Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 918: Fairy blood

The ninth and eighteenth chapter of the fairy blood

"The instrument?"

Ning Qi heard a new term, and his eyes were slightly brighter.

“Hey! The system goes into an upgrade state. Before the upgrade is completed, the host can’t use the Dragon Mall, so stay tuned, 1%...”

The system's prompt tone sounded in vain, almost scared Ningqi jump.


Ning Qi’s eyes flashed a trace of suspicious color. Plus this time, he only met twice. The first time was naturally a system BUG, ​​which gave him the god-level gongfalong and the god-level martial arts dragon 18 Palm.

This time, it is obvious that after he heard the law, the system began to upgrade, coincidence?

"Forget it, don't want to do this, wait for them to come over at any time, and quickly decide!"

Ning Qi continued to look at the shadow wine. "You greedy wolf sects will never be idle and have nothing to do. Put the life and death book in the land of Dong Xuan and kill Tianjiao. What is the purpose?"

Shadow wine is sluggish: "The law of life and death is 'search', it can search for the most talented people in Dong Xuan, and this person is probably the descendant of the existence, even the son, not only The greedy wolf sect, all the sacred gates of 'Zongtian' have a life and death book, the ultimate goal is to erase all the crisis that will happen!"

"You mean, the existence of the book of life and death is just to kill a certain person. As for others, it is equivalent to burying, why not let go?"

Ning Qi looks awe-inspiring.

Shadow wine nodded: "This is the case."

"The one you said in your mouth, who is he? Why do you even fear that his descendants will kill in this way?"

Ning Qi has some shock in his heart.

The book of life and death has existed for hundreds of years. For hundreds of years, it has erased countless days of arrogance that may break through the realm of the martial arts. All this is because the greedy wolf sect wants to kill one's descendants, and the guy is also unavoidable. Too scary?

"He doesn't know."

The door slammed open, and Tuoba walked in with a smile. He followed Hou Jin and Chen Ziqiong behind him. The two looked at Ning Qi with amazement.

The shadow of the wine on the face of the struggling color, and sure enough, he could not answer the question of Ning Qi.

"You didn't go to the cloud?"

Ning Qi looked at Tuoba, and at the same time, he was ready to leave the area at any time.

"Of course I didn't go, the smell of your body, I smell it all at once, just like the one that was carved out like a mold, as for leaving the Baidi Building in front of you, just to determine the conjecture in my heart, is it That's right."

Tuoba smiled and looked at Ning Qi.

Ning Qi’s heart flashed a chill.

That person? Who is the one in his mouth? He smells what smells in me? Did he see the existence of the same Titan blood?

"Is the breath of the blood of my extinct Titans, has it leaked?"

One thought, like a flash of light, flashed through Ning Qi’s mind.

Didn't leave the first time, why not because there are too many doubts in Ning Qi's heart, he really wants to know the truth of all this!

Tuoba 佞 some greedy look up and down, swearing: "I can't think of it, the rumor is true, when the existence and his wife broke into this place, it really has children, count the age, you should have three this year Is it 187 years old?"

"Three hundred and eighty-seven years old..."

Ning Qi’s face suddenly became extremely weird. He looked at Tuoba and said seriously: “I have been twenty-three years since I was born. If I am a virtual person, I should be twenty-four years old.”

"What? How is it possible! You are already fighting for the peak, how can it be only twenty-four years old? At this point, do you want to deceive me?"

The top of the 佞 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微

"If you don't believe it, then."

Ning Qi already understands that the other party is confessing the wrong person. He mistakes himself for the son of the existence. In time, he is not right. He is unlikely to be the guy who has always wanted to kill.

Only now, the other party obviously has misunderstood the matter. It is impossible to be good, so Ning Qi inspired the sovereign token.

A ray of light flashed from Ning Qi, the next moment, Ning Qi did not come to the Temple of War, still standing in front of the top.

"what happened?"

Ning Qi flashed a stunned color in his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, there was a glimmer of color: "Sure enough, the son of the existence, your means, almost broke my law."

As soon as the words of the law were just exported, Ning Qi discovered that there was a faint golden glow around him, with golden runes on it, and seemed to cover himself.

"This is my law, ‘town’, has already condensed a hundred, even if you are the strongman in the early days of the battlefield, you can’t break through for a moment.”

The extension strategy smiled intently.

Hou Jin and Chen Ziqiong saw this scene, and his face was envious and adoring.

The law!

They are only half a step away from Doo Dan, and they have initially realized their own rules. However, there is only one thing. Compared with the extension, the gap is more than 100 times!

"The power of the law!"

Ning Qi’s eyes showed a hint of horror. He really didn’t think that the power of the law could be strong enough. Even the products of the Dragon Mall could be affected. It can be seen that certain specialities of the Dragon Mall are in possession. In the face of the power of the law, it is not a detached existence, it will still be affected, interrupted, or even broken!

Tuoba took a deep breath and his face showed a refreshing feeling. He gently touched Ning Qi's eyebrows, and Ningqi had no time to respond, and he was hit by the other side.

At this moment, he suddenly felt his own sea explosion, a breath of incomparable breath, rushing out of the sea of ​​knowledge, on the head of Ning Qi, turned into a giant shouting, the giant left hand Holding the axe, holding the hammer in the right, the eyes look like two burning suns, everything is empty!

"This is not a deadly species!"

Ning Qi looked at this scene with shock.

"I saw it? This is your 'Fairy Blood'. Besides your father, you are probably the only one in the world who has the blood of the immortal. Oh, although I really want your blood, but I know, My strength can't be saved, but I can give you to the Sovereign, at least, in exchange for the inexhaustible resources I have used for hundreds of years! Even, I can give me a top-grade implement!"

After Tuoba saw this illusion, he laughed happily.

Hou Jin and Chen Ziqiong, the heart is very embarrassed, if it is not because of the strength of the extension, they really want to take Ning Qi as their own!

"The blood of the immortals... my father..."

Ning Qi suddenly found that the other party did not seem to admit the wrong person, and he did hide something he didn't even know!

At this moment, the shadow of Ning Qi’s head suddenly turned his head and looked at the screaming face of a smirk, and Tuoba saw this scene, his face suddenly stagnated.

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