Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 268: Let's run away

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Deduction Chen, can I ask you, the metal age of your divination was obtained through discussion of bad bamboo? As far as I know, 90% of South Africa ’s metal rake export share is in the hands of the world ’s largest mining exporter; De Beers, which was a few years ago After the joint acquisition of the US $ 100 million price, there has been little export of minerals to private parties. "Tao Qing hesitated, and expressed his doubts.

Now the "resource war" is getting more and more fierce. The official and South Africa have almost stopped all metal trading. The two sides have quarreled over the issue of rare earths and metal rakes, and no one will give in. At this time, a businessman carrying a large amount of metal came to the door, and Tao Qing had no reason not to doubt.

Of course; this suspicion does not mean that he will immediately tie up Chen Fan, and the hot source of water and tiger stool will force the metal source.

This kind of thing will only be born in the feudal period, and in persecution delusions.

Tao Qing is actually trying to understand whether the source of his supply is strong enough and safe enough. In other words; can the metal bar be supplied for a long time?

Regarding this point, Chen Fan had already been prepared. He said bluntly that he happened to have met a mining oligarch in Tanzania because he often transported oil to Africa in the first half of this year.

At present, the oligarch is preparing to enter the manufacturing industry, but the level of local technology is really backward, there is no suitable mechanical equipment to satisfy his appetite, and the products of the European and American countries are too expensive. Therefore, Chen Fan was willing to help him to undertake the purchase of machinery and equipment, and also loaned a large sum of money to him. In return, he promised to get a large number of metal rakes from South Africa. Sell ​​him at the international market price.

Tao Qing was pleased that although Tanzania itself does not produce metal handles, the relationship between the country and South Africa is as close as that of brothers. Not only are there a large number of South African businessmen investing in the enclosure, even the national airport is owned by South Africa. If a local businessman who manages minerals wants to get a metal rake from South Africa, it is almost as easy as China returns from Pakistan to get some souvenirs.

After getting a vague answer. Tao Qing didn't even bother to ask about the details. He directly greeted Xiao Zhou with a smile and filled the wine glasses for several people.

Those who serve as leaders in the Joint Logistics Department of the military region will naturally have the opportunity to get special offers that are rarely seen by ordinary people. This is not a small week, two bottles of Maotai from the bottom of the table belong to this column.

The mellow liquid goes down. The strange atmosphere on the wine table was suddenly swept away. Tao Qing even bored two cups of walnut-sized wine cups, facing Chen Fanhao's spirit: "Brother Chen, this strategic material such as a metal rake, you have to worry about it and you have arrived at the port. I let the person from the material reserve bureau directly withdraw the money.

"By Xiao Chen?" Tao Qing asked, pretending to be inadvertent: "You can tell me the approximate amount first, so I can report it to the Reserve Board to let them approve the note. "

Chen Fan didn't say anything for half a night, just lowered his head to play with the wine pot.

"Are there five or five hundred pounds?" Xiao Taoqing kept smoking cigarettes at his fingertips, his tone tense as if waiting for the judge's trial.

"This is small" This is small "Chen Fan scratched his head embarrassedly:" I think we can increase the weight to a single ton

"Tons?" Tao Qing opened his puzzled eyes: "What do you mean?"

The guard on the side Xiao Zhou took the lead to react and got Parkinson's straight tremor: ", long". "Wang Dang" the sound of tables and chairs falling to the ground, interrupting Xiao Zhou's words, Tao Qing jumped up roughly: "You mean you have a ton?"

Such a wild roar naturally frightened the nearby diners, everyone is a "neuropathy." The eyes looked at Tao Qing.

"Is it, isn't it a ton ?. Tao Qing's perception ability is completely overwhelmed by great joy, regardless of the strange eyes of others, grabbing Chen Fan's shoulder and shaking it.

"Yes" Chen Fan is even more upset than the undercover who was revealed. Shouldn't he be ready to kill more people?

"Xiao Chen, are you really sure you can get tons of metal handles?" Tao Qing took a deep breath and warned himself to calm down and calm down. After Chen Nod's confirmation, he shivered his teeth: "Do you know? If you sell a ton of metal rakes to the Military Reserve Bureau, it means that within two months of the Tianhai Naval District, you will no longer have to grab the share of that poor metal with the civilian high-tech industry. It means no Few special parts manufacturers, no need to face the situation of no available

"I'm just what. Ordinary speculators, even if it is not for Guoran's metal rake market, I will fight for my own benefit. So rest assured, I will try my best to frustrate this thing." Chen Fan let out a long sigh of breath, and his dim eyes refocused on the dinner table.

He was too lazy to talk, and said that it was unrealistic to give away dozens of tons of metal handles to the reserve bureau. He contributed money and Chen Fan contributed to it. Mutual benefit: Tao Qing patted Chen Ji's shoulder hard. Then, with a loud voice, he summoned the slim little sister hovering by the pond: "Waiter, go get some blackjacks."

"One of the diners sitting at the table next to him murmured.

"Ajie, the country man won't come here to eat." Fu Lulong smiled dumbly: "Did you see the young man sitting in the south position? The Hermès leather coat on him alone

It's worth tens of thousands! "The people who spoke were the three young people who passed by Tao Qing not long ago.

"Secretary, you are the old hero of Tianhai, do you know the origin of this light man?" Ajie asked in surprise.

"Tianhai has more dragons, snakes, fish and shrimps than summer flies. I know him a hairball!"

"Wait!" Fu Lulong suddenly put down his chopsticks and looked at Chen Fanxiao for a long time with suspicious eyes.

The face gradually came closer to each other and more and more coincided with a face in the memory, and finally turned into a thick spur of energy towards the sky.

"I know him!" Fu Lulong slaps the table in a rage: "That time, he let him run at Zhongyun Airport, and then met again at the hotel, but it didn't take any advantage. I didn't expect to meet him here."

"You have a grudge against this kid?" Shi Shuhuo stood up. Without even asking for Fu Lulong's opinion, he took out his mobile phone and said, "Leave it to me!"

"Do n’t punch Fu 8 Dragon, grabbing the arms of the secretary, and glance at the Wang Bing standing behind him with his eyes:" The bodyguard behind him is comparable to the wolf teeth, and Abu in the middle can still fight.

"On Tianhai's abandoned three-point ground, are you still afraid that Abu is not Abu? A Nuo will also take a break when he comes!" Si Shu licked his mouth and said stiffly.

Fu Lulong's gunpowder flew into the sky, while Chen Fan's cigarette and wine flew into the sky. Tao Qing, who had picked up a "golden doll" for no reason, had already drunk his eyes and picked up the glass "dry!"

Wanting to open the belly without Tao Qing, Chen Fan and Zhang Xueyang had to slip their heads more. After three cups of belly, they began to play with the greasyness on the glass. After half and half of the liquid was dried for three or five times, they almost could n’t see Come out less.

"Long, you have to go to the meeting in the afternoon, don't drink two glasses?" Xiao Zhou looked at the time on his watch with a sad face. It was already 1:30 in the afternoon, and there was a meeting about oil supply at 2:20.

"Tao Qing burped up to 50 degrees of alcohol:" I know that I can't delay the afternoon meeting. Come to Chen, learn sheep, let's continue to drink. "

At this moment, Zhang Xueyang became the aunt of the neighborhood committee. After pulling the wine glass from Tao Qing's hand, he twitched Nu Xiaozhou's eyes and kept talking about the importance of the non-stop chatter. What important things does Er and Chen Fan have to do? How will this meal end like this?

"Happy, I'm so happy today Xiao Chen, you are my lucky star." Tao Qing, who stood up and started running the train full of mouth, dragged Chen Fan's arm and refused to let go.

"Yo, is this playing the love of peach" or is it playing, Anling is good? . Division. His gaze was arrogant and impulsive, and then with the stupid posture, no one would come to the "Kind. Camp."

"What do you mean?" Wang Bing, who studied very little, was at a loss.

The love of splitting the peach and the goodness of Anling are from the Spring and Autumn Period. One of the two allusions about that aspect is that one, you know!

"Who are you?" Xiao Zhou took a step forward, his expression cold and stern, his eyes still carrying the bad encouragement of "something you say again".

"Secretary, Fu Sheng Sima Xiangru's Secretary, Zhishu Dali's book!" Si Shu smiled and extended his right hand: "I'm a little troublesome to find a few, are we talking here or outside?"

Chen Fan, Wang Bing, Zhang Xueyang, Xiao Zhou, all of them turned blue. This inexplicable "crap stick." There was an urge to tear him into pieces.

"Boy, your grown-ups haven't told you, do you want to keep some eloquence when you go out?" Zhang Xueyang was so murderous that he almost didn't roll his sleeves. "Come here, let's go and chat, and Chen Fan is very angry and very enthusiastic." He led the **** stick out of the white marble arch.

Several angry people walked to the door, where they unexpectedly met head-on with a group of sturdy and aggressive men.

Chen Fan probably glanced. There were five or six people in this group. Although they were neatly dressed, they had no exposed tattoos and had no props in their hands that would hinder social harmony. But Chen Fan was familiar with the dangerous smell on his body, because there was a guy named Wei Songyue, and several people who had this feeling came to him for trouble.

This kind of feeling is not something that ordinary people can have. There are a lot of people in Xinjiang Shihezi Prison.

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