Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 4053: Kill yourself

"Dong Fan."

Pity Star Shenzun regained his gaze from Xiaoyueer, a faint road.

"Pity Star, is under!"

A five-product high-ranking peak **** warrior is busy with the previous step, respectfully praying to the mercy.

"You don't want to keep your hand on the woman, or you die, or she dies."

Pity star faint road.

"Yes, pity star!"

Dong Fan’s subconscious Chao Ningqi looked at him and his eyes fell on Zuo Linger and Li Mozhen. He knew that he was right, it should be one of these two women!

"Linger, come on!"

Xiaoyue children cheered on the airway to the left. Zuo Linger nodded, she was no longer the only girl who was the only one who was unassuming, and the poor little girl. These years, the battles of the big and small have been countless, in the same rank, she has a few except Xiaoyue, Li Mozhen and so on. Outside of people, have not encountered

Pass the enemy!

Zuo Linger came to the center of the battlefield, and Dong Fan also flew down from the high platform. The two men were facing each other.

This scene, completely intact, appears in the void above the battlefield, and everyone in the emperor can clearly see it.

"That Dong Fan seems to be the first of the five products of the sacred star god, and its strength is strong. Only Fu Jiuxiang, who has no gods and gods, can compete with each other. Among the five products of the Star God Kingdom, it has already ranked among the top!"

The ghosts and gods respect the way of dignity.

He faintly felt wrong.

This is also a coincidence.

The first small month of the encounter with Longjiang.

Immediately after the left Linger met the person who respected the gods, and Li Mozhen met the person without the gods, this probability is too small, right?

The giant ghost goddess told Ning Qi of his own thoughts, Ning Qi heard the words, just smiled and looked at the high platform of the **** of mercy and the **** of heaven.

Just pity star Shenzun also looked back and looked at Ning Qi’s eyes.

There was a sneer in her eyes and she slowly turned back.

"It seems that there is no way to control the list of battles in the hegemonic monument. God should face him in the first game?"

Ning Qi’s eyes picked up slightly.

At this time, Dong Fan looked at Zuo Linger, and his eyes flashed a fascinating color, but he thought of the command of the princess, he did not dare to sneer, cold and cold: "This scene, life and death, or I die Or you die."


Zuo Linger nodded with a smile, and there was no fear in his eyes. The people in the Imperial Capital who are watching this hegemony have sighed a lot. Many people are indigenous to the emperor. They have long known the status of Dong Fan in the five-character warriors. They feel that Zuo Linger is dead, but unfortunately. This beautiful face


"Hey, do you think that North Xuan Tiandi can win here, or can you win the Principal of God?"

Chu Feng looked up at the void and looked nervous.

"Should it be the **** of mercy? I have seen this strength of Dong Fan once and it is extremely powerful. No one in his high-end peak in Tianding City will be his enemy!"

Chu Tian Xuan's look is a dignified road.

“So strong?”

Chu Feng stunned.

Sitting on the side of Chu Xun, Ye Kang found that Chu Xun’s eyes were not on Zuo Linger and Dong Fan. As long as there was a situation in the sky, he found that Chu Xun would be subconsciously looking for something.

"Sure enough, this person has long been in the hearts of people."

Ye Kang's face is expressionless, but the anger in the depths of his eyes, but it can't be suppressed.


"I won't keep it, you are careful."

Dong Fan took a deep breath and passed the golden light from his body. The next moment, his figure suddenly rose in the wind and suddenly turned into a giant with a hundred feet. In front of him, Zuo Linger became like an ant. small.


Dong Fangao snorted and lifted his foot and trampled to the left Linger!

The five-character warriors present at the scene can feel that the breath of Dong Fan’s attack has far exceeded the limit of the peak of the five-grade high-end!

"It’s me, I can only take up to three times this level of offensive."

Longjiang's face is dignified.

In a blink of an eye, he looked a little bit, and he thought he could bear Dong Fan’s three moves, but he was defeated by Xiao Yueer.

What if Dong Fan is on Xiaoyue?

The ghost **** looked down at Ning Qi and saw that Ning Qi still had a smile on his face. I don’t know why, he seemed to have guessed the result.

He chose to believe in himself a few times ago, but Ningqi was unexpected to him every time. This time, he felt that he should believe in Ningqi.

"Glyphs are small."

Zuo Linger chuckled, and suddenly there was a black and white gas that was exactly the same as that of Xiaoyue, and this black and white gas condensed into an umbrella in her hand, gently lifting it and covering it.

At the same time, Dong Fan’s huge foot was also on the black and white umbrella.


The moment the soles of the feet and the black and white umbrellas touched, a huge roar sounded in the battlefield, like a thunder.

Then, Dong Fan felt a horrible breath echoing from the black and white umbrella. His foot bones were broken instantly, and his body fell subconsciously.

Zuo Linger under the umbrella looked at this scene with a smile, and her posture was always motionless!


Pity Star God brows slightly wrinkled, almost became a Sichuan word.

The strength of Dong Fan, she knows well, just the blow, even if the other side withstood, it is impossible to counter Dong Fan, let Dong Fan suffer so seriously!

Even she did not realize that there was a breath of volatility in Zuo Linger.

“Is this black and white umbrella? What is this power?”

Pity star gods secretly thought.

Dong Fan broke a leg and his face was white and white. He didn't dare to look at the mercy star, but roared and once again sent an offensive to the left.


This time, Dong Fan’s fist slammed on the black and white umbrella. The next moment, the force that could not resist the momentum was once again coming.


Dong Fan’s arm was directly twisted into twists by this force, and the blood continued to drip from the air.


Dong Fan’s face was white and his eyes showed a hint of madness. He once again launched an offensive against the left Linger.

But every time he attacked, the last thing he brought was his own bruises.

Among the emperors, countless people have seen the scene, and their mouths are surprised to become O-shaped. If Dong Fan is defeated, they can accept it.

But the only thing that they can't accept is that Dong Fan's defeat is too miserable. Zuo Linger seems to have no fireworks from beginning to end, and has never taken the initiative to attack. He just took a black and white umbrella to block Dong Fan's offensive. .

It seems that she is more like dancing, not fighting people!

"Dong Fan, stop!"

Pity Star Shen suddenly noticed something and shouted directly.

However, Dong Fan has already fallen into a state of madness. He only knows that he will not survive if he does not kill Zuo Linger. Therefore, Dong Fan condenses the final strength and hits the most violent punch in history.

boom! Dong Fan spit out a blood, his body crashed to the ground, but it was violent and died!

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