Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 816: Punch a punch

Chapter 816, a punch

The original reporter who had already shot, heard this sentence, his face changed slightly, and he took his hand back and looked up and down.

This look, suddenly shocked him, he could not see through the repair of this child?

Long Haoran’s face suddenly showed a hint of anxiety.

"How can this old guy believe in such a nonsense?"

Although there was some disdain in his heart, Long Haoran did not show his face. He smiled slightly and said: "Fang, you will not believe this statement? Just rely on him? Where will it be the opponent of Doo!"

The guests who watched the opera around were also shocked. When they heard the words of Long Haoran, they suddenly realized that they were ridiculed and looked at Ning Qi.

"Abandoned St.? He also dared to lose."

"It's still a struggle for the family's fighting, huh, huh, as one of the nine families, the Tuosheng is only a dozen or so. If you are deprived of two, can you stand here and talk and laugh? Don't forget, the Tuoba family has a nickname: crazy!"

"I think he thinks that there is no way to go, and he has come up with such a trick. The master is a real fight, and he won't be confused by him!"

A ridiculous voice was introduced into the ears of the people. The face of the moon square was slightly red, and the heart laughed at himself. He was so frightened by a small man that he would be threatened by a kid. A joke about getting old friends.

Thinking of this, he looked at Ning Qi's eyes and gradually became cold: "I am kneeling down, or am I helping you?"

"Predecessors, I am the Oriental family son of the Oriental family. I also look at the contents of the Oriental family. This matter has been revealed, how?"

Dongfang Yulu took a deep breath and stood up and bowed.

"The people of the East?"

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of everyone.

Long Haoran brows slightly wrinkled, glanced up and down the Oriental Royal Luo, Shen Sheng: "Little girl, you do not want to intervene in this matter, see your cultivation is only a district fighting, the status of the East is not high Where are you going to go, can you be the elders of your family, will fight with my Longteng business for you?"

Dongfang Yuluo heard the words, the look changed slightly, Long Haoran said that it is true, she can ask for the elders of the fight to be the best, but the background of Longteng is very strong, a fight can not compete with it. Even if it is a fight, the other party may not buy it!

However, if Ningqi was suppressed here, she couldn’t think of who would have asked for the rescue of Dongfang Hao, and Dongfang Yulu suddenly fell into a dilemma.

The family of the Moon Square did not put the Oriental Royal Luo in his eyes. He looked directly at Ning Qi and said: "Today, no one can save you."

"is it."

Ning Qi smiled slightly, just preparing to condense the soul of the Titans, and battle with the other side, the outside world suddenly heard a laugh.

"Ning Bei Xuan, let the old man roll out!!"

This loud noise, as if in the ears of everyone, the presence of the following, all felt the face white, dizzy, and stared at Venus.

"Do you want to fight?"

The singer of the square was slightly glimpsed, and walked straight out of the hall and looked up into the sky. Lang said: "Which martial arts passed through me, but I also asked for a narrative."

"Oh? There is also a fight in this place?"

Huang Heng's brow slightly wrinkled and fell directly on the ground. His gaze passed from the side of the Jingfangfang, and he looked straight to Ningqi. He laughed and said: "Ning Beixuan, I saw you, I still don't give it to the old man. get out!"

"Ningbei Xuan?"

"He is referring to that guy?"

"This person is also a fight, this son was actually chased by a fight before?"

Long Haoran looked at Ning Qi's eyes and was a little surprised.

"Huang Heng, you old dog, still chasing it all the way? How? Is it trying to kill me?"

Ning Qi sneered out and walked straight out of Longteng Commercial Bank, looking directly at Huang Heng without fear.

Dongfang Yulu was shocked. Huang Heng was the elder of Yudan Zong’s class. She had seen one side in the temple and heard the hatred between Ningqi and him. I did not expect that Huang Heng would appear today. Here, and the goal is Ning Qi, what do he want to do? Kill Ning Qi?

"This brother, is there a hatred between you and this son?"

The official of the Yuefang Square went to Huang Heng.

However, his face is not very good-looking, because Huang Heng ignored him before.

Huang Heng frowned and swept the master of the moon, and with his old loyalty, he saw that the realm of the square and the square was not stable enough, and he did not put it in his heart, and he was impatient. Head, said: "Yes, this child has a hatred with me. This Holy Spirit will kill him today. Do you have any opinions?"

"Where, I intend to suppress him in the next book. Since Xiongtai is here, let him give it to Xiongtai."

The main person of the Yuefangfang laughed and then made a glance at the crowd. The nearby guys were so excited that they let them go and suddenly made a lot of open space.

"Call my old dog, and let you have a mouthful of addiction, I hope you wait for the next cry, cry out and ask for mercy!"

Huang Heng determined that the Lord of the Moon Square was not with Ning Qi, and his heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked coldly at Ning Qi, and the anger in his eyes almost became a substance.


Not waiting for Ningqi's reaction, he shouted, and suddenly there was a huge hand-printed palm print in the void, directly pressing against Ningqi.


Ning Qi sneered with a low voice, and the three hundred feet of the Titan spirit condensed out behind him, punching like a giant behemoth to the huge palm print.

boom! !

A star-studded sacred out, enough to kill any giant palm of the peak, directly shattered by the Titan spirit.

"how is this possible!"

Huang Heng’s face showed a shocking color.


Everyone sucked in a cold air, and looked at the Titan spirit like the ancient demon **** with fear. What the **** is this, can it be a hard fight?

At this moment, the most shocking thing is that the Lord of the Square, he is a star-studded sacred, has a very intuitive understanding of the power of Huang Heng’s palm, and he is not very good to take it!

"This is the soul of the gods? The soul of this son is so terrible! What is his origin? Is it the recent rumored sacred arrogance?"

When I think of it, the Lord of the Moon Square can't help but think of what Ning Qi has said. The struggles of the two masters have been abandoned by him. Perhaps this is true...

"I am blind, he can't be so strong..."

Long Haoran was shocked and angry, and then he shook his head with self-deprecating, it must have been his eyes.

"The big treasurer, what to do, this guy looks like the fight can not be suppressed, if he waits for us to settle accounts, we are afraid that the whole army will be annihilated..."

A shopkeeper screamed at Long Haoran, letting him wake up from self-deception.

"Let's take a look, there are two fights here, you should be able to suppress him..."

Long Haoran whispered.

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