Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 68: Gudaofangcao

The two people nearby didn't notice, and Su Qiubai's eyes burst into excitement.

finally come!

Since the end of the first part of the exam, he has been waiting for the final upgrade of the driver's license!

Especially coupled with Xia Rongrong's disappearance, and many things must be done with a high-level driver's license, which made him even more eager.

He thought it might take a while to arrive, but he didn't expect it to be so sudden!

Although the system prompts that there are five hours left, it is still urgent to think about it.

So the old driver's eyes turned to Huayin again.

"What kind of poison dagger is it?"

I talked about this before, so Su Qiubai asked again.

After looking at him and Mu Chunxue on the bed, Hua Yan whispered, "It must be a poisonous dagger. Use poison to attack it!"

After listening to him, Mu Chunxue's cold eyes flashed with doubt, while Su Qiubai was at a loss!

I've heard of using poison to attack poison, but this poison dagger ... is it really there?

But immediately, Hua Yan began to explain, "This kind of thing is very rare and requires a lot! I also had a book of medicine by chance, and I saw it above, and it's better to cure her poison!"

Having said that, there was a little helplessness in Hua Yan's eyes.

Immediately continued.

"I've heard about poison daggers, but I can't find them now."

Followed, Hua Yan was silent.

This makes Mu Chunxue feel that he is a liar. It is ridiculous that he actually made up any poison dagger to make nonsense.

Of course, the old driver would not have the same thoughts as her, but frowned slightly, then glanced at Mu Chunxue.

"It shouldn't be too late, you should get her hurt first! How long will it take?"

It was almost Su Qiubai who had just finished saying this to Hua Yan. Mu Chunxue here said coldly, "My injury doesn't need treatment."

Hua Yan didn't understand what that meant, and Su Qiubai rushed to the front. "You don't need to worry about her, you will pass out anyway."

When saying this, Su Qiubai didn't even see Mu Chunxue at all.

An expression of anger appeared on her face immediately, and she turned out of bed, turning her head out of her head as she sank.

"Oh ... I'll say she'll pass out."

After speaking, he immediately asked Huayin to start healing. After all, the final upgrade exam of the driver's license is about to come. After he has taken time to deal with this matter, he will have to deal with the next exam!

Yisheng is indeed Yisheng. Hua Ye first sealed the blood around the wound with a gold needle, so that those poisonous gases could not come over, and then healed.

However, Rao is like this, Hua Huan also spent nearly two hours, can imagine how bad this poison is.

After watching him wrap the wound in the end, Su Qiubai took a breath.

Now that the woman's injury has been cured, she will leave here after she has nothing to do.

As for what else she would encounter when she went out, he couldn't control it.

Without further delay, Hua Hua was first sent back, and then he returned again.

It may be because the injury has just been cured, so Mu Chunxue never awakens in bed, Su Qiubai started preparing for the next task in the living room.

According to past experience, the examination task will be very difficult, and it is unexpected.

The old driver was a little excited when I remembered that he might be upgraded to d photos soon!

Regarding the magic of the system, he is very clear. Just by taking pictures, his ability is so outstanding.

Once upgraded again, God knows what other features will be added.

So his mood is indeed quite complicated, with expectations and worries ...

In this way, he didn't do anything. He kept thinking about the previous tasks in his mind. If something unexpected happened, he would be prepared.

About an hour before the start of the exam, Mu Chunxue woke up.

She looked much better, but her eyes were still so cold.

Without waiting for Su Qiubai to speak, she had taken the lead, "I'm leaving."

It had been expected that she would say so, everyone had their own secrets, and Su Qiubai didn't want to ask more about this girl.

"Shall I send you?"

"No need to!"

"All right, good luck ..."


After saying this coldly, he had to go to the door, and Mu Chunxue stopped again.

She has been on the mountain since she was a child. She has rarely seen anyone except her master, so she has no idea how to interact with people.

Seeing to leave, I suddenly felt that I was not so good.

So again, Mu Chunxue looked back at Su Qiubai.

"thank you!"

The voice was still cold, but these two words made Su Qiubai smile.

"You're welcome. If you need any help, you can come back here to find me."

After speaking, he saw the woman nodded, then turned and left the door.

There wasn't much to think about. This woman Su Qiubai only met when she met, and now the most important thing for him is the next task.

If the driver's license upgrade fails, his only result is to obliterate.

So ... must succeed!

Feeling that everything was ready, Su Qiubai left the house and went down into his taxi!

After ten minutes.

The sound of the system started to ring in his head.

"The final evaluation of the driver's license upgrade, the task is being determined ... start!"

With the start of the last two words, Su Qiu drew a flower in front of her eyes, and when she looked again, her car was parked in the wilderness.

Next to it is a clear river leading to the sky. I don't know where it comes from or where it flows.

Pulling the car door, Su Qiubai jumped down.

The Qingtian Ancient Road, the breeze was blowing, the riverside grass was inexplicably depressed.

Where is this special?

After lingering for a long time, Su Qiubai didn't know what the situation was, just feeling that the whole person was in a completely aggressive state.

Did n’t you say your driver ’s license was last upgraded?

Why did all the previous guesses be wrong, but now they are in such a place?

Most importantly, there is no prompt in the system!

After waiting for a long time, Su Qiubai felt more and more nervous, and finally planned to throw up the growth value to ask for an understanding, and then got four words.

No comment!

Madan, what do you mean?

Didn't you talk about the last test assignment?

How did you use these four words?

The old driver who was bored to the crash checked all the parts on the car, although he still didn't know if the task was wrong or what was going on.

But since the system sent him here, it shows that there must be a reason to come here!

One minute, two minutes ...

After nearly half an hour passed, Su Qiubai was singing in his ears as he was almost asleep in the back seat of the car.

It was a tone that I had never heard before, and there seemed to be drums and the sound of gold and iron striking.

As soon as my heart moved, the old driver quickly got up.

After sticking his head out of the window, he was stunned.

I don't know when the two sides of the river are full of pedestrians, and they are all in white clothes and white hats.

It seems that these people are seeing off the swordsman in front.

Everyone ignores Su Qiubai here, but Su Qiubai is used to it, and the power of the system always affects some factors of time and space.

He also asked the system specifically for this matter.

The explanation obtained is this, the task assigned to him by the system has a reset function!

That is to say, regardless of the success of Su Qiubai's mission, history will follow the original trajectory, and what he has experienced is equivalent to copying the same time and space, and everything can change because of his appearance!

Jumping out of the car, Su Qiubai went to the swordsman.

It was also at this time that he heard the weird musical instrument before again, and the swordsman suddenly began to sing.

"The wind is bleak and the water is cold, the strong men are gone forever ..."

Originally Su Qiubai's footsteps also stopped at this time.

Of course he knew this sentence, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

When struggling to remember, the pedestrians on both sides began to sing together.

The singing in the ear was loud and sad, and an answer finally appeared in the mind of the old driver.

Yi Shui sees off ...

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