Super Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 393: Help a lot

"Make it clear!" Lin Fan slapped it up as he said. Although he knew in his heart that this person was called by Lu Linhua, how could he dare to do something to himself without giving a lesson?

"It's him, it's him!" When Lin Fan held it in his hand, Wu Feng felt that breathing was a little difficult. He pointed his finger at Lu Linhua who was standing not far away watching the show. "It's all with the surname Lu, he just gave me Call and bid 13 million to buy your life?" Wu Feng shouted out this sentence so that everyone could hear it.

"Oh?" Lin Fan threw Wu Feng to the ground and stepped forward to Lu Linhua.

Wang Ximeng looked at Lu Linhua with a look of anger, murderously violent, and even dared to act on the person in the prophecy. Damn it!

Lu Linhua would never have thought that the underworld elder brother he had called would be so afraid of Lin Fan, and claimed that Yinnan had nothing he could not do, which was really shameful.

But at this point, he couldn't admit it. After all, the **** cane on the opponent's hand was not a joke. It hurts to hit someone.

"Don't spit people, I don't know you at all, let alone call you!"

"Who is spitting blood, I have a recording!" Wu Feng climbed up from the ground, not even taking photos of the dust on his body, and quickly took out the phone and manipulated it.

The phone sounded, and the content was astonishingly the conversation with Lu Linhua just now.

Wu Feng has a habit, like a corrupt official who keeps accounts. He also records every time he accepts a job.

Wu Feng's mobile phone was turned on, and no one around was making noise at this time, so everyone can hear this recording clearly.

"Lu Linhua, you really lost your Lu family."

"That is, who would dare to play in your Lu's place in the future?"

"I just pretended not to know. No wonder there was a car going up the mountain without being stopped. How could the person who called me stop it?"

"Trash, don't gamble if you can't afford to gamble, and even spend money to do this."

"Unexpectedly, the person you paid for was actually the younger brother of this master."

"Insidious villain."

All those who spoke looked at Lu Linhua with contempt.

"Boy, didn't you give me money? This is really a great gift." Lin Fan laughed, and he took the **** rattan and walked to Lu Linhua.

He said otherwise. The so-called big gift is not ironic. An opportunity that can be used by the Lu Family to attack the Zhang Family was formed.

"You, what do you want." Lu Linhua was trembling all over, which was really picking up a rock and hitting him in the foot.

"Not very good, go back and prepare the money, I will collect the account in three days."

After saying these words, Lin Fan threw the **** cane to the ground, then turned into the car, said hello to Chen Ke and others, and left.

Seeing Lin Fan was gone, the cameraman quickly put away his equipment and drove the RV to follow him.

"No, don't hit me?" Lu Linhua looked at Lin Fan who was leaving in disbelief, but although Lin Fan didn't beat him, it didn't mean that others would not beat him.

Lin Fan's departure gave Wu Feng a feeling of escaping from the dead. After the fear, anger was followed. The anger, Lu Linhua almost killed himself, immediately led a group of little brothers to Lu Linhua, regardless of each other. What kind of status is it? Just like Lin Fan hit himself, Wu Feng slapped Lu Linhua.

"You fucking, you almost killed Lao Tzu." As he said, he kicked Lu Linhua to the ground again, and ordered to the younger brother behind him, "You can beat me, you can play without death!"

The guests present all drove away gradually after this incident happened. From their eyes, they can feel that they will never show up wherever there is Lu family in the future. There is such a sinister villain in Lu family. Who would dare to deal with them in the future?

When he came down the mountain, Lin Fan saw the RV that had been following him, and knew that it was Wang Ximeng, waved to the latter, motioning her to follow.

There is still that cold grassland beside Aiyi River. Lin Fan is sitting here. Since the first time, he always likes to think about things here.

Wang Ximeng stood behind him.

"Okay, let's continue our topic just now, you said you have been looking for me, what is the so-called? Why do you say that I am your savior?"

"Three thousand years ago, there were countless inherited families in this world, but after three thousand years, there were very few inherited families. Among them, natural disasters and wars were good reasons, but more were because of hunters."


"The same is the inheritance family. Their inheritance method is assassination. They believe that the energy in the world is limited. If all the inheritance families can be destroyed, the grand situation of three thousand years ago can be restored, and the greatness of moving mountains and seas can appear. Yes, it can be ascended to heaven."

"Crazy!" Lin Fan curled his lips and ascended to heaven? Daydreaming is almost the same.

"Yes, they are lunatics. From ancient times to the present, the hunters have always believed in this way, and at the same time they have been in action. Due to the special reason of the practice, all the inheritance families that they are eyeing will end up miserably. Either it is completely destroyed, or one or two bloodlines are left behind. Now, it's our royal family."

"Your strength is not weak? If you are not even an opponent, how can I help?"

"You are mentioned in the prophecy. You must have a way. The prophecy will not be wrong." Wang Ximeng said affirmatively.

"Do you believe in the prophecy that way?"

"How can you doubt the things that are imprinted on the spirit? We need you to return to the ancient land with us, and everything will be clear there."

Standing on the icy grass, Lin Fan swept the dust off his body, "Leave me a contact information, I will go there when I have time."

"Aren't you going back with me now?"

"not the right time yet."


Saying goodbye to Wang Ximeng, Lin Fan returned home and went to the bed. He began to recall the things he had come into contact in the past two days.

He tried his best to associate the three Indian gods, memory fragments, inheritance family, enshrinement list, and systems.

Ten minutes later, Lin Fan shook his head vigorously. No matter how much he thought about these things, he couldn't combine them together. If he wanted to know the answer, he could only continue to look for the system fragment.

"It seems that not only will you clear the designated game, you will get fragments, but there will also be fragments on the earth. Since Wang Ximeng can have it, it proves that there are still people in the Wang family who will have system fragments. There are still a lot of them."

Lying on the bed, Lin Fan did not sleep.

On the system interface, he clicked on the two words in the lower right corner, tactics.

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