Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 948: Unearthed from the gods

The ninth forty-eighth chapter unearthed from the gods

Everyone has big eyes and small eyes, and they dare not enter the freak without permission. Obviously, when the gods are unearthed, there will be a lot of movements. When there are more strong people coming to compete, if someone is found inside, maybe it is straightforward. It was pinched to death, and the group of people in front of them were not willing to leave, and there was no way to do it.

"Sure enough, it is a god, and heaven helps me!"

Ning Qi did not hesitate to rush into the fetish.

"This guy is crazy!"

"There will be a strong fighter in the battlefield soon. If the fighting spirit who grabs the fetish finds someone who dares to enlighten the law in his own god, this kid will die!"

"Oh, don't bother, this son is a human being at first glance. If you die, you will die."

Everyone heard the words, and the face suddenly showed a hint of ridicule.

There are more than ten ‘people’ in the audience, only three are human races, and the rest are all dragons and monsters.

"Ha ha ha! Really a fetish! Fortunately, the instrument I brought to Bogu Zong this time was not returned to the sovereign, otherwise I really don't know how to charge it!"

Gu Datong came down from the air and fell in front of everyone. His attention was focused on the gods in front of him. He didn't look at the nearby guys.

"The fighting spirit is coming!"

Everyone knows this, and he still sighs in his heart, and some enviously look at Gu Datong.

At the same time, there are several other battles in the world.

Gu Datong’s face changed, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice a piece of the original instrument. It was a lantern lacking the wick. In the Sinwu mainland, the instrument used to collect the gods was just out. The unearthed fetish was instantly inhaled by the lantern. In the lantern without the wick, there was a bright and indefinite light.

The earliest group of guys saw this scene, and they had already sentenced Ningqi to death. In his mind, no matter how long he had been enlightened, he would die.

"Human! I am also afraid to grab the gods of the Dragon God battlefield? Really looking for death!"

The existence of several battlefields is a dragon, a monster, a human race, and the former two have been transformed. If the atmosphere is different from the human race, it is impossible to distinguish it!

The dragon is shaped like a strong man. The demon animal is a young man. As for the human race, it is a white-haired old man. When he saw the ancient Chase, his face changed slightly, apparently recognizing the ancient Chase. .

At this moment, the dragon and the strong man fell in front of the ancient Datong, watching the lanterns in his hands.

"First come and come, I will come here first, this **** is naturally mine, can you still want to grab the past from me?"

Gu Datong sneered.

The law of the dragon and the strong man is not strong, and there are only a hundred or so roads at most, which is different from him. As for the young man and the old man, it is even weaker. It is similar to the Bo Qianzong’s Lu Qianzhan, so Gu Datong did not take this. The three people put it in their hearts, but after collecting the gods, the lantern could not be taken into the body, and it was dangerous to carry it away from the battlefield of the Dragon God.

"Since we saw it, it should be equal."

The young smiled slightly.

The white-haired old man heard the words and nodded.

"I remember you, is the second elder of Ziweizong? I am Zhengdajian Zonggu Datong. If you decide to be an enemy with me, then I will be visiting you at the gate of a sword!"

Gu Datong looked sneer at the old man.

"The ancient elders, you can do this without rules!"

The two elders of Ziweizong’s face changed slightly.

"so what?"

Gu Datong snorted and turned and left.

When the elders of Ziweizong saw it, he hesitated and stood still. He knew that he was not an opponent of Gu Datong. He calculated his hand and only beat him. He also had no lanterns to collect the gods. So, he looked To the dragon and the monster.

Sure enough, the dragon strong man obviously will not let Gu Datong easily leave this place, and he looked at the young man and directly attacked Gu Datong.

"The Terran, leaving the fetish, otherwise you will not be able to walk the battlefield of the Dragon!"

"At least you have to share with me, eating a single-eater is easy to die!"

"court death!"

Gu Datong screamed, his body trembled, and he saw a ripple in the air flashing through it. A powerful force of law rushed out of his body and swept away.

A terrible weight, instantly pressed against the two, they snorted and crawled on the ground and could not move.

"The power of his law should be 'mountain'!"

The dragon and the brawny were shocked by the young man's body. They used their own laws to break away from the ‘cage’ made by Gu Datong, and rushed to chase after the ancient Datong.

The purple elders saw the elders and chased them up. He didn't want to fight with the ancient Datong, but the temptation of the gods was too big. He wanted to see if he could fish in troubled waters.

Not long after, the ancient Chase has escaped tens of thousands of miles away, but now there are more than three tails behind him. Some of the early defenders who passed by the nearby Buddhism found the lantern in his hand, immediately Also participated in this chase.

Fortunately, he did not encounter the strong in the middle of the battlefield.


The battle outside has nothing to do with Ning Qi.

Ning Qi did not know that the light source he was in was taken into the instrument by Gu Datong.

He is very comfortable now, just like a starving ghost. Suddenly there is a delicious banquet in front of him. This feeling is indescribable.

At Bogu Zong, Ning Qi was able to swallow nearly 100 rules of the fish in one day, but now he is more than twice as fast.

Just two hundred rules of the fish into the stomach, he is completely full, want to swallow again, need to digest for a while.

In Danhai, the power of the law on the whirlpool is getting stronger and stronger, and it is not far from the true condensed rule!


"The old man of Ziweizong, you are dead, when I return to the Zongmen, I will wash my neck and wait for me to visit you!"

The ancient Datong, who was wounded and wounded, finally escaped from the battlefield of the Dragon God. The dragons and the monsters stopped, and their faces stared at the ancient Datong. They dared not chase them out because the repair of Gu Datong was not weak. In the early days of the battlefield, it was considered to be the top. It will not be able to take him for a while. If the time of dragging is long, the seven elders who met at the border will not be able to escape!

Leaving a threat, the body of Gu Datong was gone, and the blink of an eye disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

Ziweizong two elders face is a bit ugly, greedy heart let him follow the ancient Datong all the way, not only did not hope to get the gods, but let the ancient Datong remember hate, a trace of regret from his eyes flashed, only For fear of a period of time, Ziweizong and Zhengyijian will have a fierce battle.

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