Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 76: that person

Mu Chunxue saw the door that was closed again, and the whole person froze.

What happened?

But she knew very well that the strength of these killers, one by one, were real warriors, and there was a big gap between them and ordinary people!

But why did those two people get kicked?

Staring blankly at Su Qiubai. Mu Chunxue felt that she couldn't turn her head.

However, Su Qiubai just looked indifferent.

Mouth was cursing even more.

"Is your brain ill? Go to my house to find trouble. If I dare to come up later, I won't recognize his mother!"

When he looked up, he saw Mu Chunxue looking blank.

"Are you a warrior?"

Finally, this sentence was asked from Mu Chunxue's mouth, and she finally realized that this guy who was only a taxi driver in her own eyes seemed very unusual!

Su Qiubai nodded. He thought Mu Chunxue knew it already. It seems that this girl really does not know the world

"Will they have anyone else?"

Although the mood eased a little, but Mu Chunxue thought of this matter and immediately became nervous again.

She knows how powerful Dongyuemen's power is. The two outside the door must be little magpies. In case that poisonous snake also comes, will Su Qiubai be his opponent?

Turning to the idea, she looked at Su Qiubai again.

"Let's go, these people are coming to me, it has nothing to do with you! Their power is very ordinary, and I don't want to involve you anymore."

After speaking, Mu Chunxue started to plan again.

However, Su Qiubai was relaxed and full of face. After sitting on the sofa, he poured a glass of water to Jing Ye, and then asked, "How do you feel?"

"No problem."

Jing Ye answered their questions calmly.

Seeing the indifferent looks of the two, Mu Chunxue interrupted them again.

"Can you listen to me seriously! Those killers are coming soon! Dongyuemen's viper is very powerful!"

What she said in the last sentence was nothing to cheat.

My own master admits that the snake is very dangerous!

Now that the two killers have appeared, maybe the viper is here too!

However, no one paid attention to Mu Chunxue at all, Su Qiubai still looked out of the window indifferently. Jing Jing here is still looking calm.

Feeling that he could not move the two men, Mu Chunxue went to the window.

At first glance, she saw those black cars. And dozens of martial arts.

Although far apart, the very famous poisonous snake was still recognized by her at first glance.

"Viper is here!"

After discovering that their guesses became facts. Mu Chunxue's voice shook.

No wonder she has such a performance, it is really the snake's fierce reputation.

However, Su Qiubai did not even have the same interest to see it.

As for Jing Jing, it is even calmer.

He even dared to kill a snake in King Qin, haha!

"Do you drink water?"

As he looked up, as if he had never heard Mu Chunxue's words before, Su Qiubai asked earnestly.

Looking at him, Mu Chunxue only felt that everything was in his throat, and finally he shook his head and re-focused on those people downstairs.

Downstairs was silent at the moment.

A group of warriors from Dongyuemen looked at the two people with blue noses and swollen faces in front of them, and they were speechless.

"You said he really just slapped two hands?"

Staring at the opposite, the snake's eyes looked very dangerous.

"It was really a two-slap slap, and then kicked us into the Master, that person was very powerful."

The talker's face was depressed and even a touch of panic.

As a warrior. He knew that only when the gap between them had reached a certain level would he have no resistance to that slap.

But in such an ordinary place, will there really be a warrior of that level?

He was not sure, so he hesitated.

The poisonous snake here has not spoken yet, and Guan Shanhu took out Su Qiubai's photo again.

After confirming it, his brow frowned.

Did they kick them off? Really Su Qiubai?

But this guy is not that strong?

Although the snake did not speak, Guan Shanhu could guess that he must be thinking about it.

In the end, Viper made an unexpected decision.


When I heard these two words, a group of people chatted for a long time.

Even if they guessed that the final decision of the viper would have been more cautious, but it was too cautious!

However, no one dares to question the order of the viper.

Soon everyone jumped into the car and left the neighborhood.

Mu Chunxue will see this scene clearly upstairs. Little mouth could not help but slightly opened.

No wonder she was so surprised, it was a scene that made her hard to understand.

This is the elite power of Dongyuemen, and even the famous poisonous snake!

He killed his master and chased these people along the way, but now the courage of the taxi driver is lost, even the courage to come up?

Thinking of this, she slowly turned her head and looked at Su Qiubai, who was calm on the sofa over there.

At this moment in my heart, I felt that I didn't understand this person. At the same time, the previous guess about the person in Master's mouth appeared again.

From the eyes of Mu Chunxue. Su Qiubai knew that those killers must have left.

The killing intention in his heart also slowly subsided. This is his own home. If those killers choose to do it today, he will definitely show no mercy!

Fortunately, these guys have some brains.

Thinking so, he plans to help Mu Chunxue find the iron bead. It turned out that at this time, she saw her strange eyes.

That is, this evening, the back door of a luxurious compound in Beidu. Several people got into a black off-road vehicle.

"My aunt ordered to bring that Qiu Chunyu back anyway."

Talking was a young man who looked a little arrogant. When he was talking, he looked at several men in costumes next to him.

To know. These people are all warriors!

If it were n’t for the power of his aunt ’s house, the warrior would n’t just run out and help others do things!

"What is the use of that woman?"

A fat man may have been curious for a long time, so at this moment he couldn't help asking this question.

After all, for Li Jinghe, nothing really makes her feel difficult to get.

Especially the man who thinks about her is even more powerful in Beidu and even Huaxia.

However, now this woman actually let them run from a small village in the north to bring this peasant called Qiu Chunyu back.

This is really not to be curious.

"What she uses is my aunt's business. Let's not think more about it. Remember, even if it is tied. Bring her.

At the end of the young man, a slight contempt appeared in the corners of his mouth.

A few martial artists followed, and laughed.

"Just catch someone, trivial"

Someone agreed. The young man laughed more and more happily.

"When things are done, everyone's benefits will not be less!"

Later, the off-road vehicle set off, and the goal was exactly that of Honggang Village, thousands of miles away.

The goal in their mouths is naturally Qiu Chunyu, Su Qiubai's mother.

After Li Jinghe made several phone calls without receiving a reply, the woman could not bear it anymore, so she secretly sent a warrior to Hongqi Village to capture Qiu Chunyu.

At that time, as long as the test results match, the operation will be performed directly. She believes that no one can control her!

Inside the compound, a sneer appeared in the corner of Li Jinghe's mouth after getting the news that the off-road vehicle had set off.

Qiu Chunyu always felt that she was her sister, but in Li Jinghe's opinion, she had no relationship with her.

If it hadn't been for her daughter's illness, perhaps she would not have thought of the useless rural woman in her life.

"Haha, don't blame me."

After whispering softly, she closed her eyes.

In Su Qiubai's room in Qinghe City, he finally looked at Mu Chunxue's increasingly weird expression and his expression of cessation, and finally couldn't help asking.

As a result, Mu Chunxue there was a blush, and then she took a deep breath as if she had made a decision.

"Is your birthday the eighth of March?"

"how do you know?"

The question came out, and Su Qiubai, who was opposite, apparently froze, then asked subconsciously.

Mu Chunxue was agitated by his words and his face was flushed, but he continued to ask, "Is there a mole on your butt?"

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