Super Dragon Slaughtering System

Chapter 977: Apprentice

The ninth seventy-seventh chapter

"It should be him."

Chu Xian also had a trace of uncertainty. He followed a passer-by and asked about it. After learning that Ning’s seniors really pointed out Ning Qi, her face was even more pale.

"Dou Danjing? Ning Beixuan's achievement in the battlefield?"

Oriental Smart and others are shocked and look at each other.

"Interesting, you can still be such a master in the land of Dong Xuan? Where is he now, I am going to visit."

There was a hint of joy in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, son, are you going to visit him?"

Chu Xian and others heard the words, their faces are not very good-looking.

He whispered a little, haha ​​smiled: "I remembered it. I heard that you have some connection with him. I heard that the ancestors of the family were suppressed by Ning Beixuan. Change, the mainland pattern is not the same as before. As long as he knows that I am a child of the family, I will definitely give me a thin face. When I can help you ask the family's ancestors, the East is smart, you can inquire. Look at where Ning Bei Xuan is."

The Oriental Smart nodded and walked toward several monks on the street.

There is some urgency in the hearts of the people. It seems that I want to recruit Ningqi. If Ningqi also joins the family, then their nine families will have no place.

"Oh, if you can recruit a master in the early days of the battlefield for my family, the homeowner will definitely have a reward."

There are two muscle-knotted big men standing next to each other. They are the guards of the demon-like beasts sent by the elder brother. On the way, Chu Xian and others are quite jealous of these two people. Before the world changes, this is the case. The existence, that is the first-class demon, not to mention them, even the ancestors of the family, are not qualified to talk with them.

Nowadays, such a presence is arranged in the vicinity of this area as a guard, and the strength of the family is evident.

"Hua, I don't have to say it, I know."

A faint road.

"It’s a tiger’s mouth.”

The big man grinned.

Tiger II looked at his eyes, but flashed a trace of disdain.

If you are not in the blood of your family, how can he be sent to this backcountry when he seduce the tenth-level peak monsters of the law.

"If I am still in the family, I might have the chance to get into the gods. It is full of lightning laws. If I can comprehend one or two, I can break through to the battlefield."

There are some dissatisfaction in the mind of Tiger II.

“I have heard that Yunqizong has some properties in the capital, and Ningbeixuan is in one of the small courtyards!”

The Oriental Smarter walked quickly to the side, whispering.

"We are in the past!"

He smiled a little.


In a small courtyard.

Because no one has cleaned it for a long time, this place is covered with dust and spider webs. Ning Qi gently waved his hand, and the frost law swept out in an instant, covering everything in the small courtyard. After the breath, the dust and spider webs were all frozen. Into the powder, and the table and chairs below, but not hurt.

In just a moment, the small courtyard will be completely new.


The door was knocked.

Ning Qi looked up and looked at it. When he reached out and grabbed it, the door opened automatically. The thirteen emperors standing at the door saw a strange color.

Behind him, he followed a group of young men and women with the same face change, with more than twenty people, many of them familiar faces.

"Ning, Ning's predecessors, this time rushing to visit, but also hope not to be strange."

The thirteen emperors did not dare to come in, just standing at the door and facing the Ningqi archway.

"Thirteen emperors, please come in."

Ning Qi smiled and nodded.

“Thank you for your nephew!”

The thirteen emperor’s eyes flashed a glimmer of joy, and he quickly came in, and the group of young men and women behind him sighed with relief.

They asked the thirteen emperors to come forward, and sure enough, after learning that Ning Qi reappeared in the rivers and lakes and achieved the battle of Daowian, these honoured children were very upset and very interested in looking for a chance to visit Ning Qi. However, in the capital, there is not a good relationship with Ningqi.

Tianshengyuan Jinsheng predecessors, they please do not move.

The former Sanpin Jinyi **** Oriental Holocaust was not in Beijing.

Finally, I thought about it. I heard that Ning Qi smiled at the Yunwu Building in the 13th Emperor. They wanted to invite the 13 emperors to come and visit. Ningqi would not blame them even if they didn’t see them, and the 13th Emperor had this. In the plan, they will push the boat, and it turns out that their guess is correct.

Everyone sat down in the living room, Ning Qi sat in the main position and smiled at the crowd: "There is only one person at the moment, I can't give tea to you, you don't want to be surprised."


Everyone sucked a cold breath and was very surprised.

In the rumor, Ning Beixuan is not arrogant, just killing hundreds of people in Wuwangfu. At this moment, it seems that there is no shelf at all.

"Ning seniors laughed."

The thirteen emperors quickly handed over to the hand: "Before the inferior people come to take the liberty, they are already rude, and they dare to drink tea."

"Thirteen emperors, after you and I had a war, have you seen it for several years?"

Ning Qi smiled and said.

In the eyes of the thirteen emperors, there was a hint of cherished color: "It is true that it has not been seen for more than five years."

"In the first battle, I was very happy to play. You didn't press me as the emperor. So, if you ask for it today, you can mention one. As long as I can do it, I will help. you."

Ning Qi smiled.

Everyone heard the words, and suddenly envied the look of the thirteen princes.

In the eyes of the thirteen emperors, there was a touch of surprise color. The subconscious mind: "Ning seniors, is this true?"

After that, he knew that his sentence was a bit rude. Just thinking about how to remedy, Ning Qi had smiled and said: "Nature is true."

"That, Ning seniors, I, can I worship you as a teacher?"

The thirteen emperors were careful.

"You want to worship me as a teacher?"

Ning Qi’s mouth is slightly raised, and he smiles slyly: “I am acquainted with the Eastern Holocaust peers. If you worship me as a teacher, you will have to shout a teacher when you see this original Sanpin Jinyi eunuch.”

"No problem! If the predecessors of Ning are willing to accept the next act, they will call him 10,000 times, and 100,000 times will be fine for the uncle!"

The thirteen emperors did not hesitate to kneel in front of Ningqi.

"Hey nine heads, you are my disciple."

Ning Qi smiled slightly.

The thirteen emperors were ecstatic, and they smashed nine heads directly. The front of the ground was knocked out of a small pit. The young men and women who came with the thirteen emperors were so embarrassed that they just wanted to talk, but outside. There was a hearty laugh.

"Ningbei Xuan can be inside? You are a family member, and you come here."

"The children of the family? The family of the four families?"

Everyone heard the words, look at it!

Didn't wait for Ningqi to answer, the other party seemed to have opened the door, followed by a series of footsteps.

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