Super Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 400: Call the police

Just like Lin Fan kicking the door, Zhang Ming kicked Lin Fan. He only used a quarter of his force on this kick. His purpose was to test, to see the depth of the opponent, which can be attacked and received. , You will use your full strength if you don’t come out.

Facing this foot, Lin Fan didn't hide, but was kicked on his chest, and then flew out.

Yes, he was kicked and kicked by a Zhang family.

In fact, Zhang Ming's kick is not so powerful at all. Not to mention that he only made a quarter of his force, even if he did his best, Lin Fan could easily block it with his straight arm.

The reason for this is that Lin Fan deliberately did it.

Assault the Guardian of China for no reason, let alone the Zhang family, even if it’s the four of the capital, you have to weigh it up. A head-on head is not the opponent of the Zhang family, but if you want to say that the Zhang family is disgusting, Lin Fan can find several ways. Come.

It's even more disgusting than smashing your glass with tomatoes and blocking the keyhole with three-second glue.

Now that he has such a BUG status as the Guardian of China, Lin Fan naturally has to make good use of it.

Zhang Ming never expected that the man in front of him would be kicked easily by himself. Seeing that he didn't even have the power to fight again, he looked at Lu Linhua with disdain in his eyes, "This is the master you are talking about? Can't stand a blow! "

Regarding this situation, Zhang Ming did not expect, and Lu Linhua did not even expect.

This person's skill shouldn't be like that. Others can't hide from the kick just now, and he has no reason to hide. I still remember that when he started his hands in another private room, Lin Fan's movements became a phantom in Lu Linhua's eyes.

"What's the situation?" Lu Linhua thought for a while, and he came to a conclusion, "This person is actually not good at being able to bully ordinary people, and he has to stop cooking immediately when he meets a real master."

Thinking of this, the horrified gaze he was looking at Lin Fan turned into a sneer, just a pretending to be a criminal. Now that he has been exposed, he can no longer be pretended to be, he dare to ask for the account even with this skill. Know the depth of this world, don't know that there is a sky outside the sky, is there someone outside the world?

After flying around in the air, Lin Fan fell to the ground and got up for a long time. His unbearable appearance made Zhang Ming unable to give birth to the thoughts of working on him.

If others don't do it, Lin Fan won't do it either. He fumbled around for a while, and finally took out his phone, "You wait, I call someone!"

"Call someone?" Lu Linhua chuckled. In Jishi, he has always been the only person to call someone. No one has ever dared to call someone in front of him, "Call, call it whatever you want!"

"Okay!" Lin Fan yelled, it looked like he had been wronged by the sky. He dialed a number on his mobile phone proficiently, "Hello, police station, someone beat me, yes, the address is XX street. XX bar."

"Haha, call the police, he actually called the police!" Hearing Lin Fan talking to the phone, Lu Linhua laughed like a barbell. He seemed to have heard the most funny thing in the world. He called the police in Jishi. Couldn't he Do you know that the chief of the police station in Jishi is his own person? In this bar, let alone beating, even the murdering police will not be in charge.

Therefore, Lin Fan's report to the police was destined to be useless.

Unfortunately, what he would not have thought was that the fact that the police would not come is also in Lin Fan's plan.

With the existence of Tianyan, Lin Fan’s social system had already been understood by Lin Fan. Not to mention the sphere of influence in Jishi, even in some other places, Lin Fan knew of hidden forces that even Lu Linhua did not know. Chu.

What he had to do was to show a scene where the Guardian of China was beaten for no reason, and then called the police useless, and finally he had no choice but to show his strength to defend his thin rights.

The police didn't come, they were just paying attention to him.

Putting the phone away, a smile appeared on his face.

"This kid, the police are coming right away. I urge you to apologize quickly." He pointed to Zhang Ming with a stabbing face. He had said it a long time ago. In terms of swelling, Lin Fan recognized the second, and no one would dare to recognize the first.

"Apologize? There is never the word apology in my Zhang Ming's dictionary."

"This is a society ruled by law. Why don't you apologize if you beat someone?"

"Just because I belong to the Zhang family, in China, few people dare to make my surname Zhang apologize!"

"You are lawless!" Lin Fan pretended to be angry and yelled, is he the first time he has seen someone who is more swollen than himself.

"My Zhang family is law, my Zhang family is Ji." Since childhood in that kind of family, Zhang Ming's arrogance and scary, his favorite is to use his identity to make the other party surrender.

"Apologize! Don't force me to shoot!"

"Heh, come and try, it's up to you?" Zhang Ming looked at him playfully, "In China, my Zhang family is heaven!"

"Good, good!" Lin Fan said three good words in succession, feeling that the scene was almost done, he stepped forward in one step and showed a three-point strength.

Lin Fan is now beyond the scope of ordinary people. One point of strength can make ordinary people look up. Two points of strength can be called terrifying, and three points of strength are enough to abuse Zhang Ming.

Originally, the distance between the two was still seven or eight meters apart, but Lin Fan had already appeared in front of Zhang Ming in the next second. This sudden violent strength made Zhang Ming too late to react.

But even if he reacted, Lin Fan's power made him unable to resist.

It was just a punch, and this punch hit Zhang Ming's chest, and the latter flew out like a piece of toilet paper in a violent wind under this punch, with full visual effects.

"How is it possible!" Lu Linhua, who stood up next to Zhang Ming when Lin Fan called, was surprised. He didn't react until the person next to him was knocked out, because he didn't even see how Lin Fan got from seven. It appeared in front of you in an instant eight meters away.

Not only did Lu Linhua fail to see it clearly, but Zhang Ming did not see it clearly.

What kind of strength does he belong to, between martial arts and ancient martial arts, if he really wants to fight, Zhang Juechen at the beginning will be able to steadily defeat him, not to mention the current Lin Fan?

Ancient martial arts are ancient techniques, and what is beyond ancient techniques is unknown. The tactics exist at the highest point and are the greatest techniques in the three thousand worlds.

Someone may ask, since the tactics are so invincible, why Lin Fan has mastered 30% and feels that he is not strong enough. We can understand this problem from another angle.

One's life can go through elementary school, junior high school, high school, university, a total of 16 years of education. If these 16 years of education are perfectly accepted, an illiterate can be turned into a top intellectual.

We interpret the tactics as a 16-year education. Lin Fan, who has learned 30% of tactics, is at best a level that has just graduated from elementary school in these 16 years of education.

The remaining 70% implies that the gap between junior high school, high school, and university cannot be calculated by simple addition and subtraction.

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