Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 4068: In this battle, no **** is defeated.

Without the gods, the slightest surprise, the face suddenly cold and frosty, the body's breath is constantly pouring out, forming a golden armor on the body.

Ning Qi took out the bronze gongs in the first time, obviously it was the killer. Although there was a hunch for this matter, no gods were full of anger.


The golden armor was shattered at the moment of colliding with the bronze cymbals. There was a horror in the face of the sky, and then I saw the continual enlargement in front of my eyes.

The next moment, no gods respected the front of the black, in an instant as if his body was crushed by countless mountains, he even heard the sound of his skull shattered.

"I voted..."

"You cast a ghost!"

Ning Qi sneered, and his movements were several times faster. The huge bronze cymbals even shook his shadows and directly interrupted the words behind the gods.


The aftermath of the horror caused the surrounding shields to burst into golden light.

The entire Imperial Palace even shook it gently.

All the gods on the high platforms around the world were shocked by the scene, and the face was unbelievable.

When Ning Qi and Qing Bian Shen Zun fight, I have played several rounds, but this time, there is no chance for the gods to even take the shot, as if they are going to step into the footsteps of the gods.

"The breath of no gods is gradually weakening!"

The face of the phoenix gods has become very dignified.

Although there is no **** god respect belongs to the star **** country, but everyone as a four robbery god, in addition to the sea side, the Terran four robbery gods occasionally will exchange each other.

After all, the vast realm of creation, in addition to the few kings of God, can be in the same position as them, it is a few people.

At the moment, watching the godless gods may step into the footsteps of the Qingshen gods, the mood of the phoenix gods is very complicated, and the heart is shot, but the situation at this moment is not allowed.

"Does he really dare to kill the gods?"

Tianwu God respects the scene in front of him.

"If he really wants to kill, no one can stop it."

The phoenix gods are very dignified.

Tianwu’s mood is very complicated. He has not even been able to support a move in the hands of the godless gods, and Ningqi is also a new god, but he can directly crush the sky.

"After a robbery, the strength is also improved so much? No, he can still kill the young people when he is in a robbery. No matter whether he is a robbing god, no gods are not opponents."

"The phoenix gods respect, can the **** of heaven and the gods let the gods die in this hand? This is different from the war of the sea people. After all, we have a deep hatred with the sea people, but no gods respect, but a human god!"

Tianwu voiced the road.

"If the **** of the gods is paying attention to the hegemony, then the sea king is also paying attention. When the **** of the gods died, the king did not shoot. Do you think the king of heaven will shoot?"

The phoenix **** deity shook his head slightly. At this moment, all those who are concerned about this hegemony are in shock, especially the **** warriors of the Star Gods! Previously, no gods were respected in their eyes, their status was very respectful, and even many people did not regard the godless **** as a general

The gods of the gods, but above the gods, the special status under the king of God.

But nowadays, this existence with a very high status in their hearts has been criticized by a newcomer, and there is no power to fight back. They are nervous and complicated.

Because the person who hangs the godless god, the goddess of the star **** country, only a few loyal loyalists, will be angry, with a few eyes that want to spurt fire, staring at Ning Qi.

In the void.

"Heavenly star, I am dead here, and your star **** is also dead, it is fair."

The sound of Neptune slowly sounded.

"How about that? Killing the heavens is still the **** of my god."

The star of the star **** is faint.

In her tone, there is no trace of anger caused by the immortal death in Ningqi.



The loud noise is still going on, and the princess is shivering and pale, and he looks at the scene in front of him.

"He admits defeat, you don't want to fight again!"

Pity Star Shen suddenly shouted and looked very excited.

"He didn't admit defeat, otherwise he would be open to him if he is a godless person. If he really wants to admit defeat, he won't say it?"

Ning Qi smiled, but the movements in his hands did not stagnate. He was still waving the bronze cymbals quickly, and the protective cover around him was constantly flashing.

After everyone heard this sentence, the look became very strange, and my heart was awkward.

At that time, Qingshen Shenzun was not able to admit defeat and was beaten into a meat cockroach by Ning Qi. Now, the situation of no gods respect is not the same as him. In this case, no one can still open his mouth.


There is a trace of despair in the eyes of Pity Star.

"Feng chick, can you still feel the atmosphere of heaven?"

The voice of the Buddha's sacred voice rang in the ear of the phoenix.

She glanced at the Buddha's deity and shook her head slightly: "The breath of the godless **** has completely dissipated and should be dead."

"Then you will meet him in the next fight. I advise you to admit defeat directly. There is no hatred between him and you. You should not die."

Buddha Zhao Shen smiled.

"I know."

Pity Star God nodded in a complex look.

This fight lasted for about half an hour, and after half a hour, Ning Qi stopped the action in his hand and put away the bronze gong.

At the same time, a very majestic force emerged in the void, directly injected into Ning Qi's body, Ning Qi's cultivation is constantly rising, and soon reached the limit of the two robbers.

"No **** is dead."

Everyone looked at the battlefield, and the place where the gods had stood before had been turned into nothingness, nothing left, even a hair, could not be seen.

No gods are directly ash, integrated with the gravel on the ground.

"There is another four robbery gods, it should be almost enough for me to advance."

Ning Qi secretly thought of it.

The force that emerged in the void slowly subsided after helping him raise the repair to the peak of the second robbery.

"In this battle, no **** is defeated."

Ning Qi looked around and smiled and turned and flew back to the high platform.

There was silence in the field, especially on the side of the Star Gods, whether in the Imperial Palace or outside the Imperial Palace, all the warriors who were concerned about this hegemony were silent. No gods are dead, this is a terrible tsunami baptism for the Star Gods, killing the gods, but another **** of the Star God, which temporarily controls the situation. Because Ning Qi’s performance

Force has far exceeded the scope of the four robbers. In the hearts of the gods of the gods of the gods, they all have a rather ridiculous feeling. It seems that no gods are dead, and it is also a good choice to change the upper position of the North Emperor.

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