Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 265: Training plan

When Su Qiubai reached the office building, he looked up and found that the lights of the entire building almost turned off, and only his office was still on.

That's right, it turns out that Wen Xiaoshu is still there!

This makes his mind more and more confused, what things can't be said on the phone, and can't be dragged on until tomorrow?

While pondering carefully. He has gone upstairs.

As soon as I pushed the door, I saw at first glance what Wen Xiaoshu was busy preparing at the table.

In front of her was a very thick pile of books, which seemed to be writing something at the desk.

"Mr. Wen?"

Asked softly, Su Qiubai closed the door again.

After hearing the voice, Wen Xiaoshu looked up, saw Su Qiubai coming in, immediately stood up, and then came towards him.

Finally, he grabbed his arm and walked to the table.

"You are finally here. I have just sorted out some, but I don't know if you can cheer on this course. See if you can make it tonight!"

Speaking, Wen Xiaoshu had pulled him to the table.

Until now, the old driver was completely confused, seeing the messy materials on the table, and Wen Xiaoshu seemed to have written a part of the manuscript, he couldn't figure out what happened.

Seeing what she was going to turn, Su Qiubai quickly stopped her.

"Mr. Wen. Don't worry. You didn't tell me what happened. What is this to do?"

In the end, Su Qiubai pointed his fingers at the things on the table and widened his eyes.

Looking at her, Wen Xiaoshu found that he was really anxious, so he asked after a relief, "Dean Qiu didn't call to tell you, right?"

Even more inexplicable, but Su Qiubai nodded and waited for the next part of Wen Xiaoshu.

"This afternoon, the college issued a document asking you to submit a 20,000-character ethics training plan tomorrow morning! And it will be submitted directly to the school!"

After speaking, Wen Xiaoshu looked at Su Qiubai.

then. The old driver asked, "Is this the matter?"

Unexpectedly, Su Qiubai would take such a thing for granted. Wen Xiaoshu seemed very surprised.

"Twenty thousand words? Aren't you stressed?"

"What's the pressure? Just write it casually?"

The old driver was still very calm, talking and sitting down.

Such things as going out to fight with people are always very tired, and suddenly I get tired.

Wen Xiaoshu finally realized at this moment that the person opposite him could not treat ordinary people at all.

For any North University teacher. This news is a top priority!

After all, subsequent promotions and performance are accumulated step by step.

And now the one in front of him said that he could just write and write, and all his words were indifferent.

Where does this look like a university teacher? Now she suddenly believes that Su Qiubai is indeed a taxi driver.

Otherwise there would be such a free and easy personality

"Mr. Su, this is your first assessment after you become a teacher. Dean Qiu said today in front of everyone. All the teachers who joined the college this year will be put together and the lower ranking will be notified by the whole school. "

Looking at Su Qiubai very seriously. Wen Xiaoshu felt that he had to explain to him exactly what was going on.

After saying this, Su Qiubai took a sip of water very calmly, then grinned.

"Report it, it's okay!"

After listening to this sentence, Wen Xiaoshu finally understood that he was really worried for nothing, this guy would never take such a thing to heart.

Recalling that during the day Long Ruoxuan said that Su Qiubai was her fiance. Suddenly, the whole person felt that the heart was more blocked, and even a little affectionate.

Without talking, she also sat down, but she didn't look at Su Qiubai again.

It seemed that Wen Xiaoshu was not very happy, and the old driver felt a little unhappy.

Anyway, at least the teacher of Wenwen was really kind. She couldn't make her feel wronged because she broke the jar.

The fool can also see the manuscripts on the table, as well as the messy materials, all of which she prepared for herself.

What's more, she has been away from work for a long time. She is the only one left in the entire office building. She didn't care about herself before she left?

Understanding this, thinking about how to comfort Wen Xiaoshu, a sudden thought came to my mind.

Isn't Ma Dan a training plan?

This kind of thing is probably hard for others, but is it hard for yourself?

If there is no other in the house, there are many literati!

And it is everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to poetry, song and fu.

For 5,000 years, is it difficult for 36 literary masters studying history to write a training plan?

immediately. Su Qiubai told Wen Xiaoshu, "In fact, I have written this kind of thing before, and I am very good at it. There is not much difficulty. Please rest assured!"

Wen Xiaoshu, who had been silent, looked at him after hearing this.

The old driver added quickly. "Really! It's very simple. I can definitely get it at home with only 20,000 words! And there is no need to copy!"

This time, a little doubt and suspicion appeared in Wen Xiaoshu's eyes.

"You can do it overnight?"

Then she asked earnestly, apparently not so convinced.

"Of course! What a big deal! I'm a cultural person!"

The veteran old driver wanted to make Wen Xiaoshu believe in himself, but Wen Xiaoshu became even more skeptical after saying this.

The reason why she was so nervous. Because everyone can see that this is Qiu Zhizhi's plan to report recovery Qiubai!

The 20,000-character training plan must be submitted to the school. Today's notice will be written tomorrow morning. how is this possible?

So the big guys knew that Qiu Zhizhi was absolutely angry because of things in the morning, so when Su Qiubai couldn't deliver the things in time, he took the opportunity. Even fierce revenge!

After all, what happened to the dean Qiu suffered tens of millions of critiques in the heart. He desperately wanted to cure Su Qiubai to feel happy!

It was also because he understood this that Wen Xiaoshu called Su Qiubai anxiously. I also borrowed so much information, even to do it myself to help Su Qiubai.

20,000 words is not a small number!

"Mr. Su, if there is no way to turn things over tomorrow. Dean Qiu might punish you."

I still feel uneasy, so Wen Xiaoshu wants Su Qiubai to understand the importance of this matter.

"Relax! It's a piece of cake! There are absolutely no problems!"

Nodding his head, the old driver looked confident.

"It's getting late, I'll take you home and go write this plan."

Ignoring the suspicions that still existed in Wen Xiaoshu's eyes, Su Qiubai stood up and said.

Hesitated. Wen Xiaoshu also stood up and said nothing more.

The two then went downstairs together and came out of school.

The original small book already feels that Su Qiubai's background is mysterious enough. Perhaps the only reason is that the economic conditions are average. After all, the clothes he wears look ordinary.

But after seeing the Hummer, she was surprised again.

This teacher Su is really extraordinary!

Of course, she just sighed in her heart, she would not have any thoughts.

After all, relying on her appearance, like a person who admires vanity, probably these are nothing at all.

Still with an ordinary mind, Wen Xiaoshu told Su Qiubai's own address. She had intended to take a taxi back home, but Su Qiubai refused.

People have delayed so much time because of themselves. If this thing is not done, the old driver will feel uncomfortable.

The two chatted casually along the way, crossed several streets and turned into the alley.

Originally, Su Qiubai thought that Wen Xiaoshu's family conditions would be good, but the location where her home is located is obviously remote, and the economic situation must be average.

This makes Su Qiubai even more feel that Wen Xiaoshu is an amazing woman. It is not easy to have such a face that scourges the country and the people, but can be alone.

Finally, Wen Xiaoshu's home arrived and the car stopped.

Seeing that Wen Xiaoshu was leaving, at this time he suddenly looked back at Su Qiubai and asked, "When are you and Teacher Long married?"

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