Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 4303: Hospitality

"I picked this fruit on the road ..."

Xuan Zijun had a guilty conscience and gave Ning Qi a subconscious look.

"Really? This seems to be a spiritual fruit. You can still find the spiritual fruit on the road. Why did you go out so many times and never encountered such a good thing?"

Nangong Di looked suspiciously, then looked at Ning Qi, "Little brother, you just worshiped at Dayanmen, I believe you dare not lie, where did you get this fruit?"

Xuan Zijun murmured in his heart, and then he heard Ning Qi said, "Master, this fruit we picked up on the road."

"Hoo ~"

Xuan Zijun breathed a sigh of relief and blinked at Ning Qi.

Nangong Di had no choice but to believe that the fruit had been picked up by the two.

"The type of this fruit is unknown, and you can't eat it indiscriminately. I went to Sha Linfeng and asked Elder Shen."

Nangong said nothing, and left with fruit.

"Little brother, thank you just now, you didn't betray me."

Xuan Zijun stepped forward and pulled up Ning Qi's hand, with a hint of gratitude on his face.

Ning Qi smiled and said nothing.

It didn't take long for Nangong Di to return, and her face was still full of surprise. She told the two that the fruit was identified as Zhu Guo, and that the year was enough.

Eating one will increase your skills for five years!

"Five years of skill? No wonder I was promoted to physical quadruple so quickly last time."

Xuan Zijun's heart was astonished.

Nangong Di called Leng Yue over, and then called the other teachers and sisters one by one. In the end, one person swallowed a Zhu Guo, and slept together for three days and three nights.

Ning Qi also got one, but Nangong Di said that he had not practiced martial arts and could not swallow it, and he left it to her to keep it.

Three days later.

Everyone's self-cultivation has improved, Leng Yue's face was pleasantly surprised, and she felt that her skin seemed a bit more beautiful. She asked Xuan Zijun where she picked Zhu Guo, and she wanted to pick a few.

During this period, the sister Wu appeared occasionally, and every time she looked at Ning Qi with cold eyes.

Time passed in a month.

In this month, Ning Qi basically had no chance to go down the mountain, but he did try to find out about the fairy gate behind Dayanmen from the population such as Nangong Di.

The ancestor of Dayanmen was born in Qingyun Mountain. Since then, Dayanmen has become Qingyunshan's spokesperson in the rivers and lakes. He is responsible for managing some industries and sends a batch of red gold to Qingyunshan every year.

This is a bit like Duobao Pavilion, but it is obviously that the protection fee is required, but Dayanmen has a cooperative relationship with Qingyun Mountain. Although it is not completely equal, Qingyunmen will never be too persecuted. Every year The red gold has increased or decreased, and has never been asked.

A month later.

Qi Xun returned to Yunjufeng, but she was injured and started to retreat as soon as she returned. She waited another full month before she went out.

After she passed the stage, she taught a set of exercises to Ning Qi, which may be more advanced than those passed down by Ningfu, but they are still just worldly exercises. Ning Qi naturally does not practice.

What he wants is the aura value. Now he can make up 10,000 by a thousand or two, and he should be able to be promoted to the great consummation of the foundation. After that, it is the next big state.

"Master brother, master let me call you over."

One day, Xuan Zijun hurriedly came.

"Elder Qi Xun asked me something?"

Ning Qi opened the door and smiled lightly.

"Master said to see if you have cultivated Yanqi Jue to the first floor."

Xuan Zijun pulled Ning Qi and ran. "Sister I am optimistic about you. You must have broken through to the first floor? As long as you have the first floor, you will definitely not be driven down the mountain!"

Ning Qi smiled, and by his means, it was simple to simulate the breath of Yan Qi Jue. Qi Xun was not in the late stage of her pregnancy. As long as Ning Qi was not willing, she could not detect Ning Qi's true cultivation .

The difference between the late foundation building period and the late fetal interest rate is at least 108 thousand miles.

The two came to the main hall soon, Qi Xun was already waiting here, Nangong Di was there, and that sister Wu was diligently pouring water for Qi Xing. After seeing Ning Qi coming, There was a gloomy coldness in his eyes.

"Ning Xuan, during this time, do you have a meditation practice, haven't you been lazy?"

Qi Xun said lightly.

"There is always practice."

Ning Qi nodded, he was ready, and his body's atmosphere became roughly the same as his physical state, which is also the level that Yanqi Jue can reach.

However, instead of investigating his cultivation behavior, Qi Xun threw a piece of jade to Ning Qi.

"You take it and show me your luck."

Qi Xun said.

Ning Qi froze for a while, then picked up Yu Pei, performed his exercises, and did not move.

There was a touch of disappointment in Qi Xun's eyes.

The looks of Nangong Di and Xuan Zijun also changed slightly.

Sister Wu had a smile on her face, looking at Ning Qi's eyes more cruel.

"It turned out to be a waste. It hasn't been possible to build the first layer of Yanqijue for so long. Elder Qi Xun won't value you at all, as long as you stay at Yunjufeng and see how I deal with you!"

Sister Wu thought secretly.

"Although your martial arts qualifications are not working, but you are old in Ningfu and Dayanmen, you can still practice on Yunju Peak."

Qi Xun stepped forward and took Yupei away, then turned away, and had no intention of exploring Ning Qixiu's thoughts in person.

That jade pendant was specially used to detect the enlightenment of Yan Qi Jue. Every elder of Yan Yan Gate will have it. Compared with direct enlightenment exploration, it is more convenient and straightforward, and there is no risk. After all, enlightenment If you don't control your body, you will hurt others' meridians.

"Brother Ning Xuan, don't be discouraged, I believe you can build the first layer of Yan Qi Jue."

Nangong Di cheered Ning Qi cheeringly: "After you get to the first floor, I will swallow your Zhu Guo, you will soon be able to go to the second floor. Come on."

Patting Ning Qi's shoulder, she turned away.

Zhu Guo!

Sister Wu heard this resentment a little deeper. She looked at Ning Qi as if she was going to eat someone. If it wasn't for Ning Qi, she would have been able to bring fruit from Xuan Zijun.

Even if she only takes a few, if she eats it, her practice will break through again. Even if Nangong Di and others come to question, she can still pretend to be ignorant.

With her understanding of Xun Xing, Nangong Di and others, nothing will happen!

But because of Ning Qi, she didn't get any fruit. At present, the last one is still kept by Nangong Di. She has no chance to start!

"Little brother, sister is right, you must not be discouraged."

Xuan Zijun also spoke comfort.

Sister Wu laughed a few times at this moment, as if talking to herself: "In recent days, there have been more ghosts on Yunju Peak. I don't know who they will go to at night ..."

A look of terror appeared on Xuan Zijun's face.

Ning Qi looked at Sister Wu and smiled. "I heard that ghosts like to find bad people."

"haha, really?"

Sister Wu sneered and turned away.

"Little brother, I'm afraid."

Xuan Zijun whispered.

"Don't be afraid, there won't be ghosts."

Ning Qi smiled lightly.

After night.

A figure approached Ning Qi's residence quietly. Ning Qi seemed to be aware, smiled, and took out the colorful glass furnace and placed it on the table:

"Take care of the guests for me."


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