Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1232: Flee

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This cyan flame swept through, and Emperor Yihuo didn't dare to take it.

Although he is the Emperor of Different Fires, he doesn't know how many flames are fused, but the Nine Nether Fires, a flame that burns the soul, he dare not provoke it now.

And all along, this cyan Nine Nether Fire and these nine Nine Nether Fire chains have also been his killer.

"The third level of the kingdom of my kingdom was actually suppressed by him, how could there be such an incredible thing."

When the different fire emperor fled, his heart was also extremely angry: "No, I'm going to give up like this, but the innate **** fire source, the innate **** fire source! I must fight again, I still have my own world, As long as he burns a part of the origin of the world, he may be suppressed, and he is only the first-order emperor of the king, and his world is definitely incomparable with mine. "

At this moment, Emperor Yihuo is crazy.

Armed with this idea, he immediately started to urge his own king world: "One-tenth, I just want to burn the one-tenth source."

These origins are said to be burned, but in fact they are poured into his body with the divine power.

Wang Xing couldn't help but hesitated: "His cultivation is actually ascending, what is he doing ... he is burning his own origins of the world. He is crazy. This innate **** of fire is really worth his hard work."

The world of the emperor of the realm is the foundation of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm.

The stronger this world is, the stronger the king and emperor will be, and this method of burning the world is actually self-harm.

Originally, Emperor Yihuo might be the third-order peak of the kingdom of the kingdom, but this one-tenth of the source burned down, and his practice may be reduced to the middle of the third-order kingdom of the kingdom. If there are not enough treasures to restore him In his own world, he may spend millions of years to recover these lost world sources, and then return to the third-order cultivation of the kingdom of the kingdom.

This self-destructive approach, in Wang Xing's opinion, is just death.

However, the benefits brought by this are also huge. The Emperor of the Different Fires has achieved the fourth order of the kingdom kingdom, although it is temporary.

"You are lucky. I was the first person to let me burn the origin of the world. Now my cultivation has been promoted to the fourth level of the kingdom of the kingdom. Although it may only be ten minutes, it is enough to kill you."

Emperor Yihuo said coldly, this tenth of the source made him feel bad.

Wang Xing was huh, and couldn't help but laugh: "Can I just say thank you to you, but you, as the burning source, have only improved the first-order cultivation, I really feel ashamed of you. Now let You see, what is the true source of combustion, it's not, it is the cell that burns. "

"Second-order cells burn."

Wang Xing groaned. The monk's cultivation had been promoted to the fourth level of the kingdom of the kingdom, and his first-level cell combustion could not be dealt with at all.

At this moment, he can only follow himself.

The second-order cell burning can make Wang Xing's cultivation to improve to the fifth order. He was barely comparable to the first order of the realm of the realm of the kingdom. At this moment, he reached the third realm of the realm of the realm. Although this is still one order away from the fourth order of the Emperor of the Realm of Realm, Wang Xing is already extremely powerful. At this moment, he can fight the emperor of the fifth order of the Realm of the Realm, not to mention the different Emperor of the Realm.

"His practice has really improved ..."

Emperor Yihuo muttered to himself, an unbelievable look appeared on his face, and he felt that the improvement was far more than that.

At this moment, Emperor Yihuo really felt bad.

He wanted to **** the ingenious fire source, and it was definitely a ship overturned in the gutter. Now he might have the power of life.

"Are you scared and dare not take the initiative to take the initiative? Then I'm welcome."

Wang Xingxi laughed. He turned on the second-order burning cell for only 20 minutes. If it was delayed for an additional minute, 1.5% of the cells would turn into fly ash.

"hand of God!"

With a cold drink, Wang Xing raised his palm, and the reflection of the cosmic galaxy lingered on it. Numerous planes were derived and destroyed, completely in one thought.

This is the third move of the hand of God. Of course, Wang Xing couldn't do anything before, but at the moment it was finally shown.

"No, not good!"

Emperor Yihuo felt that he was being pulled into a space created by Wang Xing. At this moment, he felt that he was not facing a person, but the original will of the universe.

Not even immortality, how the original will will destroy him, how can he resist.

"Do not……!"

The different fire emperor growled: "This is all an illusion. He is just a low-level emperor. It is impossible to kill me. By the way, burn the origin of the world, I can still burn the origin of the world."

Brush it, the different fire emperor who had burned only one-tenth of the world's origin, burned one-tenth again.

"Stop it!"

A world of flames appeared around Emperor Yihuo. This is the projection of the world king formed by his burning origin.

Also his strongest defense.


Wang Xing had no sorrow or joy on his face at this moment, and the hand of God grabbed sharply, tearing the world projection of the Emperor of Different Fires.

However, the hand of God is also blocked ~ ~ Okay, okay! "

Emperor Yihuo Chang breathed a sigh of relief, but Wang Xing sneered, and the constantly evolving and creating plane in his hands suddenly burst open.

All of a sudden, the world projection of Emperor Yihuo was shattered.


Wang Xing didn't hesitate, and took the opportunity to bang in the chest of Yihuo Emperor.

This palm penetrated the body of Yihuo Emperor, shattered the defensive armor of Yihuo Emperor, and even penetrated the world inside him.


Emperor Yihuo spit out blood, and his face paled instantly: "I ... I'm defeated!"

He didn't do it at all. The Emperor of Different Fires made an instant decision, burned one-tenth of the source again, turned into a firelight, and darted away.

Wang Xing did not chase. He knew that he had reached the limit, because this battle had burned almost 10% of his cells, and that was enough. After burning more than 30% of the body's cells, his body would collapse.

Moreover, the Emperor of Different Fires who wanted to escape was not so easy to kill.


The world of the Emperor of Different Fires, he came back horribly, with blood on his body, shocking.

The son of Honglian and Xunya have been waiting for the Emperor of the Fire. At this moment, looking at the Emperor of the Fire, they are all shocked.

"Father, are you?" Mi Ya lost her voice.

"I lost, to the dean of the Immortal Academy. If you were a little slower, you might lose your life." Emperor Yihuo clenched his fists, full of unwillingness, "there is another emperor in the galaxy, and it is A great emperor, I offended him, what should I do next ... "

"Master!" Honglian was terrified at this moment, and his body was trembling. You must know the news he provided to the Emperor of Fire.

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