Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 4272: Reiki has fallen


As soon as Ning Qi thought, he suddenly stopped and turned to look around. Then he saw the head of the Ning family and others trembling, everyone had blood on their bodies.

"It seems that the acquisition of the Zuoqiu family's property is not smooth this time."

Ning Qi secretly said in his heart.

"Xuaner, what are you doing here?"

The owner of the Ning family saw Ning Qi staring at himself and others, his face changed slightly, a flash of red flashed on the old face, and then he asked roughly.

"Oh, I just returned from the Huang family."

Ning Qi salutes his fists.

"Huang Laogui called you again? He now wants to recruit you to ride the dragon for fear of dreaming. What do you think of Huang Xuan?"

The Ning family owner said for a moment, said.

"What do you think? It's too small."

Ning Qi shook his head.

"Yes, you are a little younger, but if you are intentional, you can gradually cultivate your feelings from an early age, but Huang Jia wants you to be so easy to take advantage of the dragon, it is impossible, how can you pass me first? This level. "

Ning family home.

After a pause, he said to the Ning Jiawu who was behind him: "It's all gone. There are injuries and treatments, and there are doctors to see a doctor. I will tell the accountant and you will go and get the silver by yourself."

"Yes, the owner."

The crowd unveiled in unison, and then dispersed.

When Ning Qi saw this, he couldn't help but ask, "Has it been ambushed?"

"It's not an ambush. I just didn't expect Zuo Qiu's family to have a business relationship with Duobao Pavilion. The largest firm has Duobao Pavilion members. After we occupied it, it was not long before Duobao Pavilion came to our door. I'm quick, I'm afraid everyone has to confess over there. "

There was a flash of anger in the eyes of the Ning family owner.

Then he seemed to remember something, looked at Ning Qi a few times, and finally shook his head, and said to Ning Qi: "Don't ask these, go back to your yard."

"Doble Court?"

Ning Qi didn't seem to hear what the Ning family owner said, but his eyes lightened slightly. This martial art looked very rich. Should it hide many precious antiques?

With this in mind, Ning Qi directly asked: "Master, is Duobao Pavilion Xianmen?"

"How could it be Xianmen. If it was Xianmen, could I still come back."

The owner of the Ning family snorted, and then said, "You don't need to know so early about the rivers and lakes. You should be like a normal child. Don't worry too much. These are our things."

"Since I am in the physical state, it is also good to know what is happening in the rivers and lakes."

Ning Qi smiled.

"That's what it says ..."

"And I seem to break through again."

"Breakthrough again?"

The owner of the Ning family stared at Ning Qi with a stunned expression: "You broke through the fetal condition? Impossible, our Ning family's condensate can never repair the fetal condition ..."

"Maybe I have a special constitution, because of the relationship of Linggen. In short, it has broken through. If the strength of Duobaoge is not strong, we can take it together with the trend."

Ning Qi smiled.

He is now the sixth floor of gas refining, and has long been out of the category of mortals.

Not to mention the pinnacle of fetal life, the people in Xianmen came and could be killed.

It's like a real person in Ziyang. The other party is the eighth layer of refining gas, which is only two layers higher. If the other party is punched by Lieyang boxing without any preparation, he will also die.

"Wait, I'm a little confused ..."

The Ning family owner couldn't help rubbing his face.

quite a while.

In the lobby, except for Ning Qi, Ning Ran, Ning Zixu and the Ning family's homeowner, there are no outsiders in the lobby at present, and even the guards at the door are ordered to stand in the distance.

"Dad, do you say that Ning Xuan is already pregnant?"

Ning looked at Ning Xuan in amazement.

Ning Zixu said directly: "Impossible."

"Xuan Er said it."

The owner of the Ning family looked weird, and his eyes fell on Ning Qi: "Xuaner, why do you think you are already pregnant?"

"Zheng Qi can come out through the body, isn't it exactly the situation of the fetus?"

Ning Qi smiled.

"Can you really get out of your body?"

Ning Zixu stared blankly at Ning Qi: "How long did it take you and me to return from Taosha City, how could you break through, let alone our Ning family's condensed gas ..."

"Maybe it's Xuan'er's relationship with spiritual roots. No one knows what kind of scene would be if he had spiritual roots and practice martial arts."

The owner of the Ning family groaned, "Xuaner, why don't you show your anger so that I can wait and see what your cultivation level is."

Ning Qi nodded slightly, glanced at the vase not far away, and raised his hand as a punch.

He used only one percent of his strength.

A fist print broke and the vase was smashed with a slam.

The face of the Ning family's owner changed in vain, and his heart seemed to be severely pierced by a knife. However, he just collected it some time ago and has a 300-year-old 'Celadon'!

But the heartache is back to the heartache. Ning Qi's hand is enough to prove that he has entered the state of fetal interest. Ning Qiran and Ning Zixu face each other, only feel that they are dreaming ...

Someone heard the movement here, and hurried up. As soon as his head protruded out of the door, the owner of Ning's house drank, "Who asked you to come over?"


The comer left quickly.

"Xuaner, although I don't know why you have advanced your pregnancy, but next time, can you stop trying these antiques? They are very expensive."

The owner of the Ning family gently stroked his heart and slowly spoke.

Ning Qi nodded, then nodded strangely.

He never knew that this vase was also an antique, because there was no aura in it. Ning Qi thought it was just an ordinary decoration, but he did not expect it to be a fake bought by the owner of the Ning family.

"Great, God bless us Ningfu. Xuan'er is only five years old and he has already become a fetal warrior. Give him another ten years to have a great fetal interest.

We declare that the martial arts master who has a great domestic birth rate is less than ten people! "

There was a touch of excitement on Ning Yanran's face, and he looked directly at the owner of the Ning family: "Dad, Xuan Er is already pregnant, and we have many plans in Ningfu, we can start!"

"Did Ningfu get you?"

The owner of the Ning family glanced at Ning with a snorting cry.

Ning suddenly heard the words, laughed twice, and immediately closed his mouth.

"Xuan'er is going to Dayanmen. Now he is in a state of pregnancy. The owner of Dayanmen will inevitably accept him as a disciple and teach carefully. If something goes wrong during this period, can you afford it? "

The owner of the Ning family looked at Ning Yiran.

"Can't afford it ..."

Ning stunned the way.

"Master, I think it's possible to solve Duobaoge's affairs first. Then, is Duobaoge rich? Why do you take such names?"

Ning Qi smiled.

"Duobao Pavilion was formerly known as the Dobao Chamber of Commerce. It was a family of businessmen. Later, it came out as a talented witch and learned a martial art. Therefore, we created Dobao Pavilion. city!"

Ning family home.

"Aura values ​​have fallen."

Ning Qi nodded secretly.

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