foreign disciples who have a good relationship with Tu Wanli can't say anything. They only know that from today, even outside the door, even if they are similar to Tu Wanli, they don’t dare to What is the dissatisfaction.

"Nine quiet, I went back to the inner door. If anything, let people tell me."

Ning Qi smiled.

"Predecessors, don't stay a little longer."

Feng Jiuyou has some disappointment.

Ning Qi smiled and waved his hand, and suddenly disappeared in front of the two.

"Nine secluded, you are really lucky. In the future, there will be a brother of Wu to be a patron. In the good days of the moon, you will be coming soon."

Di He has some envious words.


Feng Jiu Nun whispered to himself, remembering that he was deceived to be penniless, or Ning Qi lend him a fine Yuanshi to stay in the land of Taikoo, otherwise he would be sent back too far, and there is a chance to worship. Into the moon, Xiangzong, become a disciple of the gods?

"Two, in the next Yang Zhiwen, when Wu’s brother came to the outer door of the hole, I told Wu’s brother Feng Jiu’s younger brother that he was embarrassed by Tu Wanli.”

A figure broke through the air and appeared in front of Feng Jiuyou and Di He.


There was a trace of suspiciousness in Di He’s eyes. Feng Jiu is quiet, and he directly bowed his hand. Thanks, Yang Zhiwen smiled and ignored Di He, but phoenix and nine whispers. "I have heard that for a while, I have to choose a group of reincarnation monks to enter the realm of creation. Feng Shidi has this relationship with Wu Shixiong

In the case, let Wu brothers open the recommendation, it is very likely to be selected! ”

Make the gods?

Dihe and Feng Jiu’s eyes are bright at the same time!

Another advantage of the disciples of the Shenzong is that they can have a certain chance and be selected to enter the domain of creation. However, most of these opportunities will be taken away by the households.

"Unfortunately, the seniors have just returned to the inner door."

Feng Jiu sighed. "Don't be afraid, every uncultivated monk in the Zong can have several recommended places. When the time passes the test, it is decided who can go to the creation of the gods. At that time, Wu will definitely recommend you, Feng Shidi, I have hundreds of millions here. Jing Yuanshi, if you

Can get the qualification to enter the domain of creation, and also ask Feng Shidi to help buy some things, half of which is the labor cost of Feng Shidi. ”

Yang Zhiwen smiled.

"Well, you are a younger brother, I originally played this idea!" Dihe sneered and turned to look at Feng Jiuyou: "Nine quiet, I am going to get started with you. You always remember this friendship, if you get the chance to enter the real world of creation." I have to help me buy things first. I also have hundreds of millions of fine stone, of which 60% are you.

40% of me! ”

Feng Jiuyou suddenly had some arrogance, and the subconscious said: "Into the creation of the domain, according to the truth, not allowed to buy anything, the things you buy, must listen to the sects of the sect..."

"Who is still so stupid, now every teacher and brother who enters the realm of the gods, more or less have to carry private goods, otherwise it is not worthwhile to rely solely on the reward of the Zongmen!"

Yang Zhiwen smiled and shook his head: "I will give you 60%, I only need 40%!"

"This, things are still missing, I will see it later."

Feng Jiu quiet smiled.

He is a little unsure that he really has the opportunity to enter the realm of creation.

“Even if the seniors recommended me, it would make me feel a little weaker than those of Tianjiao.”

Feng Jiuyun secretly thought of it.


After Ningqi returned to the inner door, he saw three strangers at the entrance of Dongfu. The three men were not high-ranked, dressed in servant costumes. When they saw Ningqi, they immediately bowed to the ceremony.

"In the future, Dongfu is responsible for your care?"

Ning Qi looks strange: "What about Zhao Lei?"

"Qi Wei brother, we are arranged by the elders. As for where the former servant disciples went, we are not qualified to ask, and we are not qualified to know."

One of them was respectful.

Ning Qi looked Shen Shen: "My servant said to change it? Even if you want to change, let me know what happened."

"Brother, the three of us really don't know anything..."

The three men smiled bitterly.

"Is this not Brother Wu?"

Not far away, Liu Muqing walked out of Dongfu, and after seeing Ningqi, his face suddenly showed a strange smile.

Ning Qi looked at Liu Muqing and looked at the three servants in front of him. He suddenly sneered: "Liu Muqing, where did the three servants before?"

"How do I know..."

Liu Muqing smiled and opened his mouth. He intended to say no, and the result was not finished. Ning Qi suddenly swept like a strange wind, and appeared in front of him in an instant, reaching for his shoulder.

"Liu Shidi, the disaster comes out, you have to say it."

Ning Qi smiled.


Liu Muqing's face changed slightly, and the three female servants who followed him saw a glimpse of his face.

"His strength is too strong, and he is deceiving me in an instant, but I can't react..."

Liu Muqing whispered in his heart and then sneered: "Your three servant disciples are not clean, stealing the things in the medicine field, and have been sent to the servant peak for punishment."

"If I know it, this matter is related to you, Liu Muqing, even if you have a good background, I will let you lose face in the inner door."

Ning Qi patted Liu Muqing's shoulder and smiled. After all, his figure once again moved and disappeared into place.

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