Super Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 378: Give or not

The sound of the intercom at the end point came from the starting point. At this moment, the whole starting point was boiling.

"We won! Guo Shan won!" The beard threw the beer glass in his hand and hugged the coach beside him, "He won the Gemini!"

"Yeah." The coach's eyes were dull, and even if he was hugged by a bearded man, he didn't show any resistance. "Although I don't know why he is so fast, he really won!"

"Guo Shan won, great, I knew he would win!" Chen Ke jumped up excitedly.

And Lin Fan had already walked in front of Lu Feng at this time.

"Boy, check it out."


The appearance of Lin Fan shocked Lu Feng, who now has the desire to die.

When he first met Lin Fan, he thought that this was a **** who loves to pretend, and used a modified car to deceive the beauty of the beauty. After a while, he found that this **** not only loves to brag, but also looks like a starving ghost. No gentleman.

Five minutes ago, he found out that he was wrong. This person is not a dick, but a real local tyrant. It's just that this local tyrant has no brains and would bet 500 million yuan on Guo Shan. Isn't this clearly giving himself money. But now, his eyes on Lin Fan have long been different. The other party is a demon, a devil, he will squeeze, he wants to take 5 billion oceans from me, this is my life!

"Ah what, checkout!" Lin Fan unceremoniously slapped the back of Lu Feng's head.

"Close, check out?"

"Nonsense!" Lin Fan slapped over again, "Hurry up and get Lao Tzu money, five billion!"

"No, no money." Lu Feng was stammering. For Lin Fan's slap after slap, he forgot to resist, only the five billion in his mind.

Now he really wants to slap himself a few times.

"No money? Your mother told me you have no money?" Lin Fan came over with a heart to collect money, but heard the other party tell him so.

"Big brother, really not." Lu Feng almost cried out.

"No, I'm going with your dad, I will see the money today!"

"My dad, neither does my dad!"

"You cheated on me? Shameless, right?" Lin Fan said and slapped another slap. Lin Fan realized that he couldn't bet. The last time he played a slot machine in Australia City, he was cheated on, but today he was cheated on again. It makes him very puzzled that there are so many rascals now.

"Big brother, otherwise you wait, and I'll give you later?" Lu Feng tried to delay.

"Impossible, take it now."


At the end of the mountain road, Guo Shan leaned on the front of the car, lit a cigarette, and then took a deep breath.

"It feels so good."

At about three minutes and thirty seconds, two cars approached. The appearance of the cars was exactly the same, and the sound of the engines was also very similar. They were Gemini.

They saw Guo Shan stopped at the finish line. The result of this game left them speechless. The brothers couldn't figure out why McLaren, who was still abused by himself, ran so fast this time.

Seeing that Guo Shan didn't say a word, he had to turn around and return, but if they didn't talk to Guo Shan, it didn't mean that Guo Shan would not taunt them.

"Aren't these two Yang Maozi? How come? I'm waiting to fall asleep!"

Regarding the degree of ridicule, China will never lose to any country.


In this regard, Gemini just snorted coldly, and other than that, it was a shame to say one more word at this time, and let the other party thirty-five seconds, this time it's a big game.

Go off the field, use that for the next game, you must get the field back. At this moment, the Gemini brothers made a decision at the same time.

After the taunting is complete, Guo Shan sits in the car again. He does not intend to wait for Lu Linhua to come over for another wave of taunts. As a person's strength improves, his vision will also increase. On this road, Lu Linhua will no longer be in his eyes. , Because the two at this time are not opponents on the same level at all.

Back to the starting point, Guo Shan parked the car, and a group of people surrounded him. The man in the inner circle was headed by the beard and the coach. The rest of the masses are in the outer circle.

"Guo Shan, your kid has a set that runs so fast!"

"That's not the case. If you win the Gemini, you will become famous in this battle."

"Guo Shan, great!"

"Come on, what are you waiting for, celebrate the heroes!"

The bearded man raised his arms and shouted, Guo Shan only felt that countless hands lifted him, and then threw him into the sky! This is the exclusive glory of the winner!

In the other direction, there is sparsely populated here, there is only one big tree, and when everyone is watching the winner, there are only two people here.

"Brother, I beg you, let me down."

"Impossible! Give the money quickly!"

"Brother, I really have no money!" Lu Feng could feel his tears rushing desperately.

"No money? Are you kidding me?"

In this scene, Lin Fan didn't know where to find a thick rope, and then he hung Lu Feng from a tree with a rattan in his hand. Every word he said was accompanied by the rattan rattle.

"How dare I play you? I really have no money!"

"If you have no money, what do you pretend to be?"

Another cane went down, and Lu Feng screamed.

"Brother, when will you come back? Come and save me!" Under the power of the cane, Lu Feng didn't even dare to speak, but kept begging in his heart.

Lu Feng didn't speak, and Lin Fan didn't fight anymore. He thought for a while before speaking.

"It's okay if you don't give it. You can use other things to pay for it. How about a dollar and a whip? It's only 5 billion. It should be affordable."

"...Brother, I was wrong..."

Ten minutes later, after Lin Fan put down Lu Feng, the opponent was full of whip marks. This guy didn't care about hitting people. He hit him whenever he wanted to. He didn't follow the rules at all. The rules of slaps.

"Go get the money, don't let Lao Tzu wait in a hurry."

It turned out that under Lin Fan’s cane education, Lu Feng finally succumbed and promised to give the money. Although he didn’t know where to find five billion, it was better than staying on the tree all the time. , Where did he suffer from this kind of skin and flesh suffering since he was a child.

Back to the place where everyone was eating, drinking, and chatting, Lin Fan sat beside Guo Shan carelessly.

"how do you feel?"


"That's fine, give me money."

"what money?"

"Tuition!" Lin Fan took it for granted.

"...No money."


The half-hour break is half an hour, and now ten minutes have passed. After twenty minutes, there is still a third game to be played.

When Lu Feng ran to Lu Linhua with a whip and narrated what had happened, he was greeted with another severe beating.

"Lin Fan, what did you do to him?" Chen Ke asked Lin Fan, covering his mouth and looking at the crying Lu Feng.

"It's nothing, let him play a game for a while."

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