Super Elation Under the Sun

Chapter 811: I only have one sword

Compared with Chen Shenghe and Chaofengchen entering the sea, when the Qingqiu breaks the boundary, the swords in the world are trembling, and the momentum will be too magnificent.

When the battle in Qiufeng Town was about to become white-hot, Li Changgu's hands suddenly trembled, followed by Chen Sheng's white fish sword, the new road towards Fengchen, and the Baiwen of Liuxiang.

Finally, Ye Changting's Moshangcao.

Those saints didn't know what this was because of, only a few sword immortals looked at each other, and each guessed the truth.

"Is Chao Jianxian?!"

Ye Changting didn't say that it was because he knew it, but the other sword immortals didn't. After they felt it, they quickly became proud of it.

Although the line of swordsmen in the past has undergone essential changes from the beginning, but there is no Qingqiu in these changes. For them, it still needs a little bit.

Whether that sword fairy left the world, or because of other things, anyway, it was no longer in the world.

But now?

Chao Qingqiu is back.

The sword fairy is back!

In the whole world, who would dare to say that it is invincible?

After hearing the sounds of the swords, Ye Xiujing glanced at Lord Qingtian and found that the latter was not surprised at all, so she said, "Is it Chao Qingqiu?"

It doesn’t make much sense to say no at this moment. Li Fuyao succeeded in breaking the realm, Qingtianjun simply stopped, and the huge Fa-phase disappeared instantly. He stood opposite Ye Sheng and smiled: “If it’s not for this person, who else can do it? Come out of this movement?"

Ye Sheng didn't speak. When facing Li Fuyao before, he thought that this world would be really boring without Chao Qingqiu. Who knows, it hasn't been long before Chao Qingqiu reappeared in the world.

And it came back with this attitude.

It seemed that he had definitely become a Canghai Cultivator, perhaps even higher than Canghai Cultivator.

He was invincible in the world before, is it possible that he will be worse now?

Ye Sheng didn't think so.

"What do you think of him?"

This time, the question was not Chao Qingqiu, but Li Fuyao, who had successfully broken through.

Qing Tianjun glanced at the Li Fuyao who opened his eyes and raised his sword, and said with a smile: "No matter how you look at it, it will be alive anyway."



After Li Fuyao opened his eyes and officially declared that he was a sword fairy, many saints stopped working.

But the white tea can't escape.

He was tightly entangled with sword aura.

That teapot almost broke.

The Qi sword that Li Fuyao held out with his hand began to become lifelike.

The sages had thought that if Li Fuyao was disturbed by white tea and didn't become a sea, the white tea would almost certainly be killed by Ye Shengge.

Today, white tea has not been made.

But Li Fuyao became.

So the next battle was Li Fuyao's.

All of his swords had been broken into pieces before, and the Xunxian had been gone for a long time.

So Li Fuyao had only one Qi sword in his hand at this moment.

A green shirt had long been stained red with blood, and now the blood dries up and it has become a little dark, and the long hair is even more contaminated with a lot of blood. At this moment, the blood has condensed into blood scabs, and there is no such thing as a sword fairy.

But when he stood up and lifted the sword, the many saints present, as well as several great demons, felt a sharp sword intent.

This has nothing to do with the state, only with the state of mind.

At this moment, Li Fuyao, let alone the white tea on the opposite side, I'm afraid that even the Emperor Wu of the year would also have to use his sword.

White Tea has a solemn expression. In this world, the monks, swordsmen are the hardest to deal with. As the Canghai monks, the one who is most unwilling to face is the sword immortal. Whether ordinary Sanjiao saints or wild cultivators, they cannot have the sword immortal. In the dead, there is still the possibility of a ray of life.

Those sword auras will appear at your vital point anytime you are not paying attention.

The majestic sword aura, in a moment, he rushed to his face!

Bai Cha had a solemn expression and was already very serious. Knowing that Li Fuyao broke through after such a big battle, it must be a sea beyond common sense.

But no one thought that this first sword made him feel that Li Fuyao was still underestimated.

Li Fuyao lifted the sword forward, and the white tea receded, and countless majestic sword qi gradually formed a line, right between Li Fuyao and his white tea, the line was a sword.

The retired white tea soon found out that he was wrong.

Because that sword started in Li Fuyao's hands and went straight forward, marking a ravine with a depth of about ten feet across the entire ground.

But even so, the sword energy will not dissipate, and it will move forward.

This was Li Fuyao's first sword after stepping into the sea. It was so powerful that it was shocking.

The white tea pouring backwards and exiting is already bad

Not more than tens of feet, but the sword is always in front of him.

Even if he wanted to withdraw, it was very difficult.

Li Fuyao stood in place, a gully spread out in front of him, but the sword energy scattered between the world and the earth poured into his body.

Looking at it from a distance, with Li Fuyao as the center of the circle, there are lines of sword energy around him that are visible to the naked eye. Sword energy as thick as fingers poured into his body, looking like countless springs poured into a large pool.

The prosperity of sword energy can be described as the only one in the world!

The white tea was still before the sword qi, and madly retreated back. It was not until a hundred meters later that he gritted his teeth and took out the teapot.

The teapot instantly grew bigger and fell in front of him, and at this time, the white tea also flew towards the distance.

Jian Qi met the teapot that was about to break, and just a moment, he cut the teapot open just like cutting tofu.

With a bang.

Debris flew everywhere.

The sword energy did not dissipate, along the road ahead, and then split a hill into two.

This gradually dissipated.

With this sword, Li Fu slashed open a great magic weapon.

Bai Cha took a breath, but the next scene will make him unforgettable.

Because next, Li Fuyao had already thrown out the Qi sword in his hand towards the white tea.

Sword Qi exploded in the air!

Li Fuyao rolled his hands, and all those long sword fragments that had originally been calm were dragged from the ground into the air.

A moment later, a moment.

Those fragments mixed with sword aura, just for a moment, they had already arrived in front of Bai Cha.

The majestic demon aura on Bai Cha exploded, blocking these sword auras.

All the pieces fell.

next moment!

Whether it’s a bright moon or a tall building, or the blue silk covering the clouds.

It's better if the ten mile grass is getting green.

All the fragments of the long sword were brought together by Li Fuyao.

The result is a long sword with a mottled body.

Li Fuyao held the hilt of the sword and said softly; "There is really only one sword left."

At this moment, who would dare to say that he Li Fuyao is not a true lover of the world?

ps: I originally said that one group was full, so I built a second group. Later, when I got it, it seemed to be very troublesome. It happened that some readers gave generously. Then I upgraded the group. Now it is a group of thousands. You can come. Group number: 124190652

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