Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 4315: Where is sacred

"what happened?"

Luo Sha and Tai Hal turned to look at the crowd. When they saw a large group of monks on the ground, their faces became cold.

At this moment, their eyes became extremely sharp, and they glanced at each of the crowd's face and Ning Qi, but immediately ignored him.

"Is there any monk here today to celebrate birthday?"

The Emperor Xuanguo was in doubt.

The queen mother's eyes were equally shocked.

The most shocking thing should be Xuan Yuaner. She asked He Donglai before and got a clear answer. Only two of them came to the birthday of the Queen Mother in Yuqing Valley today.

So, who will secretly attack the monks of the Nianguizong period?

"Come out, don't hide. Even if you hide, you still have nowhere to hide when we kill everyone here."

Luo Sha looked somber.

Each of these refining monks was nurtured by the Ghost Sect through countless spiritual resources, but when he thought they were in perfect condition, they fell.

In this way, even if he brought Yu Qinggu's exercises back to the Ghost Sect, he was afraid that he would still be punished by the Sovereign!

"Is there more than one person in Yuqinggu, haha ​​... I don't know which master arrived?"

Too halal smiled.

"What does that child do?"

"Why are you going over there?"

Suddenly, someone noticed that someone was walking by, and looked intently, but it was a five- or six-year-old child. They wanted to call each other, but they didn't dare. They just secretly guessed which child it was. Big.

"Don't you come out ... then I will kill you until you come out."

Luo Sha sneered, his eyes fell on Ning Qi, "Just start with you."

He reached out and took Ning Qi directly.

Seeing this scene, the second lady was a little surprised, but what happened next moment made everyone stunned.

Ning Qi had just been caught by Luo Sha, and his backhand was a punch.

The immense aura instantly penetrated Luo Sha's chest directly, and he could clearly see the rear one from the front.

Luo Sha bowed his head with a hard look, and then slammed to the ground.

"Where is sacred!"

The cold hair of the halal man was upside down, looking at Ning Qi in anger. At that moment, he clearly felt a strong and perfect atmosphere.

This is the top of the big market, but he has never seen a four-to-five-year-old great old monster in the big market. He has never heard of it!

Then there is only one possibility, the other party comes from outside the market!

With this in mind, the look of the halal person becomes a little pale.

There are countless strong men in the big market. He once went out, and finally returned to the big market because he had nowhere to stand. If the other party comes from outside the big market, then I am afraid that it is difficult to be good!

Before the halal person had the next reaction, Ning Qi's figure had appeared in front of him.

Compared with the initial stage of the foundation construction, the successful construction of the foundation construction is very different.

He didn't even need any technique to drop ten sessions directly, and he could easily blast an early foundation building.

"Slow! I have something ..."

Too half of the halal human speech, the majestic spiritual power has directly smashed his flesh, leaving only a skull slamming to the ground.

At this time, He Donglai barely opened his eyes to see the scene. The spiritual power in his body almost lost his breath. He quickly closed his eyes and continued to force the drug, but his heart was inexplicable.

"Dead, dead ..."

Everyone stared at Luo Sha and the halal person dullly, and it was difficult to return to God.

The strong man in the magnificent fairy gate was as easily killed as a pig and dog?

And they killed them ...

"Isn't that the disciple of the big Yanmen brought by Liu?"


"Isn't he a strong man in Qingyun Mountain?"

"Most likely!!"

"How could Liu recognize such powerful men ..."

The eyes of everyone looked at Ning Qi with awe.

King Han and Madam looked at each other in surprise.

The three princes had been frightened by this scene for a long time. He even thought that he had lost sight of his eyes, and reached out and rubbed his eyes, and finally determined that he was not mistaken.

It was the child who was ridiculed by himself, and shot and killed the two Xianmen strongmen, while the rest of the monks were also killed in his hands.

There was silence on the court.

Ning Qi walked slowly to the three princes, who were scared to speak.

"I said, my congratulations haven't arrived yet, but they're here now."

Ning Qi laughed lightly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the void, and the heads of the corpses on the ground burst into the air and flew towards the high platform. Everyone looked at this scene, only to feel strange, and their hearts blew up.

Wu Lingshan stared blankly, suddenly relieved in her heart. She had seen more terrible scenes than these scenes. These flying heads don't seem to be too scary now.

"I am giving this to the Queen Mother on the head of this ghost monk."

Ning Qi laughed lightly.


Luo Sha's head fell forward too far.

"The head of this halal man, I gave it to the queen mother on behalf of Xuan Zijun."


The head of a halal halal fell in front of him.

"The heads of these little sisters-in-law are even my birthday gift to my queen mother."


One head after another landed.

The blood on the high platform was abnormal, but the crowd did not feel unwell, but they were relieved in their hearts. They escaped a death robbery this time!

If it weren't for someone who suddenly shot and killed Luo Sha and the halal, the people present today would be the high-ranking Emperor Xuanguo, and it would be hard to escape!

"Okay, okay!"

The queen mother suddenly nodded heavily. "This old birthday gift is very fond of you. Thank you, Senior Xianmen."

"Today's matter, there is no way to tell."

Ning Qi smiled.

Seeing this, the emperor Xuanguo immediately said, "Please be assured of the seniors. Today's affairs will never be rumored. Dare to ask the seniors?"

"Yanqing City, Ningfu Ningxuan."

Ning Qi smiled lightly.

Having said that, he turned to the place where Luosha and the halal man had just died. On the ground, two magic weapons exuding Reiki were left. The Reiki itself took a look at it. As soon as it approached, the Reiki in the magic weapon was destroyed. He learned.

Reiki + 3000

Reiki +3500

These two magic weapons directly added Ning Qi's aura value of 6,500, and his aura value has now broken 17,000.

"I don't think I will use it anymore."

Ning Qi looked at the two magic weapons with a strange look, and then walked back to Mrs. Er and Xuan Zijun: "Bring the ninth teacher to the palace first."

"it is good."

The second lady nodded quickly, then immediately picked up Xuan Zijun and followed Ning Qi and left the place.

Wu Lingshan's two daughters quickly followed.

The King of Cold opened his mouth and finally closed his mouth.

Xuan Linger only reacted at this moment, and ran to the two magic weapons in a hurry.

"The magic weapon has lost all the aura?"

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