Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1077: Army attack

Long Wen saw the other directors and a group of federal members frowning, with a smooth tone of breath: "Everyone can rest assured that Xianxian College will fully support this self-defense counterattack of the Earth Federation and will take the opportunity to make the ancient Thirty-six small galaxies around the region are included in the territory of the Earth Federation. Now all we have to do is organize the army to go to the border and completely detonate this battle. "

"Wait, didn't I hear it wrong? Wasn't it a self-defense counterattack? Why did you take the opportunity to include the 36 small galaxies around the Fanggu domain into the federal territory of the earth?" A federal director was dumbfounded and thought he was listening. Wrong, looking at other people is also aggressive.

"You didn't hear me wrong, that's exactly what the dean of the Immortal College told me. According to the dean of the Immortal College, there is no invasion of the Great Wu Universe, and the Earth Federation has come to take the initiative. So In fact, this is not a self-defense counterattack, but a battle to open up territories. "Long Wen saw other people's looks and felt very satisfied, who made him so shocked at the time.

Hearing Long Wen's affirmative answer, the entire virtual conference hall was messy.

These high-level federations felt like they were dreaming, and once again, Xianxian Academy gave them a big gift.


On the same day, the three Nebula-class spacecrafts opened the way, and tens of thousands of star-shaped spacecrafts covered the sky and headed for the battlefield.

This is the biggest star war of the Earth Federation entering the universe, and it is an opportunity for everyone.

Various life planets.

"Join the army, I want to join the army." Many federal residents came to the Star Mansion, strongly demanding to join the federal army to defend the Federation, and many of them were not humans on earth.

"Why did you join the army?" A federal television reporter interviewed.

"Since the Earth Federation administers the Celestial Ring Galaxy, our security has been guaranteed and our lives have been better. Now I don't allow anyone to disrupt all of this." A man filled with indignation.

"Thank you for your answer. Are these people joining the army an idea with you?" The reporter continued to ask.

"I think most of them are. Many of us are from a small race, but when they were discovered by the universe nations, they were either exterminated or arrested as slaves, and now they have a chance to give us identity and asylum. I think we have an obligation to guard this place, otherwise we will become a homeless person again. "The man pondered for a moment, his face was a little dignified.

Many people in the surrounding communities nodded their heads. After becoming citizens of the Earth Federation, they really have made it home.

"I've been to the 127 universe nations before, and I can say without mercy that the Earth Federation is the fairest and fairest I've ever seen and truly belongs to every federal citizen. Although we are not Earth's Aboriginal people, but in the past few decades, the Earth Federation has also provided us with many benefits, including free medical care, free education, and so on. "A man with a scar on his face sank," So in the universe After drifting in China for so long, I finally resolutely joined the cosmopolitan membership of the Earth Federation and became a resident of the Earth Federation. Now my cultivation is a seventh-order void, and I am willing to fight for the Earth Federation. "

When hearing the man's words, many federal residents felt the same.

At this time, Wang Jingsheng came over from Xingzhu's Mansion. His cultivation looks far worse than those who want to join the army, but many people look at him but are full of respect.

Wang Jingsheng looked at a group of people clamoring to join the army, and it was estimated that there were tens of thousands. At this moment, I really feel that the federal policy over the years has gone completely right.

He coughed, and immediately quieted around, and then just listened to him loudly: "Dear federal residents, I am King Jingsheng, the star of Tianlan Star, thank you very much for being able to stand up and support the Federation when the Federation is in crisis. There is no plan to expand the army, so everyone still has to do their job first. If there is a call from the Commonwealth, I must inform you as soon as possible. "

Many people were disappointed when they heard this.

It took Wang Jingsheng a lot of effort to appease these people, but instead of getting bored, he was proud that the Federation was so popular.


Since the small ring galaxy has been incorporated into the territory of the Earth Federation, teachers have been able to move freely in the small ring galaxy.

In response to the war against the Earth Federation, teachers and students of Xianxian College also received orders to let them rush to the war zone, kill the invaders, and defend the Earth Federation.

The meaning of Xianxian College is very simple, this is a training experience.

The entire Earth Federation is also. Although Wang Xing has the power to directly enter the Dawu universe and captures Moshou and his servants, how to temper the Earth Federation ’s own combat power is the top priority. And in such a war, it is easiest for people to break through the realm, and it is easiest to nourish the strong. So for the Earth Federation, this is also an opportunity. Only after experiencing blood and fire can a universe nation truly gain a foothold in the universe.

Which of the great nations in the universe ~ ~ has not experienced thousands of battles, and many chaotic powerhouses have also stood out.


"Mr. Dharma, these ten students will be entrusted to you." Cheng Yu brought the ten students from the sky to Dharma.

"Rest assured that with my presence, they will definitely guarantee their safety." Dharma is confident and content, and now he also has the seventh-order cultivation of the void, as long as he is not a strong person who encounters the light world, there is basically no danger, and Once those powerful people in the cosmic light are dispatched, there will naturally be others to deal with it.

"Well, you guys in the second year of junior high school must kill more enemies. See the rewards from the college? The more you kill, the more task points you earn. As long as you earn enough task points, talent Neither fragments nor immortal exercises are a problem. "Gulunwang tempted." But I'm not like any other teacher. I will take you personally. I have arranged your identity in the Federal Army. You can report it directly! "

"Um?" A dozen students were stunned, and they did so.

"I am General Feipong, it is incumbent to guard the Immortal College and the Earth Federation. I am going to the front line to kill the enemy with all my heart, and I may have no time to take care of you. So you follow my team and take it for granted." Feipeng said calmly, letting a dozen The students who followed him all felt Alexander in an instant, and it seemed that everything was more reliable on their own.



Lu Dongbin and Wang Xing were sitting in a spaceship, drinking tea and controlling everything.

Lu Dongbin suddenly said, "Although humans on our planet have little experience in star wars, the art of war on the earth is still very practical."

PS: The second update, the third update is being written!

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