Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 839: Am I late?

Are you late for the VIIIth chapter?

"You are talking to me?"

Xiaoliu frowned.

"if not?"

Su proud day sneered.

"What qualifications do you have to talk to me? Play while you go."

Xiaoliu rolled his eyes and turned and left.

Su Ao Ri was suddenly mad, and he glanced at the sky, his face showing a sneer, time is coming soon, Ning Qi will not come out again, he will accept the punishment!

Thinking of this, Suo Ao left the yard directly. In this mountain range, there are dense figures everywhere. Su Ao’s heart is slightly estimated, plus outside disciples, inner disciples, true disciples, and masters of the battle. It is estimated that there are millions of people!

According to different identities, the people were divided into groups. For example, more than a dozen holy kings came here, and they were chatting with Su Lingfeng in the empty sky above the heads of others. Others did not dare to fly higher than them.

Su Aoyi saw the position of the Son of the Holy Land, such as Ma Rong, at a glance, and the smile flew over.

"Su Ao Ri, my older brother is coming soon, Ning Beixuan?"

Ma Wei looked at Su Ao, the cold road.

Before because of his mistakes in the strength of Ning Qi, he was a shame in public, and his heart was still somewhat dissatisfied with Su Ao Ri!

Hey, all the saints and saints have looked at Su’s Day.

Suo Niu snorted and yelled at the crowd: "I have already investigated it. He is not in the yard. This kid is likely to flee!"

Fear of absconding?

A group of saints and saints have a weird smile on their faces. Su Sao’s statement, they have some beliefs, let alone Ning Qi, if they are replaced by their gods, if there is no punishment, they are afraid to escape.

Unfortunately, the Qing emperor’s battle came out and wanted to escape? Idiot said dreams.

"Oh, I have never seen what the punishment of the day looks like. If this child escapes, it will be what I want."

Ma Handong snorted.

"Mr. Ma is right, I want to see what the punishment is like."

"me too."

A group of holy sons and daughters laughed in harmony.

Ningbei Xuan escaped?

Su Shengri’s voice was deliberately not depressed, so in addition to the saints and saints, other true disciples, inside and outside disciples, to see the masters of the lively parties, I heard it, the news is like a plague, and it spreads millions of times in an instant. People, in the end, directly from: Ningbei Xuan suspected to escape, turned into: Ning Beixuan has been afraid to abscond.

This time, the mountains here are bustling.

They are all specially coming to watch the battle. If one of the protagonists has escaped, it is not a glimpse. Many people directly screamed and cursed the sorrowful spirit of Ningqi.

However, some people were still very calm. They swept the emperor headed by Fang Shengwang and Ma Shengwang in the sky, waiting quietly.

If Ning Qi really escaped, where would this group of fighters stand so safely?

"Young Master, this Ning Beixuan, will it really be that Ning Beixuan?"

Behind the square of the disciples of the Holy Land of the Holy Emperor, Ximen Longyisan brothers and Ximenkong stood behind the Ximen Mountain. Among them, Ximenkong asked some suspicions.

Ximen Lushan has recently successfully entered the Qingdi Holy Land and became one of the 100,000 inner disciples. He believes that with his qualifications, it will take a long time to promote his true disciples and finally become hundreds of sons. One of them, embarked on the peak of his life!

However, since I heard the things of Ma Shen and Ning Qi, the mood of Ximen Lushan in the past few days has been somewhat bad. I want to see if the two mountains in Ningbei are the same person. But the door did not come out, so that his intentions fell through, and only with everyone, standing here anxiously waiting.

"It is impossible to be the same person. I admit that Ning Bei Xuan is very strong, but it is absolutely not strong enough to suppress the five fights at the same time. It should be the same name."

The faint road of Ximen Mountain.

"Call~ That's good."

Ximen was relieved.

As long as he remembered the scene that had been suppressed by Ningqi, he would wake up from his sleep, and he was expecting a revenge on his own day, giving him the humiliation of Ningqi and returning to Ningqi, but if Ningqi really grew up. To the point where he can suppress the five fights, I am afraid that his expectations will be lost. In this life, I don’t want to take revenge. Ximenkong naturally does not want to see this scene.

The three men of Ximenlong and his thoughts were the same. After hearing the words of Ximen Mountain, the three people also sighed with relief.

"Hey, the horse **** is coming!"

"It's him!"

"The two people around him are..."

"It is Jianghuai and Li Xueyin, the other three sons!"

"I don't think they are coming, the three great sons are gathered together, we are not white this time."

"Li Xueyin is as rumored as the rumor, the country is beautiful, the beauty is unparalleled! I don't know who can win this woman in the future, it is a virtue of ten generations!"

Everyone envied, admired, admired and looked at the three men. The horse **** **** around, followed by a young man and a woman, the youth face with a cynical smile, the woman with a frosty face, the three finally flew to the horse Yuan Sheng and Fang Qin were in front of everyone, and bowed their hands.

"Well, well, Jianghuai, your cultivation is progressing, and you can become an emperor in the future."

Not waiting for Ma Yuansheng to open his mouth, Fang Qinyu occupied his deepest qualifications and became the leader of the holy king of this place. He took the lead and praised it.

"Where is the place, Fang Sheng Wang praised it."

Jianghuai laughed and laughed. Then he glanced at the crowd and asked some questions: "How? Does Ning Beixuan still not come out?"

"Great shelf."

Li Xueyin's cold road.

The horse **** **** smiled and seemed to carelessly look at the sky. "According to the agreed time, there is still a fragrant martial arts. If he does not come out, I can also see what it is like to know how to punish."

Said, he looked at Su Lingfeng, his mouth slightly raised.

Su Lingfeng seemed to feel the meaning of his provocation. He smiled and nodded, and talked with Ma Yuansheng. It was only in the depths of his eyes that he flashed a sense of anxiety that could not be perceived by the people.

Ma Yingmu looked at the horses and squats with each other.

Not only him, but all the Sons secretly envy and envy in the heart. In addition to the three great sons, the remaining Holy Son is not qualified to stand with the Holy King.

"Time is up? Ning Beixuan really escaped?"

Ma Handong suddenly sneered.

This sentence is like igniting the fuze of the firecracker. This place suddenly picks up and ridicules. The area is a scattered repair, and the shelf is bigger than the holy king!

If this child is not afraid to flee, is it difficult to get out?

"Oh, it looks like he is afraid to come out."

Jianghuai seems to laugh and laugh.

"Ling Feng, you look at this time."

Ma Yuansheng smiled.

Fang Qinyu sneered: "The waste of a Qing emperor battle monument."

At this moment, the gate of the yard suddenly opened, and a figure slowly came out. He glanced at the million monks in the area and smirked: "Is it late?"

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