Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 276: the last one!

"Dean Qiu, I remember ..."

I felt I didn't need to stay any longer. After throwing this sentence, Ouyang Xing went straight to the door and then left.

Qiu Zhiming's face turned red, and his tongue kept turning but he couldn't speak. As long as he thought of the forces behind Ouyang Xing, he felt a sense of horror.

But he just waited until Ouyang Xing left, and he didn't have time to explain a word.

In the end, Qiu Zhizhi, who looked very green, turned to Su Qiubai.

Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to stay calm, otherwise he really worried that he would jump up to give the **** two.

There are actually such abominable people in the world who specifically let themselves offend Ouyang Xing.

But at the same time, the thought of Su Qiubai's ready gift next to him was full of resentful expectations.

"Mr. Su, come with me to a meeting!"

After saying this, he was the first to leave the office.

The old driver here is very interesting. What exactly does Qiu Zhizhi prepare for himself? Can you even swallow it?

He grinned and greeted Wen Xiaoshu, who was worried, and he was out of the office.

In fact, Qiu Zhizhi's conspiracy was very simple. It was in the manuscript of yesterday.

Because that thing was submitted to the school, dozens of colleges were finally evaluated together, and the last three would still be criticized in front of the school leader.

Even if this is the case, the final result will still be in the school's public bulletin formula. By then, it will be shame in the entire school.

He had no right to ask such questions, but the teacher who taught the evaluation just happened to have a good relationship with him, so he already said hello after handing in the manuscript.

Su Qiubai ... must be the last!

He also did not care about the shame of the Faculty of Arts, as long as he could let out the bad breath in his heart, he didn't care about anything now!

There was no hesitation at the teaching office, and he directly agreed.

If someone is rushing to be the first, it may be more difficult to rush to be the last ... it is too easy!

So yesterday afternoon, the results of the evaluation of this manuscript have already come out.

Faculty of Arts ... Su Qiubai is the last!

This kind of literary things is difficult to compare. If you add some private opinions and opinions, it will become even more difficult to have a unified standard.

Therefore, instead of calling Su Qiubai to go to the meeting, Qiu Zhiming is better to make Su Qiubai shame!

And not only to accept the criticism of the school leader, but also to accept his criticism, and to add the stigma suffered by the entire college to him alone.

It can be imagined how much Qiu Zhizhi hates Su Qiubai, and at the same time ... how narrow-minded he is!

However, things are always a little unexpected. For example, when Qiu Zhizhi informed Su Qiubai to go to a meeting just now, there were a few guests who had never thought about it at the teaching department.

Lu An, President of the Chinese Literature Research Society!

And several other literary giants who are also important in the entire Chinese literature community!

The reason why they will be here this morning is for the upcoming cultural exchange contest!

As China ’s most famous university, the venue of the competition was set at Beidu University, so today Lu An came to talk with Fan Wencheng, as well as some old colleagues and friends.

Coincidentally, there is an old professor named Tang Yicheng here at the Teaching Office. The relationship with Lu An is very good!

Now that he has arrived at Beidu University, Lu An is definitely going to see him, and this cultural exchange competition, I plan to invite him to come and see.

Several people entered the office. After a group of teachers heard that the old man in the front was the famous Lu An, all of them let go of their work and greeted them.

In fact, if you think about it, you can understand that it is impossible for a Chinese student at Nuo Da to be the chairman of the Literary Research Society!

It is no exaggeration to say that, except for those old Chinese fighters in the Chinese literary world, Lu An is a well-deserved first person!

"Donald, when did you give me what I wanted last time?"

After sitting down and chatting for a few words, Lu An had a stack of manuscripts in his hand, glanced at his eyes, and continued to chat in his mouth.

Then, he froze, the boss who stared like a ghost, and looked at the name outside the front manuscript without blinking.

Tang Yicheng over there did not realize that Lu An was wrong, and still smiled and said, "Some things have been delayed, and I will send them to you the other day ..."

After speaking, after waiting, he did not see that Lu An had the intention to talk to himself, and those eyes were still looking at the table.

Finally, this weird move caught the attention of many people around, especially Tang Yicheng, his frowns were slightly confused and he couldn't understand why Lu An stared at those documents.

At this moment, Lu An looked up, but he just picked up the top manuscript in his hand.

Then he looked at Tang Yicheng, and his voice seemed to be shaking a little hard to suppress.

"This manuscript ... was this man written?"

Tang Yicheng froze, and his eyes were looking there.

Obviously Su Qiubai was written on the white cover, but he couldn't understand what Lu An meant ...

What was written on the cover, not the author's name?

Why does this old friend feel a little confused?

When Tang Yicheng was puzzled, the old people who came with Luan'an came out with their mouths open.

Su Qiubai! This **** name again!

But ... I will see you here!

At this moment, they just thought that Tang Yicheng had also received Su Qiubai's critical manuscript, but didn't think much.

Only Lu An noticed that in front of the name Su Qiubai, there were also three words ... College of Literature!

What does this mean?

On behalf of Su Qiubai, this person is in the Faculty of Arts of Beidu University!

Although there may be many people with the same name and the same name, it is quite possible that this person can be Su Qiubai they are looking for at Beidu University.

If that's the case, it's really nowhere to go without breaking the iron shoes!

"Old Tang, tell me if Su Qiubai is from your school?"

Without hearing Tang Yicheng's answer, Lu An could not help but urge again.

But this time, several other talents finally reacted.

"What? This Su Qiubai is at Beidu University?"

"Really? Really here?"

"I see, this is a draft from their school, different from ours!"

Soon, the old men who came to understand together were excited and even flushed.

Only they know how lively the Chinese literary world is recently because of this person named Su Qiubai!

Even this kind of exaggeration can be compared with the international literature awards.

Everyone was guessing what the identity of those who signed Su Qiubai in the mysterious manuscript was, but no one got an accurate answer.

Is today ... this mystery will be revealed?

These old people seemed very excited, but Tang Yicheng still looked aggressive.

What happened? Are these old guys crazy? Staring at a manuscript written by his school teacher ...

Moreover, that manuscript seems to be the last one in this competition!

Although Tang Yicheng really wanted to know what happened, Lu An and they didn't explain it at all. They started to study together when they got together.

Only after their research can we really confirm whether this is Su Qiubai.

After all, the name can be faked, but the level cannot be faked.

So the office quickly quieted down, Tang Yicheng frantically froze his ears, but none of these old friends spoke, just watching the manuscript while being silent.

But looking back at the manuscript a little bit, the look of these people began to change.

From seriousness to shock, and finally to being unable to self ...

Finally, more than half an hour later, they looked up with the manuscript.

"God works! This is definitely a **** work!"

"I never thought that anyone could write such a thing, five thousand years ago, only one!"

"It's incredible, incredible!"


Seeing the landing, they seemed to be in a demon. Tang Yicheng was still in a state of continuous aggressiveness.

What works? What is this one?

Is that the manuscript ... but isn't that the last?

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