Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 258: Grandmaster

Lin Duanguo's trembling couldn't be controlled, and it was the type that became more and more trembling. With a pair of eyes looking at the other side, he could not help but pounce on these **** guys.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

This sentence was finally pulled out of his throat, and Lin Duanguo's voice was full of hate.

"Don't you think we're all playing with you, listen carefully ... If we finish the work by then, all of you will kneel down and confess your mistakes to us!"

Wu Daozi was talking, and a pair of eyes also looked at Lin Duanguo, and the momentum of painting sage was also exuded.

Like him, the faces of those uncles were much more serious.

The reason why everyone would be interested to stand out together, just feel that this is a good opportunity for communication. For Chinese scholars, poetry and painting must be inseparable!

So although some people are famous for their writing or poems, their level of painting is definitely not comparable to the cats and dogs of Lin Duanguo.

Such people have the courage to stigmatize them, so naturally they must be prepared to be punished.

Therefore, Wu Daozi's words are also the meaning of a number of literati. What kind of thing is he Lin Duanguo, dare to let them kneel and apologize, it really eats bear heart leopard brave!

You know, although the uncles are now in a brand new era, in their concept, the word humiliation is a top priority!

Diao Min, who is in such a small place in Korea, actually opened his teeth and danced in front of them. Since he can't take his life, it should be at least a slap.

Lin Duanguo and the apprentices behind him heard it for a moment.

They didn't think that these Chinese people dare to make such excessive demands? Let them kneel down and confess their heads?

This is simply a great insult!

Seeing that a few young people's eyes were widening, it seemed to be a sign of action, followed by the dark-faced old man, and he pulled out his sword.

After all, it is modern society. Several people have seen this battle. The crowd of people watching has stepped back a few steps, while Chen Wei and Tian Yuan look pale.

Others don't know how tough these uncles are, but they can't be more clear.

The first time, two people ran over, let alone say that the sword was returned to the scabbard.

A group of people in Lin Duanguo were equally scared. They have never seen such a arrogant Chinese!

"Do n’t you gamble? Just roll without gambling! Don't disturb our interest!"

For a long time, he did not hear Lin Duanguo, Wu Daozi was immediately angry, and asked a frown forward.

After hearing this, and seeing the contempt and contempt of Wu Daozi's group, Lin Duanguo was also furious and came up.

"Okay! I promise you!"

In a word, this gambling contract was established, and a group of uncles seemed to have regained their interest.

Seeing them walking towards the table, and worried that these people might cheat, Lin Duanguo asked his apprentice to personally lay out paper, prepare pen and ink, and then blindfolded his eyes.

Fortunately, the lobby is large enough and the counters are also convenient for painting, otherwise there are really no places for so many people to stand.

Seeing that there is such a magical thing as blindfold painting, and so many people are together, the onlookers are full of interest, almost all of them took out their mobile phones and busy taking photos.

Lin Duanguo sneered with a group of Koreans.

Painting this is a university question, think about the process of Lin Duanguo's study in these years, and his age, you can understand how much effort has been paid to achieve today's level.

Now a group of Chinese people who don't know the origin, actually open their mouths and say that blindfolded painting is better than Lin Duanguo's open eyes?

What a joke!

There is not even a trace of it!

So although these uncles haven't written yet, but Lin Duanguo already knows the result, it must be a mess!

Then, not only to pay two million compensation, but also to kneel and apologize!

Thinking of this, Lin Duanguo felt a little deflated, and then was looking forward to that moment.

At this moment, the uncles held their pens in their hands almost at the same time.

At this moment, I don't know if it is the illusion of everyone, the whole hall seems to have an indescribable momentum and charm!

And that feeling all comes from the uncles who have all converged at this moment!

They stood there as if without wind, holding a pen in their hands as if with imposing grandeur.

Guru ... the real guru!

Others haven't felt it yet. As a Lin Duanguo who has been infiltrated for many years, and the painting basically has everyone's style, the feeling is the most obvious!

With his eyes wide open, his mind was blank.

He couldn't believe he would see such a terrible scene here!

That's right, it's really horrible!

Although at this moment these Chinese people haven't done much, but just with that momentum, Lin Duanguo already knows that he will lose, and that he loses nothing!

Only those who have really studied culture will know that when literati reach a certain level, there will also be realm differences.

The difference is a spiritual feeling, and the more advanced the person is, the more extraordinary.

So this is what Zi Zihua has in her belly!

The reason why the forest section Congress feels horrible is because he feels the momentum of these people in front of him, without any exceptions ... all are masters!

What is the concept of a guru?

To explain briefly, basically there are three levels of literati distinction in the world.

For example, Lin Duanguo barely counts as the first degree, that is, everyone's style, and one step forward is Wenhao, and the highest level of recognition ... is the master!

No one in South Korea has reached the level of a guru, and Wenhao is only one or two!

Even Hua Xia, I have not heard of anyone who has a master's level these years, and Wenhao's number can be counted with both hands!

It is because the guru is almost like a phoenix, so at this moment more than thirty gurues appear together in his eyes, and the forest section has an incredible feeling.

Others just felt as if the momentum of these uncles had changed, but what Lin Duanguo felt was intoxication and fear.

Intoxication is a literary instinct, and fear is the emotion that arises from this intoxication.

If someone had told him in the past that he would see more than 30 gurues painting together with blindfolds, he would definitely think that the other party was a shame.

But today, he feels that he is a shame, and he actually let more than 30 masters paint together ...

Lin Duanguo, a dead chicken, couldn't say a word at all.

The shock in his head made him short of breath, and his sweat was soaked through his body.

Especially with a pair of eyes watching these masters write pens together, with the ink rendering a little bit of paper, he became obsessed.

The unattainable realm makes people look supreme to the highest level!

No wonder the master of Lin Duanguo said with longing eyes when he first learned painting.

Huaxia is a magical land. The magic of this land is far from what other people can understand. It is a kind of leading and shining far away from any civilization in the world.

Qin Qi, calligraphy, painting, poetry, song and poetry, only Chinese talents understand what kind of feelings.

The country is breaking mountains and rivers.

The setting sun and the solitary fly together, the autumn water is always the same ...

Nung, moon and new moon……

Poetry and painting talents, too many people shine in the long river of history, even more amazing and convincing!

After so many years, Lin Duanguo thought that his level was already very high, and also thought that the cultural level of South Korea had set Huaxia far away.

Only then did I realize that the so-called frog at the bottom of the well was probably himself.

More than thirty masters ... this is a miracle!

Huaxia is more like a mountain, and no country can compare with him, because whenever someone wants to try to climb, someone will always stand up and continue.

The uncles on the other side did not know what kind of shock these people had caused Lin Duanguo, they just immersed themselves in this kind of happiness compared with others.

Everyone's pen seems to have given birth to his own eyes, jumping and flipping on the paper constantly, sketching incredible pictures.

The onlookers also gradually forgot to continue to take pictures. The entire hall quietly calmed down, only the sound of the pen tip sliding on the paper ... m. Read.

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