Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 4151: Compared with Zhugong

"Ning Gongzi."

Why should I face Lu Heng without such tension? I saw Ning Qi today, but suddenly it became a little cramped.

This has a great relationship with the martial arts that he just heard from Lu Hengkou, and a small cockroach can have such martial arts repairs. If it is him?

Why is it that the heart is a bit hot, he seems to be able to imagine himself becoming a strong martial artist in the future.

Ning Qi smiled and why he nodded, then his eyes fell on Lu Heng.

At this time, Lu Heng also stood up. Although he was young, he was also a high-rise in the six doors. He usually saw some top powers, and he was not humble.


Ningqi is different.

Ning Qi’s age is younger than him. At this age, he has become a top player. He does not dare to support him. Moreover, he was defeated by Ning Qi in the past, and there will be some awe in his heart.

"Ning Gongzi, we are not acquainted with each other, the literary tiger in the Jiangyin City for the tiger, now has been detained in the prison, also asked Ning Gongzi to care."

Lu Heng smiled and said.

"I don't care, no matter where, there will always be a few mice."

Ning Qi smiled.

He did not see hatred from the eyes of Lu Heng.

"Ning Gongzi, in the next Lu Heng, added six silver door to catch the head, this time just passed through Jiangyin City, if not, can not know that there is a martial art like Ning Gongzi in Jiangyin City, you and me are still quite There is a fate."

Lu Heng smiled.

"Lu brother has a reputation."

Ning Qi smiled. "Today, Lu brother came, not only to tell me that Lihu was being held in prison, but there are other things?"

"Ning Gongzi, there is a saying that I don't know when I ask questions."

The smile on Lu Heng's face slightly converged, and the look brought a dignified color.

"Excuse me."

Ning Qi smiled.

"I don't know which martial arts inheritance of Ning Gongzi originated from which one?"

Lv Heng asked.

"This is hard to say, my martial heritage is quite complicated."

Ning Qi smiled.

"That's just asking more."

Lv Hengqi laughed and paused: "Ning Gongzi, our six doors have recently been in the vast rivers and lakes. In a short period of time, more than ten first-class masters have invested in six doors, and several top players are also in six. Hanging in the door.

The authority of our six doors is not strong in this **** empire. The order in the rivers and lakes is also maintained by my six doors. I don’t know if Ning Gongzi can have the will to enter my six doors. ”


Ning Qi’s eyes moved slightly.

The six doors are the official organization of the Imperial Tang Empire. He listened to Ziyun and Fu’s treasurer. The strongest sect of the Shentang Empire is not in the rivers and lakes, but in the temples. The six doors are Deserved first.

Because the national division of the Shentang Empire, the abbot of Xiangwu Temple, these two martial arts peaks exist in six doors.

The six large doors, the number of catching speeds outside the third stream are numerous, and the second-rate and top-ranking powers are also pressing the pack.

Before that, the top masters, the top masters, the six doors are more than the sects in the rivers and lakes!

"I don't know how to do this, how to operate?"

Ning Qi smiled and said: "Do you need me to go to Beijing?"

"The first time I left my post, I really had to go to the capital to get back the six-door tiger charm." Lu Hengdao: "Besides, there is only a big event, and the catching of the six nearby doors cannot be solved. A strong person like Ning Gongzi came out. On weekdays, Ning Gongzi can get a lot of salary every year, and can also transfer six doors.

Resources, no need to be on call at all times, free and unconstrained! ”

Jinyun heard the words, and a flash of surprise in his eyes. In her opinion, Lu Heng’s conditions have been extremely excellent.

"If I go into six doors, I don't know what kind of catching head I can serve?"

Ning Qi smiled.

When Lu Heng’s eyes are bright, the other party will ask this sentence, indicating that the other party’s heart is intentional.

Lv Heng’s heart was a bit hot when he thought of the reward he could get from a top-level master entering six doors.

Ordinary top may not be high, but he can pull up the young top players like Ning Qi. The six doors must be very happy, and the rewards will not be low.

"Ning Gongzi is a top master, naturally he can serve as a gold medal catcher. On top of Ning Gongzi, there are several tops!"

Lu Heng's face is dignified and clenched.

"Gold medal catcher?"

Why should he see Guanghua masterpiece in his eyes? Although he is not very clear about the repair of the warriors in the rivers and lakes, he is clear about the hierarchy in the six doors.

The six doors are very strict, and the lower officials can't go against the Shangguan. Even if the Shangguan let him go out of the task of ten dead, the heart is reluctant, and he can only go to the scalp. Even if he wants to resign, he has to be in that mission. after that.

Otherwise, it will go to prison with the crime of disobedience! The gold medal catcher is the real high-rise in the six doors. Every gold medal is caught in the head, and there are many silver medals and bronze medals in the hands. In the eyes of the bronze medal, the bronze medal catcher is an extremely powerful big man. The ordinary county magistrate sees it. Don’t dare to ask


If Ning Qi becomes a gold medal, does he have a strong backing that is insurmountable by others in the six doors?

"There is a sentence you said wrong."

Ning Qi smiled.

Lv Heng made a slight glimpse, and then whispered: "What is the explanation for Ning Gongzi?"

"I have been repaired some time ago, but it is only the top, but now, my instinct has changed from the day after tomorrow, stepping into the top level. If you want to work six doors, the position of the gold medal is not enough to arrange me. ""

Ning Qi smiled.

Is the infuriating turn from day after day?

Lv Hengzhen was in the same place, and there was an incredible color in his eyes. Why bother was shocked by this sentence.

Extremely! The entire province of the Tang dynasty has sixteen provinces, and the top is only eight! A province can't even get a top!

"Ning, Ning Gongzi, you just said that you have been in the first place? Become a top master?"

Lu Heng has some stuttering.

"Not bad."

Ning Qi smiled and nodded.

Lv Heng took a breath of cold breath, but he did not doubt that Ning Qi said, after all, it condensed the infuriating, is what he saw with his own eyes, such a strong, what is the reason to deceive a first-class warrior in his district?

"The top...the ninth of our gods and gods is absolutely top..."

Lu Heng’s face suddenly showed a hint of excitement, and his body was a little trembling:

"If I can recruit a top-ranking strongman for the six doors, then I will spend countless spiritual resources on the top and help me to advance to the top!" After reading this, Lu Heng’s voice became a little trembling: "Ning Son, if you are a top master, we are able to serve as a purple card in our six doors! Dressed in a purple unicorn robe, we are qualified to be in the hall, and we are shoulder to shoulder!"

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