"This is the power of God!"

More than the eyes of the six-character warriors in the battlefield have shown their longing for color.

If they change their lives, even if they fight for their lives, they will not be able to inspire the protective cover of the emperor's battlefield. I heard that the above-mentioned array method is arranged by the God of Heaven and God, and it is impossible to collect all the gods. Explosive!

Tiandu Shenzun is just a thought, let the protective cover show such a vision. Although everyone can't feel the horror of the atmosphere of Tiandu Shenzun at the moment, they can also use the sight seen by the eyes to make Some speculation!

"The strength of Tiandu Shenzun, there should be more refined in these years, and wait for the mercy star to advance to the four robbery gods, it should come to him."

The ghosts and gods are dignified.

The gods of the sunset gods are staring at the gods of heaven, and they want to see the details of the gods in this fight.

"I hope that the new **** of the gods of the gods can support a few tricks. At that time, we will encounter the gods in the hegemony, and we will understand the means more clearly."

The gods of several sunset gods secretly confessed to each other.

The quicksand Shen Zun stood on the high platform, and his eyes showed a slight expectation. The last time he was in the city of The Hague, he lost his face. If it was not his shot to control the wind, I was afraid that the person who had already passed it was well known.

This time, if the gods of heaven are able to reinvent each other, the quicksand gods are ready to find an opportunity, a shame!

"Three robbery gods, is it different from your imagination?"

Heavenly gods look like Ning Qi like a smile.

He can feel that the other person is already shaking.

"Do you just say it with your mouth? How is it so?"

Ning Qi frowned.

"Damn, give me to go... die!"

The smile on the face of Tiandu Shenzun disappeared, and there was a strong murder in the depths of his eyes. He gently pointed to Ningqi.

The next moment, a breath of horror, as if condensed into a sharp sword, shot away from Ningqi. If it is a normal study and a **** country, basically there will be no killer between the gods, but the **** of heaven and **** respects has condensed his life force, only to kill Ningqi, so Once, even other gods react

Come over, too late to stop!

"He is killing."

Buddha Zhao Shenzou suddenly laughed.

No gods respect the same color, still sitting calmly on the high platform, faint saying: "When it is not, let's take a look."

Everyone's look suddenly became weird.

No **** goddess even indulges the gods of heaven to kill the gods of their own gods?

The gods on the other side of the Sunshine Kingdom suddenly showed a sigh of color. It turned out that this fight was not as simple as they thought.

Those gods who are new to the sun of the gods are looking at each other and their hearts are more vigilant. They have just been promoted to God, and they must respect the old people. Otherwise, one day, it is very likely that they will fall to Ningqi’s end. !

Pity Star respects the mouth slightly, and adjusts the sitting posture deliberately, seems to want to take a more comfortable sitting posture to meet the next comfortable scene.

"Is it true that God is mad at this day? How dare to be a killer in the face of Godless?"

The giant ghost **** stood up subconsciously.

Soon, he immediately found that there was something wrong with the godless statue.

When the gods respected him in the first day, no **** gods were the first to stop!

And this time, no godsend has no action at all?

Is it...

"The ghosts of the predecessors, don't be afraid, the young master will not lose."

Xiaoyue smiled.

The ghost **** respected it for a moment, just preparing to speak, but suddenly turned to look at the battlefield.

Ning Qi moved when the means of God’s deity was about to fall on Ning Qi.

In the eyes of everyone, they only saw a punch.

The ordinary punch, the means of heavenly gods are completely broken up, and that punch is rushing to the heavenly gods.

Hit his face with a blank face.


The more obvious the golden grain on the protective cover is obvious, it is obviously the one that has just played against each other, and it has exploded a huge amount of energy!

The energy of horror directly vaporizes the head of Tiandu Shenzun.

Its headless body fell immediately.

Ning Qi reached out and grabbed it, so he grabbed the body of Tiandu Shenzun and stood in the void.

In the battlefield, countless pairs of incomparable eyes fell on Ning Qi, after a moment of silence, a burst of noisy sounds burst out.

"How can God God be killed in one stroke?"

"How is this going?"

"It’s awful, is this new sacred means too horrible?"

There are no strong players in the hundreds of strong sects, and they all look at Ning Qi with a stern look, and there is a deeper awe in their eyes.

And those who came from the Poseidon Kingdom, many of them frowned, watching Ning Qi's eyes flashed a trace of suspicious color.

After a few breaths, a seaman suddenly burst into shock, and he recognized who Ningqi was!

"How could it be him? Is he actually a god?"

The seaman's face became a bit pale.

Then he quietly voiced to the sea people next to him. In a few moments, the sea people who sat in the battlefield today basically knew Ningqi’s identity.

The original killing of hundreds of six-fishing sea people, the **** ghosts to catch the people of the sea **** country six products, a human race **** warrior who did not stay all saved!

"How did the young master smash his head and wanted to kick the ball a few times."

Xiaoyue sighed.

"Mother and sister, nothing, there will be opportunities in the future."

Zuo Linger laughed.

The ghost **** dignified, until this moment, he finally reacted, what was the meaning of Ning Qibi’s gesture.

It does not represent the odds of 10%, but represents a move!

"He even killed a three-robbery gods with one stroke? Such a means..."

The ghost is respected and happy.

The quicksand deities are as good as the earth. At this moment, he can be sure that Ning Qi was not scaring him. The power of the punch is enough to blow him out!

A group of six and five products standing behind the quicksand gods became pale, and a cold sweat continued to emerge.

They are Tianjia Shenzun who brought the arrogance to participate in the hegemony. Now they see that Tiandu Shenzun was beaten by Ningqi. After the end of the hegemony, they didn’t lose the gods. Big backing?

If the enemy came to the door in the future, what should they take to resist?

Just when everyone was immersed in the shock, there was no movement of the gods and the goddess of mercy, but just looking at Ning Qi’s eyes, there was a bit of surprise.

The next moment, Tiandu Shenzun corpse with no head, suddenly produced a slight change, a brand new head, in the face of countless people, so slowly grow out.

"Well, this time over the end of the fight, you won." Pity Star Shen Zun stood up and faintly said to Ningqi.

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