Super Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 352: Accomplishment

"Young man, goodbye." Lin Fan didn't have a trace of pity in his eyes, and when he loosened his hand, Na Park fell to a scream.

Afterwards, he clapped his hands, as if nothing happened, then returned to Zhong Hanming, "Why didn't you say it?"

His clown mask will always be a smiling face, but at this time, this smiling face is extremely **** in Zhong Hanming's eyes. He throws people down from the sixtieth floor directly, and that Park will definitely not survive. It is light, and it is estimated that it will be swept away by cleaners the next day. Zhong Hanming thought that if he were tossed from here, he would not end up much better than Park.

Between himself and the country, Zhong Hanming no longer hesitates, he leans towards the former.

"Bangzi Country is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, a shameless thing, a beast who deceived his master and annihilated his ancestor." Zhong Hanming said.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Fan tilted his ear, saying that he hadn't heard clearly.

"Bangzi Kingdom is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, shameless stuff, a beast who deceived his master and annihilated his ancestors!" Zhong Hanming took a breath and said loudly. He was really afraid that the evil star would solve himself in an angry.

"Haha, yes, you can roll." The sentence just now has been recorded by Lin Fan, and Xiaowai has been uploaded to the Internet, and an automatic pop-up window has been set up. Everyone who opens the webpage will see it the first time This video, with Xiaowai's technological means, is relatively easy to do all this.

"Thank you, thank you sir!" Zhong Hanming Fei also left.

Now that there were only eight people left in the hall, Lin Fan decided to use some indiscriminate methods to take the opportunity to kill one or two monks.

His consciousness has entered the system interface, he has selected the rocket launcher in his backpack, just as he is about to take it out.

"Attention please!"

An inverted triangle suddenly appeared on the system panel, with bright red words Very Dangerous.

"Attention please!"

"Very dangerous!" Lin Fan was shocked. He still remembered that the last time the system showed this reminder that he was fighting Tov. At that time Tov used a secret technique, which made him unable to resist, and even almost wanted Killed his life.

And now that his strength is stronger than he was at the beginning, but still being released by the system with this prompt message, it proves that an invincible master must have rushed back, and the target is likely to be him.

About to recover the rocket launcher, Lin Fan shouted at Xie An.


"Huh?" Xie An admitted that he was a little bit confused. A few minutes ago, he had the appearance of Laozi's best in the world. Now he has to retreat in a hurry? OK?

"Get out!" Lin Fan said anxiously, because the word "dangerous" became stronger and stronger, proving that the other party was about to get close.

After speaking, he threw a tights to Xie An, "put it on!" Then he jumped out of the window.

At an altitude of more than two hundred meters, he jumped out, and the seven destruction monks who were watching were all shocked.

"Fuck, what's the trouble!" After pondering for a second, in Xie An's eyes, although Lin Fan revealed weirdness everywhere, he also gave people a mentality that they don't care about anything, but they will never be sloppy on key things, such as Throwing Park from a high altitude, such as asking Zhong Hanming to say those remarks, such as the task that Zhang Kuang performed last time, all these show that he is not a joke on major events.

With cares in his mind, Xie An quickly put on the tights thrown by Lin Fan.

"What material is this?"

He found that although the tights looked extremely small, they were actually very elastic and would not rub against the clothes, so they were easily put on the body.

Dressing and running were carried out at the same time. The moment he got dressed, he also came to the window, and the special reinforced glass shattered under his foot.

At this time, he heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind, and subconsciously turned his head to look.


The people who came were just like the ruined monks, who were also in a cloak, unable to see their faces. The cloak was red in color and it was embroidered with lotus flowers.

The monk is also a believer of the Great Brahma. He is even more terrifying and **** than destroying the monk. He is the first executor of the meaning of the Great Brahma. He has terrible strength, no feelings, no fear, and what a powerful enemy he faces. There is a battle, and there is only one belief in his heart, which is the meaning of preaching Brahma.

The monk also looked at Xie An, he broke out into trouble and wanted to keep him.

But Xie An is already next to this window, so how could he let him succeed and leave with a leap.

As soon as the front foot jumped out, Xie An felt a heat wave behind him.

He saw a man dressed as a clown hovering on the side of the building in a flying suit and holding a rocket launcher. The heat came from the weapon in his hand.

The 63 building exploded violently under this gun.

"Fuck, where did you come from?"

After Xie An remained in free fall for about two seconds, he felt his back lighten, and the tights had changed like a bat wing.

"One piece of clothing is 300,000 yuan, wait until the landing is swiped!"

Lin Fan shouted and landed towards the ground.

The entire building is now surrounded by the Bangzi State police.

"These gangsters have heavy weapons, be careful!"

"Warning, you are now surrounded, I advise you to give up resistance!" a diplomatic expert shouted with a megaphone.

And the other side of the building.

The rich people who participated in the auction gathered here, and in front of them, stood two young men who were close to each other.

"Do you speak English?" Xu Jinye looked at others.

"No." Xu Yihan shook his head decisively.

"Not a double master degree?"

"Language for research?"

The two communicated in Chinese for a long time, and these wealthy businessmen were all caught by them.

In fact, it can't be said to be catching, it should be more appropriate to describe it as seduction.

At that time, Lin Fan let these rich people go. They would leave after they left the building, but they accidentally stepped into Xu Jinye's trap.

This trap was originally prepared for the operatives tonight, but there are really no people who have entered the building and then come out. These rich people are considered the second batch, and the first batch is Su Qin. Under the guidance of the system, these traps did not treat her at all. Cause any impact.

In other words, these rich people bear the brunt.

The so-called trap here is not a kind of nails, deep pits or something, but a kind of psychological trap.

For Xu Jinye, a person with persecution delusion and extremely flexible mind, it is very easy to use the surrounding environment to create a psychological suggestion that it is not safe to go from anywhere, and only the road in front of him can escape to heaven.

Therefore, these rich men came.

"Neither can you speak English, nor can I. How can this robbery proceed? Leave them alone."

"That's the only way, hey, nothing is left today, and I have to add millions of drinks and drinks when I go back. It's a loss this time."

At this moment, a female voice came from the wealthy business group.

"I can speak English!"

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