Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 3869: The first beauty of the world in Soochow

After an hour, Liu Huang’s movement finally stopped. At this time, Ning Qi confessed to the common sense of the creation of the gods. For example, the **** stone is ten times purer than the fine stone, and the city owner of The Hague may be the emperor. Turn above

Strong, and so on.

After the action of Liu Huang stopped, Jiang Wankong had been stunned and completely unaware of where he was at the moment.

"You are the grandson of Jiang Yuexiao's grandmother."

Duan Ge’s old eyes fell on Jiang’s body, and smiled.

Jiang Yuexiao?

The witch horse and the flying scorpion were slightly surprised. This is the great emperor of the Jiang family! In front of this tree, there is still a direct descendant of a great emperor?

"Yeah." Jiang Bianqi looked at Duan Ge, and he should have a voice. He didn't want to answer, but with his understanding of Ning Qi, if he didn't speak, he might have to be like Jiang Wankong, in front of so many people. Liu Huang beat his mouth, so that his face

Even if it is lost, even in this case, Jiang Broken wants to keep a little face.

"You will fall to this point today, and you should blame the Holy Parliament and Jiang Yuexiao."

Duan Ge smiled.


Ginger broke a faint sigh. "Well, the things that make up the gods are also explained. I went to the small world of Soochow to pick up Moxie. Duan Ge is old. You will discuss them with them here. Is it too late to create the Taikoo Star Court? Slow access to practice resources,

After you break through to the emperor, you will create the Taikoo Star Court. ”

Ning Qi smiled.

"Go, let me watch, they won't have an accident. As for the Zongmen, I will look at the situation at that time. If it is OK, I will set up a mountain gate nearby."

Duan Ge smiled and nodded.

When Ning Qi heard the words, he walked back to the small courtyard, and his mind was moved, and the figure suddenly disappeared into the yard.

.........Soochow Small World, when Ningqi arrived here, I found that the world is in a period of warfare, countless races, sects, fighting for your life, the purpose is to resources in the small world of Soochow, but the people of Wan The beginning of the war

At the end of the day, they have not extended to the gods and the world. These sects may be in the small world, and the enemies will be very jealous, but when they reach the gods, they will still be as usual. What should they do?

This is the rule set by the Holy Assembly, and no one dares to violate it. Ning Qi’s thoughts were swept away, and he determined the location of Mo Xie. On his way to Mo Xie, he even saw several monks dressed in moon-like robes, and the monks who played against them were defeated. The chasing of the wolf is unbearable, Ning Qijing

When they passed, they all took their hands and looked up with a dignified look until Ning Qi went away, and the pursuit continued. At this stage of the War of the Ten Thousand Peoples, the indigenous people in the small world of Soochow can not tell who is who, although the indigenous people will not be forcibly extinct because of the rules laid down by the Holy Assembly, but the end of the Wanzu war, the small world of Soochow The monk inside

There are very few clubs left, so that resources are enough to be used by the sects who won this small world.

Very realistic, Ningqi rarely entered the small world before, and never participated in these Wanzu wars, without too intuitive feelings.

In Ning Qi's view, there may be a large number of local indigenous people who do not know why there is a war of peoples, and where the monks who participated in the war of the nations came from, they are afraid that it will not be too clear. For them, the war of the Terran is a catastrophe, like the catastrophe of the original Mozu invasion of the fairyland. After the catastrophe, it is estimated that it will not take long. The monks in the future may not remember this war of the Terran. , but

It is the next time the Wanzu war will always come, like a reincarnation, forever. "A war of thousands of people has lasted for too long. According to this situation, all the worlds have been broken, and it is impossible to affect the gods and the world in a short time. The Holy Parliament has arranged such a fighting purpose. I am afraid. Just to influence the gods and gods

Those sects let them exhaust their strength and weaken their strength. Some monks who have the talent to advance to the emperor may die in such a chaos, and their hearts are awkward. "Ning Qi flashed a cold in his eyes, and his body shape accelerated instantly. In a short time, he came to a giant city where Mo Xie lived. The strength of this giant city is extremely strong, and there are three stocks of the monks in the inner world. As much as it should look like, it should

It is the indigenous force of the small world of Soochow.

Among the giant towns, a courtyard, Mo Xie and a woman sat on a wicker chair, watching the children running around, looking at each other and showing a smile.

"Clouds are light. When they grow up, I will teach them how to practice, so that even if we are not with them in the future, they can live in Soochow."

Mo Xie smiled.

The woman he called the cloud light was slightly glimpsed, and there was a complicated color in his eyes: "Where is it, if they are always mortal, it is good to live through this life safely."

"People? Can only live a hundred years old, will it be good?"

Mo evil stunned.

"If it is a monk, you may have to participate in the war of the nations that you said, ordinary life, and better than death."

The cloud smiled lightly.

"If you want to practice, you have to ask their opinions?"

In the small courtyard, suddenly there was a figure.

Mo Xie subconsciously protected the cloud and looked at the figure, but his face was slightly stunned, and his eyes burst into a joy.

"Mo evil, is he your enemy?"

The cloud light look is a bit awesome, waving a trick, the three children running around the yard have ran to the cloud light, eyes looked at Ning Qi with some fear.

"Not an enemy, a good friend!"

Mo Xie laughed aloud and hugged a bit with Ning Qi.

"I listened to Feng Yin saying that you have lived in the small world of Soochow. This is really the case. Is this Mrs.?"

Ning Qi smiled and looked at the cloud.

"Ning brother, come, I will introduce you to you."

Mo Xie took the light arm of the cloud and smiled at Ning Qi: "She is my wife, once known as the first beauty of the small world of Soochow!"

The first beauty?

Ning Qi looked at Yunguang, and his face was really beautiful. It was just that the beauty he had seen too much. He was immune at some time and did not find this.

"What are you talking about!"

Cloud light and shy, looked at Mo Xie.

Mo Xie haha ​​laughed, obviously because I saw Ning Qi very happy here, let his three children see Ning Qi, Yun light took the three children back to the house, leaving Mo Xie and Ning Qi alone Standing in the small courtyard and chatting.

"You, don't you want to go back to the world?"

Ning Qi smiled.

"Don't go back, the cloud is too light, I stay here to accompany her."

Mo Xie laughed.

“There is a lack of aura here, which is not good for your practice.”

Ning Qidao.

"There is no way, I can't leave the cloud light."

Mo Xie smiled and shook his head: "My current cultivation is enough to protect them in the small world of Soochow. Others, no longer think about it."

Ning Qi saw this, just wanted to tell Mo Mo, he planned to take them to the creation of the gods, but his eyes moved slightly, looking outside the courtyard.

boom! The gate of the yard was kicked and smashed into pieces.

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