Chapter 468

Hey, Ning Qi rang the door of the courtyard. After a while, the courtyard door opened slightly, revealing a sly face. It was the girl who was rescued by Ning Qi from the dragon's cemetery.

"Ning brother?"

Lin Biao first gave a slight glimpse, and then the surprise.

"I heard that your sister was injured, I will come over and see."

Ning Qi smiled.

Lin Biao's face changed slightly, and he looked around. When no one noticed this, he carefully brought Ning Qi in, and then closed the door tightly.

"Ning brother, do you know this?"

Lin Biao is a little sad.

"Well, take me to see your sister."

Ning Qi nodded.

When I saw the posture, I didn’t have the spirit of flying before. Her face was very pale. There were several little girls around her, and she was also a new foreign disciple. I saw Lin Biao coming in with Ning Qi. Surprised, stood up and bowed to Ningqi.

"Ning brother."

Ning Qi smiled and nodded at them, then looked at the posture of the bed.

Chao Ningqi, who is also somewhat weak, opened his mouth and said: "Ning brother, I am not convenient, I will not get up."

"Nothing, I heard that your injury was beaten by Wang He?"

Ning Qi smiled.

When I heard the words Wang He, they had a hateful color on their faces.


The posture also nodded.

"There are some healing injuries here, which is a little help for your injury."

Ning Qi took a few of the best of the best of the earth to hand to the posture.

There was no strength to raise his hand, Lin Biao saw it, and the surprise came over. Then there was some concern: "Ning brother, are you not afraid that Wang He will retaliate against you?"

"Yes, Wang He said that no one is allowed to help the sister to heal, even the elders, regardless of us."

Another girl whispered.

In her tone, the elders at the front door complained and dissatisfied.

Their qualifications can only be regarded as middle and lower reaches in the foreign disciples, so no elders of the deacons look at them. Ordinary elders only look at Lingjing, they will teach them a little practice or martial arts, but there is no teacher or apprentice. Therefore, just like the duckweed without roots, encountering things like the present, except for the elders of Tsing Yi, the rest of the people will not be nosy. After all, these elders know more or less the background of Wang He’s identity.

"I am not afraid of Wang He's revenge."

Ning Qi smiled and said: "If there is something in the future, you can go to the elders of the tiger or the elders of Xia Bing. I can report my name. If I am in Zongmen, I can go directly to me, condense my sister, and wish you a recovery soon."

"Thank you for your brother."

They also showed their moving colors.

Ning Qi nodded and turned and left.

"I am going to send Ning brother, you are feeding the sister to take care of Dan."

Lin Biao handed the drug to another woman and went to Ningqi.

"Sister Sister, Ning Shizhen is really a good person. At the beginning, you just reminded him that he now dares to risk the crime of sinning Wang He to give you a cure."

The girl who took the medicinal herb, while feeding the meditation, also took the healing Dan, and exclaimed.

After the meditation also took the medicinal herbs, his face turned better, and his eyes flashed a touch of moving color.

"Ning brother, if you have time in the future, often come to our side and sit down."

Lin Biao has some reluctance to face the Ning Qi Road.

"Well, I will, send it here, go back."

Ning Qi smiled and nodded.

Lin Biao had been watching Ning Qi leave, until Ning Qi disappeared into her vision, Lin Biao was a little lonely to close the courtyard door.

"Do you like Tianjia, like Ning's brother?"


After leaving the courtyard where they lived, Ning Qi met a Tsing Yi elder in the middle of the road.

This Tsing Yi elder is very strange. Ning Qi has never seen him. If it is not for Sima Lin and other deacons to follow him, Ning Qi may not be able to recognize the identity of the other party.

"You are Ning Qi?"

Ning Qiben stood by and waited for them to pass by, but he saw the elder of Tsing Yi walking straight toward him, then asked in front of Ning Qi.

"The younger generation is Ningqi."

Ning Qi Gong Dao.

Sima Lin and other deacons in the eyes of the elders were surprised. The elders came to the outside door, actually looking for him?

Xiang Jun looked at Ning Qi up and down and smiled. He said, "Come with me."


Ning Qi has some doubts, and at the same time, he is alert in his heart. Who is the other party? He hasn’t figured it out yet. Is it that the enemy or the friend does not know, and does not follow him?

Obviously, this decision was made by Ning Qi, and when Xiang Jun finished, he seized Ning Qi’s shoulder and flew directly toward him in the direction of the central place.

Ning Qi has no chance to resist.

Smalin stood in the same place as they were stunned.

"Where is the elder of the project going to take the guy from Ningqi?"

"I don't know, is it that the elders of the dream want to see him?"

"Hey, a foreign disciple, the people I see now, all of them are big men. I don't want to see you."

There is a deacon elder who is sour.

"Elder, where are you going to take me?"

Ning Qi asked in the sky.

Xiang Jun glanced at him and said faintly: "You will know when you go to the place."

After all, he no longer speaks.

Always flying into the central place, Ning Qi was brought to the front of a huge building, which looks a bit like the palace of the palace.

"go in."

Xiang Jundao.

Ning Qi glanced at the plaque above the building: Yun Qizong.

These three words are flying dragon and phoenix dance, as if the knife is sharp and powerful.

It is a blessing that is not a curse.

Ning Qi thought so, walking toward the main hall, and Xiang Jun, but standing at the door.

After entering, Ning Qi was relieved because he saw the dream.

However, at this time, Meng Lingling only sat next to the second position. Before the main position, he stood a middle-aged man with his hands on his hands. His eyes looked at Ningqi with sorrow.


Looking at the figure of this middle-aged man, Ning Qi immediately reacted to the heart and went forward to the two people.

"Well, I heard that you have shined in the bones of the dead, and even the people of the nine family have been compared with you, stealing ten dragon blood fruits?"

Yunqi Zongzong’s main seal looked at Ning Qi and smiled.

"The sovereign has won the prize."

Ning Qi modestly bowed.

"In addition to this, you are in the top 100 of the Dragon List this time. It is also a big joy. There are three esoteric Chinese products, 'Break the Dan,' which is a reward for Zongmen."

After all, a Qingguang shot against Ningqi, Ning Qi fiercely reached out and grabbed the blue light in his hand, the giant force above let him involuntarily regress three steps.

A fascinating color flashed in the eyes of the seal, and then he glanced at the dream and a faint smile.

Just now he deliberately tested Ning Qi, I thought that Ning Qi would have to go back ten steps to get rid of the power, I did not expect Ning Qi to use only three steps!

"Xuanjie Zhongpin breaks the order Dan..."

Ning Qi took the bottle, and his heart was slightly happy. Although he couldn't use it, he could take it to Ning Laozi, indirectly saving 15,000 of the Dragon Dragon Coin. Ning Qi was still satisfied.

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