Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 4240: Indestructible

When Wang Zongping heard Ning Qi's words, he suddenly fell into silence.

He never thought that Ning Qi had even seen the ghost spider mother in person!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Ning Qi to see the flaws in his words!

"When you followed Hongjun, you saw the Ghost Spider Mother, and now you see this statue, but you never mentioned the difference between them.

So I guess, like this giant city, there is a so-called passage to the living world in your mouth? "

Ning Qi smiled.

"How do you know that the Ghost Spider Mother I see is different from the statue? They may be the same? Even I was lying to you before, and I never saw the Ghost Spider Mother?"

Wang Zongping sighed softly.

"Ten words in your words, eight true and two false, but I believe you said before that you have seen the ghost spider mother with Hongjun."

Ning Qi smiled lightly.

He paused, "It's all here, you might as well be straightforward."

Ning Qi glanced at the Hall of Ghost Kings: "Even if there really is a passage to the living world here, now you are still here, and prove that this road is not accessible, you need some conditions to open it?

Wang Zongping was silent for a while, then shook his head: "There is no access to the living world."

The next moment, he suddenly felt a shroud of coolness, and even goose bumps on his skin, he continued quickly: "The passage is indeed blocked!"

"That's it."

Ning Qi smiled lightly: "You just point it out, don't make corners, it's boring.

In this case, I don't understand these things and I won't leave the Netherworld.

Do you intend to delay time, think that I will be attacked by the breath of this world, so as to give you the opportunity to escape?

That doesn't exist.

It doesn't matter if I can stay here for a year and a half.

Otherwise, what do you think I used to kill Hongjun?

Had he been here, he would already be dead now. "

Wang Zongping looked at Ning Qi with a complex look: "Have you really killed him?"

Ning Qi smiled and didn't speak.

"Okay, I believe it."

Wang Zongping nodded, "There is indeed a passage here, but the passage is blocked for some reason.

Hong Jun may have known this before and was afraid of the existence behind this world, which is why I let it go.

I ’m not as good as you. Since you can kill even Hongjun, let ’s see if that channel can be opened.

I have only one request, and I want to be alive.

If the channel is open, you have to let me in for a rebirth. "

Wang Zongping looked at Ning Qi with calm eyes.

"This requires that I will naturally satisfy you."

Ning Qi smiled lightly.

Hall of Ghost Kings.

Ghost Candle King stared blankly at the dry well in front of him.

"Wang Zongping, do you say this is the so-called channel?"

There was a suspicion in the eyes of Ghost Candle God King. He looked at Ning Qi: "The King of the North Xuan God, Wang Zongping is too deceiving and cannot be trusted.

This dry well is very common, without any vision, how can it be a channel? "

"Ordinary? You try to destroy it."

Wang Zongping sneered.

"It's not easy!"

The Ghost Candle God King shot it with a palm, and in a moment, there was a deep pit sinking more than ten feet in front of him, and the dry well was beaten into nothingness.

"Wang Zongping, what do you say now?"

The ghost candle king sneered.

"You look carefully again."

Wang Zong smiled flatly.

"Look at it, it's the same knot ten times ..."

How is this going?

The words of the Ghost Candle King suddenly stopped, staring at the scene in stun.

I saw that the dry well that had just been beaten into nothingness reappeared. The surrounding soil was indeed sunk by his palm, but the dry well still exists!

And the length of the dry well is beyond his imagination.

The King of Ghost Candles incredulously stepped forward and looked into the well with a depth of about four or five feet.

But the bare wells exposed are far more than a dozen feet!

"Blinding eyes?"

Ghost candle **** Wang slightly moved his mind, and once again took a photo.

Dry well was beaten into nothingness.

Just within a few breaths, this dry well reappeared.

The rest of the ghost kings also choked.

Is there really a passage in this ghost king hall?

An ordinary dry well, now showing a completely different vision ...

"It won't be destroyed by you."

There was a touch of taunt in Wang Zongping's eyes.

"What exactly is going on?"

The ghost candle king looked at Wang Zongping.

Wang Zongping glanced at Ning Qi and smiled, "Because, this well is a thing between the sun and the sun!

In front of it, we monks are just illusory, like bubbles, how can we destroy it? "

Ghost Candle God King's face became a little iron-blue, and his thoughts kept turning sharply.

The rest of the ghost kings are also not very good-looking. If the heavens and the world are similar to the existence of the Netherworld, and they are imprisoned in this world, are they not ghosts?

"The things in the sun cannot be destroyed in the sun.

Only those who are truly or can destroy the sun. "

Wang Zongping and Ning Qi smiled and said, "I also accidentally found the statue in this realm. After I finally came to this realm, I found this dry well in the hall of ghost kings, which verified my guess."

"Hong Jun may be a living person. He never died, but was sent to control the order in this world!"

Wang Zongping's eyes flashed a fascination. "And there may have been many people like him, but I don't know what's wrong with Yangjian, which caused the passage to be blocked one by one, and only one was left."

"Apart from that giant city and this place, you only know two channels. How do you know there are other channels?"

Ning Qi smiled lightly.

"Hong Jun said."

Wang Zongping smiled, "In a lifetime, my memory has been restored, but his memory has never been restored.

In that life, once in his sleep, Hong Jun said some dream words, which were related to this passage.

I can even tell you that if long and long ago, as long as you have reached the power of the God King, you will be eligible for reincarnation and reincarnation.

Can you believe it? "

"I believe."

Ning Qi nodded slightly.

Wang Zongping was slightly surprised.

"This can also explain why those gods and gods want to leave their hometown, set foot in the void of the universe, go to that giant city, and finally bury their bones in another country.

Ning Qi said faintly: "They may just follow the rules of a long time ago, with unwillingness in their hearts, hoping to get the same treatment.

It's just the truth. They may have long forgotten it, and they don't know what will be the result of waiting for them. "

"But we know! As long as we can open this channel, we can be reincarnated and live alive!"

Wang Zongping said in a deep voice.

"I don't care about the underworld and the underworld. The people I care about are in this world, and this world is the world for me.

If this is just so secret,

I'm going home. "

Ning Qi shook his head and turned to walk outside the hall of ghost kings.

Wang Zongping froze immediately.

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