Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 1011: Wusu City

Chapter 111: Wusu City

He couldn't figure out why Jiayi Mingyun Lanlan Mountain was stronger, but why did he still agree with the Yun family to take Xia Rongrong?

However, there is no way he can do this, because Yun Lanshan is stronger, it is A and B, not himself!

Now that Jiayi has said it, there must be his reasons, although Su Qiubai is a little unacceptable to this result!

But at the same time, he understood that if it weren't for A and B, he would probably be dead, and the result of the Xia Rongrong family would be even more miserable!

All of this made him realize more clearly that if he is strong enough, everything will be done according to his ideas, not like now!

But soon, the old driver revived.

No one knows that he has a super system, so he believes that he will surely become a powerful warrior. At that time, he can protect his loved ones, his homeland, and everything he wants to protect!

Therefore, he smiled at Xia Rongrong and took the initiative to walk towards Xia Rongrong.

"I'm leaving……"

Softly, Xia Rongrong said, her eyes were full of struggle and perseverance.

Last night, the scene of two people next to the Qinghe kept appearing in her mind!

But now, she is leaving again, full of helplessness.

"Wait for me, I'll pick you up, and at that time ... definitely won't let you leave me again!"

His eyes were firm, Su Qiubai said softly.

His heart was also full of perseverance, but he didn't want Xia Rongrong to see his sadness, so he laughed more happily.

Looking at his eyes seriously, eventually Xia Rongrong nodded.

"I'll wait for you, whether it's life ... or death!"

In a word, the old driver shook his body. At this moment, he fully understood how hot the girl was to herself, but she didn't want to say it!

He couldn't help but wanted to hold Xia Rongrong in his arms, but in the end he didn't.

He worried that he would not be able to accept it, but annoyed Xia Rongrong.

Therefore, when Xia Rongrong finally entered the spacecraft, she saw Su Qiubai's last expression as a smile!

In this way, the spacecraft left, there was no stay, and there was no meaning to be attached to it, and he did not hesitate to walk!

After watching the spaceship disappeared completely, Su Qiubai looked back after the sun tilted down again.

"Strength ... it really is the most important thing."

A bitter smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and he whispered to himself.

"Yes, powerful strength can determine everything. This is the survival law of the universe!"

With the words A and B resounding, both of them disappeared into the clouds, but appeared in that mysterious space again.

Looking at Jia Yi, Su Qiubai couldn't help but re-emerge the previous question, he really wanted to know the answer to that question!

"The planet where the Yun family is located is called Wusu City!"

It seemed that he knew what he thought, and A and B voluntarily said.

This sentence made the old driver's gaze calm, he never heard of Wusu City, and it was related to Xia Rongrong's whereabouts, so Su Qiubai really paid attention to it!

"Usu City is a very special place. The entire Northwest Star Fields can be called a heart here. There are countless star fields around it, all of which are centered on Wusu City. And this city ... There are three Level! The lower level has a million planets, each of which represents a family, all connected together to form the lower level of Wusu City! "

Continue, A and B whispered.

It's just that, it makes the old driver feel dazzled.

Millions of planets are connected, which is the lower layer of a city. What is it like?

Just thinking here, A and B have already spoken.

"There are thousands of planets on the floor of Wusu City, which are also interconnected to form the second layer! Like the lower layer, this layer also represents a family for each planet!"

"What about the top?"

There was a little speculation in his head, so Su Qiubai asked directly.

"On the high level, there are only one hundred planets. These hundred planets represent the most powerful one hundred families in Wusu City, and the Yun family ... in it!"


This last sentence made Su Qiubai's mind ring.

He never expected that Yunjia would have such a big start!

Perhaps it is the heart of the entire Northwest Star Field, the most prosperous Wusu city ... The Yun family is actually on the floor!

No wonder ... Yun Lanshan's strength can be so horrible!

Similarly, you can imagine what kind of strength the entire Yunjia has!

"If the Yunlan Mountain is killed today, the Yun family will definitely not stop! I am not afraid of the cloud jam, but once the battle starts, the Milky Way galaxy will only increase the grievances ... This is not what I want to see!

Finally, Jia Yi talked about this matter!

He said so much to explain to Su Qiubai why he didn't do what he thought.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Su Qiubai's heart felt an indescribable warmth.

For a long time, he hadn't felt that way.

He could feel that Jiayi really regarded himself as his junior. Every sentence and every thing revealed sincerity!

Similarly, Su Qiubai now fully understands why Jiayi would agree with Yun Lanshan to take Xia Rongrong.

However, he still did his best to keep Xia Rongrong's safety, and it must be very troublesome to come to that cricket.

"Relax, it's a cloud jam, and you won't find that puppet place ... so your little girlfriend's family won't go wrong!"

It was the first one, A and B said.

After hearing this, the old driver smiled, really embarrassed, but soon became serious again.

"How can I go to Wusu City?"

He had to figure this out. He had promised Xia Rongrong that he would definitely go to him, and their only hope for Xia Moqiu was only himself!

Therefore, the old driver has no ambiguity about this matter, and can even say that he has the determination to do it!

"Usu City? That's too far away for you now, maybe at least ... you can't go there until you break through the master level!"

With a smile, Jia Yi said softly.

The old driver was stunned, but he expected it, but did not expect it to be so cruel!

Break through the master level?

Reach ... the legendary level?

This is simply desperate!

Today's Su Qiubai is just the peak of entry, which means that he must enter the elite level, then the master level, and finally break through?

You know, so far, he has not seen a few people who broke the master level ...

"So ... how long will it take?"

The old driver with an ugly face asked, muttering.

"How long? It depends on how hard you work ... If you want to see your little girlfriend as soon as possible and bring her back from Wusu City, then you have to go through cruel training and be ready ? "

With a smile on his eyes, A and B still asked softly.

"Ready, let's get started!"

Without hesitation, he nodded, Su Qiubai could not wait to start the training of mouth A and B, and he has a super system, fast driver license upgrade, plus training courses of Armor B, it should not take so long to break through the peak of the master!

"That being the case, then prepare to leave tomorrow, young ... really a capital!"

This time, Jia Yi's mouth had a smile.

There is another reason why Yun Lanshan agreed to take away Xia Rongrong's family, and A and B didn't say it, it was to inspire Su Qiubai!

He saw endless possibilities in this young man's body, but this guy's personality is a bit lazy. It can be said that many of his things are forced and helpless, and the favorite in his bones is ease!

In this case, how can it be a little exciting!

And if you want to stimulate Su Qiubai, there must be no more useful way for Xia Rongrong!

Of course, all these Su Qiubai didn't know. Jiayi knew nothing about him. The favorite in his bones was the day when he once drove a taxi in Qinghe City, but now he has gone this way!

Of course, today's old drivers are bursting with energy!

He wants to be stronger, day and night, non-stop and stronger!


When Su Qiubai finally dealt with the earth and was about to leave, in the spaceship that had just left the earth, Yun Lanshan turned on his father to talk!

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