Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1216: Very rewarding

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The Emperor Yan Di did not know why.

But this sword that fell from the sky had already carried horrific power, tore space, and bombarded the giant ghost.

The beast condensed by the tyrannical gas screamed and disappeared in an instant, without even blocking it for a second.


The cold sound came through the layers of space, and I didn't know how many light years were between them.

Chilling, the soul trembling.

"Master God, spare your life!"

Emperor Yan Mao begged for mercy, but Yu Wei of the sword continued to beheaded and killed him relentlessly.

"Do not!"

Emperor Yan Yan shouted, "I am an emperor, and I managed to cultivate to this level, I am not willing!"

Suddenly, a raging flame burst into his body.

These flames are his world in the burning body. At this moment, his power rose quickly, and in a blink of an eye, he reached the peak of the emperor, and touched the limit threshold of the law of the universe.


A black shield appeared in his hand, composed of many scale armor, and at first glance it was a first-order original defense artifact.

Under the infusion of his strength, the scale armors on the shield were all opened one by one, emitting a bright light.

"Block it, you must block it!"

Emperor Yan Mao shouted in his heart that this was his strongest means and his last hope.


A loud noise came, and the sword was chopped on the shield, and the scale armor on the entire shield exploded and flew all over the Meteorological Realm.

The long sword continued to advance, but the power had weakened a lot.


Rao is so, still cut the small half of Emperor Yan Dijun.

Emperor Yan Di screamed, but moved out instantly, and finally saved his life and survived the attack of the gods.

However, the world in his body was completely burned, the divine body was cut in half, and the strength was less than 10%. Don't even think about recovering for thousands of years.

"hand of God!"

Wang Xing took a decisive shot at this time, striving to kill the Emperor Yan Jun.

"Damn, you ants ..."


The space of the Meteorological Realm where Emperor Yan Di was located was crushed by Wang Xing. If Emperor Yan Di was struck by lightning, a spit of blood spit out, and the whole body was blurred.

Wang Xing was surprised, so that he did not take the opportunity to kill Emperor Yan Jun.

However, he foresaw that the next blow of the situation had come, and that he would definitely be able to kill Emperor Yan Di.

And he only needs to hold Yan Yandijun.

"No, stay here, I will die."

Emperor Yan Yan also saw the power of it, turned his body into a blood rainbow, and walked away.

Wang Xing had long been prepared, and smiled coldly: "The power of the world, imprisonment!"

He manipulated the world effect attached to the dean's scepter. A force of the world locked thousands of miles in space and time. At this moment, all the rules were controlled by him.

The fugitive Emperor Yan Di was struck by lightning and his body was fixed.

"Power of the world, I ..."

Emperor Yan Di shuddered, his internal world had been destroyed, the divine power was greatly damaged, and the foundation had been lost. At this moment, there was no way to get up.

Wang Xing laughed secretly when she saw this scene, and she succeeded.

This dean's scepter is now fully worthy of the seventh and even eighth tier treasures. The power of the world he can urge with the dean's scepter may not be much, but it is enough to be comparable to the first entry into the kingdom of king Monarch.

In the air, a sword light slashed again.



Emperor Yan Mao begged, but it was completely useless.

Dugu ’s second attack directly penetrated his body, shattered his soul, and turned him into a cosmic particle.

Wang Xing smiled slightly, and collected the space ring of Emperor Yan Dijun with one stroke, and this thing was retained in the end.

"I don't know what will be inside."

Wang Xing has a little expectation. After all, Lord Demon Snake is so rich and oily, this Emperor Yan Di will only be richer.

Divine insight penetrated into it, and Wang Xing couldn't help but take a breath.

There are only three large chests full of immortal stones in it, the number of which exceeds 200,000 pieces, and other sixth-order treasures also have more than 20 pieces, including two fourth-class world hearts.

Then Wang Xing saw three well-wrapped boxes.

He opened them in sequence, and saw that the first one turned out to be a third-class world heart. This was an authentic seventh-tier treasure.

The second box is an immortal crystal. The actual grade of this thing may not be high, but the value is not low, and it is very useful for the emperor to break through to the immortal realm.

The third box, inside, turned out to be a golden book, and when opened, it turned out to be an immortal-level exercise called Demon God.

After watching the three boxes, while Wang Xing was excited, she was also a little bit crying.

He saw that the third box was protected so well by Emperor Yan Mao, thinking that it was the most precious, but he did not expect that only one exercise was put in, and what he lacked most was exercise. Especially this exercise method, I do n’t know what the demon gods are, but it is only one of them, the name is Qiqi Volume. Now the tyrannical law cultivated by Emperor Yanzhang evolved from this Qiqi volume.

"The level of the demon **** must be not low ~ ~ Wang Xing thinks like this, but he has not made up the idea of ​​the demon god, and will at most serve as a reference for the students. If any student is interested, let He went looking for the rest of the exercises himself.

"Dean, there are many people at the level of emperors watching."

"I know."

Wang Xing woke up with the sound of unbridled voice: "Don't worry, they are all frightened now, and they will definitely not dare to act lightly."


"I'll be back to the college right away, and I'll talk to Fengyun Wuji at that time."

Wang Xing said, feeling the sense of fearlessness left.

Irina came over at this time, along with three other teachers who had just been recruited into the college by Wang Xing.

"Dean, that was just ..."

"A teacher of our college, you can see when you enter the college."

Wang Xing smiled slightly, but also pretended to be somewhat mysterious.

"Is that teacher an immortal deity?"

"you guess."

Wang Xing did not answer directly: "Well, I will take you out of here first."

"Thank you Dean."

Many people looked at Wang Xing at this moment, full of awe.

Wang Xing no longer said anything. With a wave of his sleeve, a force of the world wrapped around Irina and others, and put them all into the dean's scepter.

"Farewell, Meteorological Realm."

Wang Xing murmured and disappeared into a streamer, but he did know that this meteoric land would definitely come in later.

Many people waited until Wang Xing had gone far, and they all showed up. There were more than a dozen of them.

These people are all emperors of the realm, but looking at their faces is not so good at the moment.

"It's really the **** who shot."

After a long silence, a man with a black metal tail spoke slowly.

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