Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 837: Fang Shengwang

Eighty-three hundred and thirty-seventh chapter Fang Shengwang

This old man, according to his self-introduction, is one of the gatekeepers of the Holy Land of the Holy Emperor, a star-studded sacred, just like the janitor on the ordinary house.

However, he and Su Lingfeng seem to have known each other for a long time. They talked and laughed. They occasionally swept Ningqi with their eyes, and then they chatted with Su Lingfeng, as if they had never seen Ningqi.

"The use of the bucket to see the door, the foundation of the Holy Land of the Holy Emperor, is terrible..."

The Eastern Holocaust was secretly shocked.

In the land of Dong Xuan, there is a famous name of the fighting, but only a few hundred, this is still the whole East Xuan land together count, if you take out a top family alone, such as the Oriental family, the fighting level of the strong There are only thirteen people, and the Emperor does not come out. They are the strongest beings on the mainland. The identity of each is extremely honorable and does not show up all the year round.

It’s astounding to see the door of the Holy Land.

"Suecheng Lord, there are still three days from the test. In these three days, you will stay here for the time being. In addition to the forbidden place, you can visit my holy land."

The old man took everyone to a yard in a mountain and smiled.

"There are Laos elders."

Su Lingfeng smiled slightly.

"Suecheng is polite."

Wang Changla smiled and gave a few words and turned and left.

The arrival of Ningqi and others was seen in the eyes of the surrounding Son. Whether it was a foreign disciple, an inner disciple, or a true disciple, almost all of the news was obtained in the first time.

"You said, which of the group is Ning Beixuan?"

"I see that image."

Someone pointed to the Eastern Holocaust.

"Oh, indeed, it’s about the same as the rumor. It’s a battle."

Several sons nodded with some approval.

As for Ning Qi, they were subconsciously neglected. It is really that Ning Qi’s body is too weak, and weak is like a mortal. He is mistaken for being a servant.

"Ning brother, many people outside are pointing at them."

The Eastern Holocaust stood at the door of the courtyard and smiled.

"Don't bother."

Ning Qi smiled and turned into the yard. Xiao Liu taught him the secret technique. He had to study it carefully. Three days was enough.

Just at this time, suddenly several figures came to the air and landed at the gate of the yard.

"It is Ma Handong!"

"How did he come? Want to be a horse?"

"Even the dust sorcerer sisters are planted in the hands of Ning Beixuan, with Ma Handong's cultivation, may not have this head?"

"It's hard to say that Ma Handong is better than the dust mites. Look at the fluctuations in his body. It should not take long before he can break through to the eight-star battle, and the sons of Ma Shengwang. All of them are supreme arrogance. I am afraid that there will be no less than three people in the holy land of the holy land."

"I have seen Ma Shixiong."

Watching the lively Sons nearby, they marched forward.

Ma Handong nodded faintly and stared directly at the Eastern Holocaust. He said, "Are you Ning Beixuan? The injury of my third brother, is it that you made it? His marriage is destroyed by you?"

Ning Qi has already been two meters high, Ma Handong's taller body, similar to a basketball star on the earth, higher than Ning Qi.

The Eastern Holocaust has some innocent people who are innocent, and said: "Hey, he is the one you are looking for."


"He is not Ning Beixuan?"

"That guy is?"

Everyone was a little surprised.

After all, Ning Qi’s breath in their eyes is just like the mortal, and there is no imposing manner.

Ma Handong heard the words and frowned at Ning Qi.

"Your third brother? Oh, Ma Wei, the injury on his body is indeed what I got, as for marriage..."

Ning Qi slanted Ma Handong: "Turn me off?"

"Do you dare to spit dirty words?"

Ma Handong's brow slightly wrinkled.

"I see that you are not good, can you still say good words?"

Ning Qi laughed.

"Don't think that there is Su Lingfeng supporting you, you can be so daring, no matter what background you are, the dragon is a worm, and I will swear to me in the Holy Land of the Qing Dynasty. Today, I will collect interest for my three brothers. You are so bad, leave it to my older brother to collect."

Ma Handong sneered aloud and directly reached out to catch Ningqi.

However, he just raised his hand, Su Lingfeng appeared next to Ning Qi, flexing his finger, a white light directly shot at Ma Handong's arm.

Ma Handong's body was shaken, and he stepped back three or four steps. On his arm, a purple bruise appeared.

"Sue City Lord, do you really want to be a kid with this Qing Dynasty holy land?"

Ma Handong looked at Su Lingfeng without fear.

Although Su Lingfeng is already a star-studded emperor, Ma Handong did not put him in his eyes. He did not say that his grandfather Ma Yuansheng Ma Shengwang, and his big brother Ma Shen and the breakthrough to the Emperor, can easily suppress Su Lingfeng.

"It’s strange, you can represent the entire Holy Land of the Holy Land with a holy son? Where do you put those holy kings and the young emperors?"

Su Lingfeng laughed.

Su Qingqing and Su Ao Ri also rushed out. Seeing this scene, Su Ao's face showed a hint of gloating and sorrow, Su Qingqing was somewhat worried, and the sly Chao Ningqi said: "Northern Son, this time. I am tired of you."

"No problem."

Ning Qi's faint voice.

Ma Handong's look is unchanged: "If the Son cannot represent the Holy Land, why should he be holy?"

When this statement came out, it immediately attracted the resonance of the nearby saints. They all spoke up to support Ma Handong.

"Oh, it’s not the son of the Holy Land, the arrogance is extraordinary, but..."

Su Lingfeng smirked: "The North Xuanzi has an agreement with your older brother. It seems that you are doing something like this today. Or are you afraid that the horse **** will be defeated by the North Xuanzi, deliberately coming to test?"

Ma Handong’s eyes flashed a touch of fineness, and Su Lingfeng said that he was right. He came here today without aiming, but the horse **** and told him.

The purpose is to test Ning Qi.

However, Ma Handong naturally would not admit it. He smirked: "I have no other purpose here today, but it is difficult to swallow this bad smell in my heart. If the Soviet city has a younger brother, I naturally understand the idea of ​​my brother. Not only ruining the three brothers’ marriages, but also hurting my three younger brothers. If I don’t give him a lesson, what is the face of my Ma’s family?”

"Ma Handong said that it is good. My son of the Holy Land of the Qing Dynasty is so humiliating? Su Lingfeng, since you have promised this marriage, you must not cancel it for no reason. Otherwise, how do outsiders see my holy land?"

I don't know when a middle-aged man has appeared next to Ma Handong. After he swiftly swept Ningqi, he looked at Su Ling's wind.

When the nearby Son and Ma Handong saw it, they quickly said: "The disciple has seen the ‘Fang Shengwang’.”

Fang Qinqi, one of the seventy-two holy kings of the Holy Land, the Samsung Emperor, has been rumored to have lived for more than 20,000 years. Even the current Qing Emperor was once his younger generation.

Although it is not high, but the status and reputation, in the Qingdi Holy Land is extraordinary, Ma Yuansheng met, but also have to give a face, shouting a teacher.

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