Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 45: Enough popcorn tube

"good luck!"

Inexplicably, after speaking, Su Qiubai also reached out and made a hug gesture!

But Gu Fanfan here didn't move, and frowned.

It's really no wonder that he didn't understand it. Few people around him could figure it out. Are you going to hug me?

What are you doing?

Su Qiubai had already opened his arms, but did not see any response from Gu Fanfan, and his eyes looked at himself in an aggressive state.

This is so embarrassing!

I was embarrassed and rubbed my hands. Su Qiubai simply jumped up and gave Gu Fanfan a big hug!

The large screen at the scene captured this scene, and the scene was silent for a moment. Then laughed and cheered.

Obviously, everyone thought that Su Qiubai and Gu extraordinary might be the kind of relationship!

Probably the only people who don't think so are Gu Chengya and Li Yuanba.

Gu Chengya felt that Su Qiubai was not such a person, while Li Yuanba was completely eating popcorn and didn't understand what happened!

Even Gu extraordinary, his brows are wrinkled a bit tighter.

If he hadn't heard his sister tell Grandpa something about Su Qiubai, he would have kicked this guy out.

Madan. I'm going to kill on stage!

You, a little man who is not very familiar, came over and gave me a big hug!

What is this teasing me?

And here Su Qiubai didn't think so much at all. Seeing that Gu Fanfan insisted on going to the stage to play against the white-eyed bear, he also knew that his physical strength must have been greatly depleted.

So after spending a few growth values, the system can help Gu Fanfan restore his physical strength. The requirement is that Su Qiubai must have physical contact with Gu Fanfan!

No way, so the old driver will be in front of so many people. Made such an awkward thing.

After watching Su Qiubai hugged himself, he didn't talk anymore and turned away. Gu Bufan really felt strange and wanted to ask, but at this moment suddenly felt that his body was something wrong.

It seems that the status is somehow returned to the best!

Although he couldn't figure out why, he had no idea of ​​continuing to talk to Su Qiubai, but turned to look at the white-eyed bear on the stage!

Hatred began to spread in Gu's extraordinary heart again, and his whole body jumped up!

Today is the day when your bear dies!

At first glance, Gu Fanfan finally jumped to the stage, and no one in the audience paid attention to the hug he had with Su Qiubai before, but began to concentrate on waiting for the next battle!

"You are much stronger than that time."

The white-eyed bear's mouth sneered, he took the initiative to jump up at this moment, on the one hand, he wanted to take advantage of Gu extraordinary physical strength, and on the other hand, he wanted to deliberately arouse Gu extraordinary anger and hatred.

After all, people are prone to small mistakes when they can't control their emotions.

Just watching the two extraordinary games before Gu made him have an inexplicable fear of this Chinese army's life!

Did not speak. Gu Fanfan certainly understands the abacus of the opponent. From the moment he jumped to the stage, all aspects of his whole person have reached the most perfect level!

What to do next. Just slaughter this bear!

Thinking of this, Gu Fanfan has rushed out.

At the same time, the white-eyed bear on the opposite side also moved, and the battle between the warriors was vital at every moment. Maybe it was just an early opportunity to grab, which would change the final result!

The white-eyed bear is very fast. When two people hit each other, the power of their fists seemed to make the whole table a strong wind!

With no hesitation, Gu's extraordinary legs had kicked towards the head of the white-eyed bear. The whole man rose into the air, and a dagger appeared in his hand!

The whole process was very fast, even if Su Qiubai had the strength of a warrior. Watching this level of combat also feels dizzying!

It wasn't just him, everyone was holding his breath, his eyes fixed on the screen.

In the eyes of the warriors in Europe. The strength of the white-eyed bear should be solved quickly, but no one thought it would be such a result.

The pair of fists of the white-eyed bear are as hard as steel, and those red eyes are about to bleed!

One minute and two minutes

This is the longest game that Su Qiubai has seen since the beginning!

Even when she was so nervous that she did not dare to move her eyes, the situation of the scene changed rapidly. No wonder the white-eyed bear can have a ten-game winning streak, so he is really terrifying!

But this also can be seen from the other side that Gu extraordinary strength is also very strong!

When Li Yuanba's bucket of popcorn was almost finished, he suddenly said something inexplicably.

"It's time to decide!"

Others have long thought that this kid should have a brain problem. So I didn't bother.

However, Su Qiubai immediately struck up all the spirits. Since Li Yuanba said that the winner would be decided soon, it may indicate that it is really over!

Sure enough, just over a dozen seconds later, Gu's extraordinary short knife struck the white-eyed bear's knee while the dog bear bent down. He held the knife handle in both hands at the same time, and then all inserted into the white-eyed bear's chest!

The whole process is between light and flint! By the time the audience began to exclaim, the white-eyed bear had fallen heavily on the table.


No one could think that the invincible white-eyed bear would die on the ring today. Everyone had the feeling of dreaming.

Gu Fanfan looked at his body stingily, and the whole person was a little lost.

Brother's revenge!

How many days have I wanted to slaughter this bear, now I finally do!

Su Qiubai is also very happy, feeling very relieved in his heart, but one accidentally, he suddenly found that the European players over there were inexplicably calm!

Immediately, he felt something wrong!

No matter how beastly those people are, how can white-eyed bears be their companions?

Just when he wanted to remind Gu to be extra careful, the white-eyed bear who had died suddenly jumped up.

His eyes were redder, and the whole person seemed to have undergone a huge change. He directly waved a punch and hit him at Gu Fanfan.

Gu Fanfan here did not expect that this would happen suddenly. Who can think of dead people can get up.

He subconsciously blocked his two arms against his chest, but the power of the white-eyed bear's fist was unimaginable, and he heard the sound of his bones breaking almost at the same time.

Fly out several meters, the valley was extraordinary before it fell to the ground.

The white-eyed bear is also the kung fu at this moment, has pulled the short knife out of his chest, and then rushed towards Gu Fanfan again.

His power and speed have changed tremendously at this moment!

No one knows exactly what happened. The whole process happened too fast, everyone in the audience felt a kind of reaction.

Gu Wenfan, who had been injured, saw the white-eyed bear rushing up again, and his two feet climbed up from the ground with strength, but then another fist hit his chest, and this time fell off the stage directly.

The audience was shocked!

All the Huaxia warriors swarmed towards Gu Fanfan together, with a trace of blood on his mouth. Obviously hurt!

"I'm going to get revenge!"

A few soldiers already wanted to jump up, but were arrested by Gu Fanfan.

It was almost exhausted, he said. "Don't go up, he retreats all weirdly!"

Everyone can see what must have happened to the white-eyed bear, otherwise there is no reason why dead people can get up!

At this moment, the white-eyed bear on the stage is like a crazy beast.

"Come! Is Huaxia dead?"

After shouting the exit, the group of European warriors over there all laughed, and even the audience at the scene began to cheer.

All Chinese people looked at the white-eyed bears on the stage. They all felt that anger was about to burst out of their heads.

A soldier wanted to rush out, but was arrested by Gu Chengya.

Now anyone comes to power, the only result is death

Gu Fan's eyes were full of dimness and unwillingness, but the white-eyed bear at this moment is indeed dangerous and should not be let innocent.

Hearing the ridicule of the audience, he felt more uncomfortable than death.

Suddenly, at this time, a voice actually rang from the Chinese player's seat.

"Who says Huaxia is gone?"

At the exit, all the players heard it, and the audience noticed that it was slowly quieting down.

Everyone looked at Su Qiubai with a calm face, Gu Chengya and Gu Bufan were even more frowning, wondering what he was going to do.

The old driver just glanced at the white-eyed bear on the stage, then turned to look at Li Yuanba over there.

"Brother, enough popcorn! Kill him!"

In a word, everyone was shocked!

Only Li Yuanba smiled happily. After standing up, he looked eagerly at the white-eyed bear on the stage.

"Popcorn! I'm here!"

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