Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 935: Unscrupulous guest

The ninth and thirty-fifth chapter of the unscrupulous guest

"Lin Shi brother, how many months later will it start?"

Although Ning Qi had heard that the ten-year ratio was about to open this year, but he did not listen carefully, so after leaving the temple, he asked Lin Long.

Lin Long dared to know these things and said directly: "March and five days."

After a pause, he sneaked a look at Ning Qi: "You are not planning to participate in this big ratio? Ning Shidi, the brother advised you, or dismissed this idea, like our external door without the teacher Disciples, more than a thousand people, only more than ten refining ten-order grand perfect brothers are eligible to participate in this big ratio, but they are still not the opponents of the three elders pro-disciples, after all, we are ten Only one and a half months can you listen to a class, and if they have problems in their practice, they can ask the three elders at any time. The starting line is different."

Lin Long dared to speak the long way.

"It's fine, I just want to know the time. It's not necessarily not to go."

Ning Qi smiled.

Bo Guzong's fellow disciples, in addition to Liu Dongyu, he is somewhat jealous, even if it is Lu Qing, he is also sure not to rely on the soul, not relying on the Dragon Sword, directly crushed in the flesh!

However, there are still three months, but you can go out and look for some advanced opportunities.

the next day.

Outside the gate.


A foreigner who was a ninth-order refinery ran in, and his face showed a hint of panic.

"What happened? Furry!"

Lin Long dared to look at him without a good gas, Ning Qi also just got up, ready to take a few excuses in Bogu Zong down the mountain.

The veteran disciple of the ninth-order refinement had some fearful words: "The elders of the **** moon, the elders of the ancient Datong of Zhengjian, and the elders of the bones of the temple, brought their disciples to us. Boguzong is a guest! I saw the mountain gates they entered, or the elders of the Lu Qian war personally received!"

"What? What do these three sects do! You must be unwilling!"

Lin Long dared to jump.

The rest of the disciples looked at each other and looked at each other. When Ningqi saw it, he asked Lin Long to whisper: "Mr. Lin, why are these three sects coming to this place?"

Lin Long dared to look around and took Ning Qi to the corner. He whispered: "You haven’t been in the class for a long time. You know, our lord was beaten by a mid-level fighter in the middle of the road." Was it seriously injured? Because of this, all the major sects in the vicinity are now watching us from Bogu Zong, trying to capture the gods of our Bogu Zong! Before you came, these three sects had already secretly made more than a dozen hands. Being reconciled by the three elders, I can’t think of it. The other party’s blatant coming to us, Boguzong, must be unscrupulous!”

"It turns out that it is no wonder that Lu Qing wants me to come to Bo Guzong. According to Lin Long, this is that Bo Guzong is now a wind and rain, with all sides enemies, and one more disciple of refining the tenth order, which is more powerful. This is being pulled up."

Ning Qi’s eyes flashed a taunting color.

At this time, before I lost a foreign disciple token to Ning Qi’s deacon elder, he came in again. He was called 'Song Ming', and he was similar to Liu Dongyu. He did not step into the battlefield. However, I have already understood my own rules. Ning Qi has inquired about this existence. There are more than 20 people in Boguzong. Only three or two of them were cultivated by Boguzong himself. The rest were before joining Boguzon. Scattered.

If Bo Guzong is the highest in the status of the sovereign, the three elders are the second. After that, it is Liu Dongyu, the only inner disciple. After that, it is the turn of the three elders, such as Lu Qing Lu Feng, and the elders like Song Ming. It is equivalent to Lu Qing’s status.

Later, it is the top presence of the disciples in the outer door. The group of ten-dimensional refining guys are then arranged in depth according to the repairs. Like Ningqi and Lin Long dare, the status is only better than the refining nine. Orders, eighth, seventh, these are inconspicuous, and the disciples who have not yet grown up are stronger.

Song Ming faintly swept the crowd and said: "Because the three major sects come to be a guest, some disciples with ten refinements are needed to wait for one or two. I pick ten people and go to the name to follow me."

In a word, he called nine names in a row. Among them, Lin Long dare, the nine people who were called, did not look good. The last one, Song Ming swept Ning Qi, and ordered him. : "Just you, go with me!"

"Yes, Song deacon."

Everyone answered in unison.

Although they are not willing, they can't help.

Those who were originally responsible for entertaining guests were those who were refining the ninth and even eighth-order disciples. The tenth-order disciples of the refining were all suffering and would not be arranged for this kind of work. However, some of the guests’ status was When they are taller, they need them to support the scene.


Bogu Zonghui living room.

The blood elders, the elders, the great swords, the elders, the ancient elders, the white bones, the elders, and the emperors, all sitting in the armchairs, behind the three, each stood ten disciples, three of them breathe, very similar to Liu Dongyu It is obviously the arrogance of the power of the law.

Although Lu Qianzhan was sitting in the main position, but the movements were somewhat stiff, the three people of Lu Qing stood behind Lu Qian, and looked at each other's disciples and looked at each other.

Lu Qianzhan knows that these three old guys came to Boguzong, absolutely unconcerned, but now the Sovereign is seriously injured and retreat, Wen Hao and another great elder Wang Quan, let him go out to the virtual and the snake, to test the intention of the other party, Lu Qianzhan Also had to bite the scalp and sit in front of the three.

Although the four are both first-class masters in the early days of the battlefield, Lu Qianzhan himself knows that he only condenses the power of one hundred and twenty laws, while the **** moon teaches more than 900 rules. The power, not long after, can break through the terrible existence in the middle of the fighting.

The second time, the ancient Datong, also condensed the power of more than 800 laws, the interpretation of the magic heart and Gu Datong's strength is comparable, three people can easily beat themselves.

"The three came to Bogu Zong this time. I don't know what is going on?"

Lu Qianzhe cleared his throat and smiled slightly.

"Come to Bogu Zong, can't you even drink tea?"

Gu Da Tong mouth hangs a hint of ridicule.

After a slight glimpse of Lu Qian, he smiled and said: "The tea will come soon, and it will come soon."

"Well, drink tea, let me talk."

Ferris also nodded slightly.

As for the release of the devil, it has always been the nose and nose.

At this time, several foreign disciples came in with tea and came in. The Lu Qing three people standing behind the Lu Qian battle had a slight glimpse, because one of them was Ning Qi who had returned from the middle of the road.

Ning Qi seems to have not seen them, and went straight to the ancient Chase. At this time, Gu Datong suddenly hangs a strange smile on his face. Ning Qi’s eyes move slightly, feeling a mysterious force driving himself to lean forward. Body, then, the tea is all poured on the ancient Datong.


The disciple behind Gu Datong who was almost the same as Liu Dongqi immediately stood up and looked at Ning Qi with anger.

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