Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 233: When can the oil well be sealed

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six! Today, I made a blind date and had a dinner by the way, so I updated some of the rivers, and I will update more tomorrow! ! Crude oil leaked, something that made all governments hate and hate to never be born in their own seas!

Because of the viscous crude oil and the difficulty in cleaning it up, the sea areas covered by them can still cause zoologists to jump off the building. That is, a large number of seaweeds, coral reefs, seabirds and small fishes will be contaminated with crude oil, Killed by toxic compounds such as benzene and toluene released from crude oil. This loss is difficult to measure with money, and will lead to local desalination, tourism and desperation.

In just one day, the leaked crude oil spread over a dozen square kilometers, and it was useless to let the seven oil wells stationed there by the Ono Group work hard.

"That is, Xuan ordered the Ono Group to stop all the marine projects here, and then launched a first-level disaster relief plan, allowing the coast guards of the country to quickly participate in the decontamination work, and one third of the firefighters in major cities to participate in Weaving factories and chemical plants placed orders to allow them to produce oil-absorbing felt and oil-absorbing powder. To unblock the oil-barrier bags in all cities by the sea, you must build more than two oil-barrier bags on the shore, and never let crude oil leak to On the coast! "The Libyan dollar Kazafi, who is almost seventy years old, is sitting on a walnut office chair, and his skin with many age spots has been tightly stretched into a discus.

He has been in power for 40 years, even if the annual armed coup overthrew the dynasty, he was then sanctioned by the Western group that had been the United States for decades, and Bush was accused of being a rogue government. It's not as angry as it is today.

"Stop all investment plans at once. Withdraw all funds that can be withdrawn. Then move all related industries, be responsible for the acquisition and manufacture of degreasing materials, and get in touch with Jia Airlines. Renting them has all the idle aircraft. The supplies were airlifted to Libya. "The head of the despondent Nakagawa family, Nakagawa Ono sat in a wicker chair, gave one trembling hand and gave another order.

This is definitely the biggest crisis in the history of the Nakagawa family, not only to bear the environmental compensation costs of the astronomical figures, and the degreasing costs of the astronomical figures, but also to face the blow from the death to the Mitsui family.

Looking at the world's huge crude oil spill accidents in the past few decades, which one is not a loss of hundreds of billions of dollars?

In the event of the sinking of the "Erica" ​​tanker with a full load of 20,000 tons of oil in the sea off the edge of Brest Port, the EU investigation team gave the results of the investigation after two months It is 2.1 billion US dollars. The total amount is paid by the French Total Group, and this is only a fine of 20,000 tons of crude oil for environmental pollution. The cleaning fee they paid is twice this number.

20,000 tons ",

Nakagawa Ohno swiftly took three capsules to save the heart pills, the No. 1 drilling platform, and this number can be passed in two days. The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is similar to them. The economic losses caused directly exceeded 100 billion US dollars, and the British oil giant only lost nearly 30 billion yuan in compensation, not to mention the clean-up costs.

Taking the conservatively estimated tens of billions of dollars to calculate, the Nakagawa family ca n’t afford it either. They are not the Rothschild family described in the article. They are often thrown out of tens of billions of dollars.

Even if the wealth of the Swiss Union Bank with total assets of 300 billion US dollars, their annual net profit is only a few hundred million US dollars.

20 billion US dollars; Chinese families must borrow more than 16 billion US dollars to fill the entire loophole, unless they sell off the real estate. But selling the real estate means that their Zhongchuan family will have to decline, or go back dozens of times. The second oldest player in China was reduced to fifth and sixth

Audience friends, good afternoon, here is the 30th of the news regularly broadcast by CCTV News Channel, welcome to watch. I am the host Lang Yongchun. Let me introduce the main content for everyone!

The Palestinian government strongly condemned the Israeli conflict and Hamas vowed to resist in the end!

The Ministry of Culture announced the latest announcement yesterday, which will vigorously support the exhibition of online emerging cultural industries.

The incident of the leakage of extra-large crude oil in the Libyan sea area. The nearby countries will all extend a helping hand to jointly rescue the polluted sea area.

The details are broadcast below, "

Yesterday, at 3:00 pm Beijing time, the Libya-Galaf Economic Zone, a large crude oil leak incident was caused by a drilling platform operated by the Japan Petroleum Corporation. The bottom of the oil control valve broke, causing a large amount of crude oil to gush.

This is another major accident after the crude oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. When Hu Qianqian, our correspondent in Libya, returned to the latest announcement, crude oil was still leaking.

It is reported that the broken oil pipeline is pouring out at a flow rate of 12,000 tons per day.

China National Petroleum Corporation, Anglo-Dutch Shell Company and American Exxon Mehu Company will join forces to carry out humanitarian rescue activities against the wrecked Japanese Ono Group!

"Now time is a success or failure. We must block the leaking pipeline in the shortest time to fundamentally solve the problem. We have sent a national detection team to the sea area of ​​the accident to conduct command and coordination work. The Japanese government will also provide advanced reductions. Killing technology, donated 700 tons of oil-absorbing powder for decontamination for free! "

"Then please ask Mr. An Bisier. How long will the leak be effectively controlled?"

"Well," Andy Bisser faced embarrassed Zhiwu for a long time, and finally said obviously lacking in tone: "If everything goes well, I, we will successfully seal the oil well within fifteen days."

"If you want to block it in fifteen days, I will go around the stone tower three times!" Said Chen Fan, who was watching the Internet rebroadcast news.

The bottom of the sea is no more than on land. At that time, the oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico, even the United States, Britain, and Mexico. The three countries joined forces and it took two months and ten days to reseal the oil well. Although the depth of this oil well in Villa is not so exaggerated, it is still a fool's dream to block the oil well within fifteen days.

"The Chuan family, don't you understand that money is softer than toilet paper in the face of violence? Why do you want to provoke me?" Chen Fanchao, who was looking up at the sky, dropped the webpage and hasn't looked after the cloud for three days. It's already resentful.

This time he brought a Barrett anti-equipment sniper rifle, intending to stay to prevent observing the gorillas, the gorilla conspired against him.

This massacre, weighing 30 pounds and equipped with ten bullet clips, can penetrate the bulletproof glass of the helicopter two kilometers away, and tear the driver inside in half.

If you change to a high-energy all-metal armor-piercing warhead. It can penetrate a bullet-proof Hummer three kilometers away, and the five gorillas can also be used to make it into a sugar gourd.

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