Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1226: College changes

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"Yes, the college now has five teachers from Yuanxian Realm, which meets the minimum requirements for unsealing the high school."

"Five people?"

Wang Xing calculated carefully: "All I know is that I am God, Saitama, Lu Yue, and Shen Gongbao. There are only four of them. Although Sun Wukong, Lu Dongbin, Irina and others have the power of Yuanxian Realm, After all, it is not the real Yuanxian realm. It seems that there is only one possibility. It must be that Shen Gongbao recruited me a true creator. "

After understanding this, Wang Xing was excited.

"System, what does the unsealed high school look like?"

"Hosts can go and see for themselves. The high school is being unblocked, and the college will usher in great changes."

The system said temptingly, so that Wang Xing couldn't help being curious.


Lu Yue's voice came and he was summoned, but at this moment it was discovered that Wang Xing was in a daze and didn't care about him at all.

"Mr. Lu, let's go out and talk later."


Lu Yue was very helpless. How could she feel that she was not taken seriously? Is it that she has offended the dean as soon as she entered.

Wang Xing led the way, and the two quickly came outside the college.

At this time, many students and teachers also left the classroom. They stopped practicing and looked around the college.

Seeing only the place where the original college was located, the elementary and junior high schools suddenly split apart, and each extended outward to become two huge lands.

At the same time, the junior high school is still drifting away and keeps away from the primary school.

"What is this to do, isn't it to unblock the high school, why the elementary and junior high schools have also been transformed." Wang Xing has been stunned by the changes in front of him.

His consciousness swept away. The land on which the elementary school is located has a size of 100,000 miles. The buildings above it have not only increased several times, but have become more dispersed.

The land where the middle school is located is even a million miles in size, and new classrooms and dormitories have also been formed on it.

However, the change has not stopped. Around the land of the elementary and junior high schools, there are also mountain peaks floating in the distance. The small ones have a radius of several miles, and the large ones have a radius of dozens of miles.

Above the mountain peaks, each one is full of greenery and beautiful scenery, but some are classrooms for teaching, some are offices, and some are martial arts fields.

Many students are also automatically separated at the moment.

The elementary school students stay in the land area of ​​the elementary school, while the middle school students go to the middle school area.

A layer of dense fog gradually appeared between the elementary school and the middle school, blocking the view of consciousness.

But this is only a change in the elementary and junior high schools. The real high school has not yet begun.

Far away from the middle and middle schools, the continent belonging to the high school is slowly emerging. This continent is larger and has a size of tens of millions of miles.

The layout above is similar to the elementary school and junior high school, but there are more spiritual plants above, and the universe energy is more intense.

This is the unsealed high school.

After the emergence of this continent, there were mountain peaks around, but each of these suspended mountain peaks has a radius of hundreds of miles, even thousands of miles.

In the future, high school students will have their own mountain, which is like their former dormitory.

They can even recruit servants on their own peaks to serve themselves.

Wang Xing stood on the land in the middle of high school, and was shocked inexplicably: "The academy is completely an independent dimension world."

After a moment of contemplation, Wang Xing flew farther away.

But after flying a long distance, he was blocked by a layer of thin film.

"If I guessed right, there should be a college department behind this film."

Wang Xing murmured, but the university department that has not been unsealed, even his dean is not qualified to enter now, and the consciousness cannot penetrate.

All the changes are finally over, and a layer of dense fog has appeared between the junior high school and the high school.

Wang Xing also received a lot of information at this time, which were all transmitted by the system.

"After the high school department was unsealed, the former primary school and junior high school connection point of the college was cancelled. The college implemented closed management, and the relevant credentials were required to enter the college."

"Admissions are automatically converted into student IDs for students."

"The contract is automatically converted into a teacher's teacher ID."

"The appointment letters of other external employees are automatically converted into employee IDs."

When the system passed these messages, these student IDs, teacher IDs, and employee IDs also automatically flew into the hands of every student, teacher, and external employee.

Students and teachers just felt it and knew how to use it.

As long as the student ID and teacher ID are activated within the territory of the Earth Federation, they can be transferred to the college without being locked in space.

If it is outside the territory of the Earth Alliance, it cannot be teleported.

Wang Xing looked at his certificate. This is a golden card with not only his avatar, but also his job information: Dean of the Immortal College.

The student ID and teacher ID of other students and teachers ~ ~ are basically similar except that the colors are different.

The student ID has a photo, name, grade and class information.

The teacher's card has a photo, name and teaching information.

On the employee ID is a photo, name and job information.

"The Immortal College Library began to separate automatically. The corresponding classics in the primary school belonged to the primary library, the corresponding classics library in the junior high school belonged to the junior high school, and the corresponding classics in the high school middle belonged to the high school library.

The sound of the system continued to come, and Wang Xing had already seen in the middle of the three continents, the place belonging to the library, and those books had been classified into different categories.

In addition, there are many other changes, and these changes will inevitably cause the rules of the college to begin to change.

For example, in terms of resources that can be exchanged for task points, no matter what grade of student was in the past, as long as the accumulated task points can be exchanged for any resource, it is obviously not possible now.

Only the corresponding grades can be exchanged for the training resources of the corresponding grades.

For example, it used to be possible for students in the elementary school to go to the junior high school, but it is certainly not the case now.

For example, in the past, a department of the college was also in charge of the elementary school and the junior middle school. However, in addition to the elementary school, the junior high school and high school will cancel these departments or simplify them.


There is one dean's office in each of the elementary school, junior high school, and high school.

At this moment, Wang Xing is in the dean's office of the high school. It is bigger, more magnificent, and more majestic.

Several high school teachers are still in the midst of persecution at this moment, especially Lu Yue is confused. He just arrived at the college, and God knows what he experienced.

Wang Xing coughed, looked at a very strange face, and a line of information appeared in his mind.

PS: This chapter is very hard to write today.

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