In the room, as soon as the second lady saw Xuan Zijun, she carefully looked up and down to see if there was any injuries on her body. After seeing her intact, she felt relieved.

Then the second lady looked at Ning Qi again and saw that Ning Qi was not injured, so she set her eyes on the second daughter of Wu Lingshan and asked what happened.

Unfortunately, the second daughter didn't know.

"Zijun, tell your mother, what happened during your disappearance?"

The second lady had to ask Xuan Zijun.

Xuan Zijun couldn't say anything at all, because she closed her eyes all the way and didn't know what happened, but she remembered the Xuan Gui Men and the Red Mansion.

"Xuanguimen, I know, the red building is ..."

Zhao Kuo frowned slightly.

He had never heard of the Red House. Could it be from Xuan Guo?

"Anyway, Xuan Gui Men dares to attack my daughter, and they can no longer accommodate them!"

The second lady looked at Zhao Kuo: "Go with me to see Wang Ye."

"Yes, Madam."

Zhao Kuo nodded slightly.

"Zijun, in the next time, you can no longer run around, just play in the house, don't go out, you know?"

The second lady explained Xuan Zijun.

Xuan Zijun nodded quickly, she did not dare to go out again.

After the second wife and Zhao Kuo left, Xuan Zijun was too tired and frightened, so he went to rest early, and Ning Qi also took Wu Lingshan's second daughter back to her residence.

It didn't take long for him to notice that the guards inside the Han King's Mansion became more stringent, and from time to time, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the house.

"Sister Wu, would you please ask and see if there are any vintages in the Han Palace, I would like to see them."

Ning Qi ordered to Wu Lingshan.

Wu Lingshan nodded for a moment, then nodded quickly, and went to the slaves in charge of the Han Palace who was in charge of this small courtyard to tell them. Not long after, a middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper came here.

"This is the son of Ning Xuanning, isn't he? Prince Wang learned that he wanted to see the antique collection, so he let him come down to lead the way, and here is the deacon of the King's Mansion, just call me deacon Lee.

The middle-aged man Chao Ningqi smiled respectfully.

He knew that Ning Qi was from Yanning City of Yanqing, and some two sons of Ningfu paid a visit to Xianmen some time ago, so they naturally dare not neglect their attitude towards Ning Qi.

"Deacon Lee is polite."

Ning Qi smiled and nodded.

Not long after.

Reiki +10

Reiki +20

Reiki +58

Reiki ...

This Han Palace is indeed a palace. The antique treasures in the palace are countless. There are almost no fakes. Each one can bring Ning Qi with ten aura values, as many as a hundred points.

After strolling around in this circle, Ning Qi's aura value directly broke three thousand!

Deacon Li followed Ning Qi, and like Wu Lingshan, he was very curious, why a five or six year old Mao boy would be interested in these antiques.

However, when he saw Ning Qi just glanced at it a little, he skipped it directly, and even didn't stop for the fine product, he thought it was just a curiosity of ordinary children.

"Deacon Li, are there any more?"

Ning Qi looked up and asked.

"Yes, yes, but ..."

Deacon Lee stunned.

"Then ask Deacon Li to show me over."

Ning Qi interrupted him with a smile.

After Deacon Li was silent for a few moments, he nodded with a smile, "Ninggongzi, please here."

It didn't take long for Ning Qi's aura to break 5,000 again.

"Deacon Li, are there any more?"

Ning Qi asked again.

"Yes, son Ning please ..."

Deacon Lee maintained his patience.

After two hours.

"You son Ning, you have finished reading the antiques in the palace, you really don't have them."

Deacon Li wiped the sweat on his forehead and smiled bitterly.

He didn't understand why the opponent's legs were so short and he walked so fast. It took him two hours to walk through the entire Han Palace.

"Deacon Lee has worked hard. I am very satisfied with this visit to the King's Palace."

Ning Qi smiled and hugged.

The aura value is just over ten thousand, but the plus sign on the property panel is gray. I don't know how much aura value is needed to build the next level successfully.

He had a bit of expectation for his visit to the palace in the next few days, and by then he could see many monks, and they did not know how much magical power they could bring to him.

However, those magic weapons will be scrapped when they are fleeced with wool.

A few days later.

Ning Qi and others followed the second lady and entered the Xuanguo Palace. Because of the birthday of the queen queen, the eunuchs who met on the road were hurried and arranged and dealt with various affairs.

"Zijun, please go with me to the queen mother."

The second lady chuckled.

"Mother, what about father?"

Xuan Zijun glanced around and looked puzzled.

The second lady's expression changed slightly, and Qiang laughed, "Your father and your aunt are going to face holy first."


Xuan Zijun nodded slightly, not aware of the fault.

Ning Qi was a little bit surprised.

It seems that Xuan Zijun, the mother-in-law, is not particularly favored in the King's Palace.


Because Ning Qi was not a royal family, when the second lady took Xuan Zijun to greet the queen mother, he and Wu Lingshan Xu Ling were left outside.

Ning Qi glanced, and saw an arch bridge not far away, and walked slowly. Two stone lions sat on both ends of the arch bridge. When Ning Qi approached them, they each reached a hundred aura.

"Well, even this ordinary stone has aura. It seems that they have been sitting here for a long time."

Ning Qi lamented.

This arch bridge has four stone lions. Four hundred auras are in hand. The visit to the palace will not disappoint him. If he walks through the entire palace, the amount of aura that can be captured is definitely higher than that of the Han Palace. Several times!

However, this place is different from the Han Palace. Under the broad daylight, he could not move around at will, and had to wait until the evening.

"Who are you? How do you enter the palace?"

Suddenly, a cold drink sounded.

Ning Qi turned and looked, and saw a teenager about sixteen or seven years old looking at him coldly. The teenager was very luxurious in clothes and clothing, and also had a touch of nobility.

"We are disciples of Dayanmen."

When Wu Lingshan saw this, she quickly walked to Ning Qi and hugged her fists.

"Practice Dayanmen?"

The boy frowned slightly. "Even a disciple of Da Yanmen, can't he move around in the palace at will? Who brought you in?"

"Mrs. Han King."

Ning Qi smiled lightly, "She brought us in."

"Oh, it's her."

The teenager's eyes narrowed slightly, and then Ning Qi glanced up and down, "She can take you to Grandma's birthday, you are in a great position in Dayanmen? Which elder's descendants are descendants?"

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