Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 25: Get out of it

Seeing Wu An was still talking, Su Qiubai was not in the mood to control him anymore.

In the morning, he felt that the expert Xia Rongrong had invited was not very reliable, and was planning to think of a way from the system side, but the sudden interruption made him suddenly think of it.

Ma Dan, how can any jade expert in this world compare with this person!

It's an exaggeration. It is estimated that there are more antique jade stones that adults have seen than the entire market!

If he doesn't understand jade, it is estimated that few people will understand.

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly became happy, and he just pulled He He to a quiet place in everyone's attention.

"Do you understand all these stones?"

Suppressing his voice, Su Qiubai whispered.

Later, a flash of pride flashed on He's face, "I and others in my life dare not say one or two, but my eyes have never gone away!"

After hearing this, Su Qiubai was ecstatic, and then he couldn't help but stretched out his finger.

"Brother, steady!"

By the time they came back, the people in front of this small stall had already gathered a lot.

Originally, the jade in Li Dingtian's hand was with Wu An to discuss the plan to pit the Xia's Group, so Su Qiubai pulled the concubine away, and he did not pay, waiting for the two to return.

Wu An saw Su Qiubai come over again, and did not hesitate to take two steps forward. "Mr. Su, let me tell you again, if this thing is lost ... then don't blame me for not giving you an idea. "

Su Qiubai always felt that this expert was a bit annoying. The words made the old driver feel that he didn't really want to help Xia's.

So he smirked, and Su Qiubai raised his voice sharply. "No, whoever wants and wants, enter the venue."

Just kidding, He said just now based on the price of a bowl of noodles, that broken stone is worth 500 yuan!

Who loves who wants!

Anyway, he didn't plan to ask for it!

After hearing this, Wu An's nose was crooked, and in the end he even said a harsh word, "Well, don't expect me to help you in the future!"

The people who were watching the crowd around them also figured out what was going on, and Li Dingtian even laughed slightly at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't expect that Xia Rongrong would actually let Su Qiubai, a gimmick, run for this auction. Others don't know what Su Qiubai was, but he knew that this kid was a taxi driver!

Li Dingtian specifically asked about the wild ginseng last time, and the news is definitely not wrong!

This jade auction is very important for both big groups. Now Su Qiubai has offended Wu An, and it is estimated that he can only stare afterwards.

There were a few people with Chang Xueming over there who couldn't speak in a hurry. If they had a stalemate with Wu An, then everything else would be lost!

Everyone originally thought that Su Qiubai would go to please Wu An, even Wu An himself thought so.

As a result, who knew that his voice had just fallen, Su Qiubai gave him a quiet glance.

"Go away, where you want to go, and pay the money you used to stay in before!"

Upon hearing these words, Wu An felt a rush to the head.

He came to Myanmar this time, but he knew that he was all Xia ’s hope. Now the kid offends, and he does n’t know that he apologizes, so why not let him go?

Chang Xue's name over there was anxious, and Su Qiubai was interrupted as soon as he wanted to speak.

"No need to say anymore, Wu An has nothing to do with us, let's go ... to the venue."

Talking, he and the two men walked towards the meeting place over there, and did not continue to care about Wu An.

Several people with Chang Xueming here hesitated again, but thinking of what Xia Rongrong said on the phone, he could only speak to Wu An and apologize, and then followed Su Qiubai.

It wasn't until their back disappeared into the flow of people that Wu An reacted.

This drove myself away!

Originally, he thought Xia Rongrong had not come, this Su Qiubai himself would be honest and obedient with a little pressure, and maybe there would be more benefits.

In the end, the kid didn't even discuss it, so let him go!

The onlookers also began to slowly disperse, but everyone will look at Wu An more often, and everyone can understand what has just happened.

It was this expert who originally intended to give the boss a dismissal, but it hit the pig.

Wu An's ugly face finally refocused on Li Dingtian.

The hawker here saw Li Dingtian not paying for a long time, and his eyes were full of doubt.

After all, the Li Group is one of the best in Qinghe City, so although this stone is a scam between him and Wu An from beginning to end, but now the hawkers stare at themselves so much that they can't afford to lose face.

Just 500,000 yuan, Li Dingtian paid directly, but at the same time was very dissatisfied with Wu An.

At the time, I called a ticket to say that Su Qiubai was absolutely obedient and obedient. As a result, Su Qiubai was not fooled. Instead, he spent money.

"Just rest assured, President Li, this stone of 500,000 will never lose money."

At this moment, Wu An knew that everything he had left was counting on Li Dingtian, so he did not hesitate to give him a reassurance.

Not much to say, and Li Dingtian didn't say to let Wu An get away. Although this guy said that he was greedy for money, he did have some reputation, and it is estimated that it will have some effect at the auction.

So a few people didn't stay much, and they were walking towards the venue.

After Su Qiubai arrived at the door, let others go in first. He planned to call Xia Rongrong to inform him of the situation here. After all, Wu An's role was still very important.

As a result, after he had said everything, Xia Rongrong only said one sentence.

"I believe you!"

This moved Su Qiubai's heart even more. After taking a deep breath, he made a guarantee to Xia Rongrong.

"Wait for me to return!"

After the two hung up, Su Qiubai planned to enter the conference hall.

It turned out that at this time, a girl's voice got into his ear.

"Su Qiubai!"

This made him a whole bunch of people.

As he followed his voice, he thought in his head ... Is he so famous now?

"It really is you! Why are you here?"

Seeing this person clearly, Su Qiubai froze.

It's a very beautiful girl, smiling very cute.

But ... do you know?

Just when he still didn't respond, the girl suddenly took another step forward and slapped him slap hard.

"I'm Xu Ling! I don't know anymore!"

Xu Ling! ?

After hearing the name, Su Qiubai finally remembered it.

She was Su Qiubai's junior high school at the same table. Later, she went to the north for business and transferred to school. Thinking about it, she had not seen each other for ten years. No wonder Su Qiubai would not recognize it.

But this person who can be called a big beau ... is actually the same chubby junior high school student at the same table?

This makes Su Qiubai still a little unacceptable, and can only sigh that it really is the eighteenth change of the female college.

"Why are you in Myanmar? I just felt a little familiar when I saw you calling. It took me a long time to dare to ask, I never thought it was you!"

Xu Ling is indeed very excited, and Su Qiubai here is almost the same.

I know this in my hometown, this sentence is not just about talking.

"I'm here with friends to meet the world! How about you? I haven't seen it for more than a decade, and I've become a big beauty ... still in Beidu?"

Su Qiubai smiled very happily. The memories at school always make people beautiful, especially when they see the same table at that time.

"Yes, I've been in Beidu all the time. This time I came with the company owner to participate in this jade auction. How's it going now?"

Xu Ling finally recovered from the excited mood, and then explained with a voice.

"Mixed up, driving a taxi!" Su Qiuba grinned.

"Haha ... I remember when you went to school on your father's bike while you were at school, and let him catch up to the school. You stood at the school gate and cried ..."

Xu Ling remembered that time and couldn't help laughing.

Su Qiubai was also happy, and was about to talk a few more words, but suddenly a young man came over and looked at the two people with a cold face.

"Xu Ling! Don't you know why you're here?"

Hearing this, Xu Ling's face changed, and he later said sorry to Su Qiubai, hurriedly asked for the phone number, and then told him to have dinner together at the end of the auction.

Then she left with the man.

Su Qiubai had no choice but to scratch her head. She had planned to talk to her old classmates for a while, but as a result, who would have thought of it.

Immediately, he turned into the venue.

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