Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1234: Alien race

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Three days later, Wang Xing used 60 immortal stones in a row, and his body cells recovered by 0.3%, much faster than he expected.

If he doesn't stop, it may take more than three months for him to completely repair the lost cells.

Of course, this is only expected, because now his body is in a relatively empty state, so he can recover so fast. After the cells have recovered by 5%, the density of cells will increase, and the speed of recovery will definitely slow down.

Rao is so, half a year should be enough.

However, Wang Xing inquired about the system, but realized that his side mission had not been completed, because he did fight the emperor, but did not make his name known.

I do n’t know why, but Wang Xing is not in a hurry. Since it is the prestigious name of Yang College, maybe it will be completed when this thing spreads.

Wang Xing intends to continue to recover his body cells. He is also worried whether Yihuo Emperor will find any helper to take revenge. The sooner he recovers, the more capable he will be.

Only this time, Shen Gongbao contacted Wang Xing.

"Dean, someone has come to the Earth Federation, and I'm looking for you. It has been waiting for you for two days."

"Oh, do you know who it is?"

Wang Xing couldn't help being curious. When he came to him at this time, it shouldn't be so coincidental. Maybe it was because of the different fire emperor.

"His name is Cangyue. It looks very ordinary, and there seems to be no practice, but I know this is definitely impossible. There is only one possibility. That is, he is much higher than my practice. So I guess he It should be an emperor. "

Wang Xing couldn't help but nodded: "You're right, but he came to visit and willingly waited for me for two days. It didn't seem to come to us for trouble. I went to see him."


Solar system, somewhere in the void.

Wang Xing saw Cangyue and felt the power of the world at the same time, but the icy power of this world seemed to be able to condense the space.

"It really is an emperor."

Wang Xing urged the scepter of the dean, and also released a power of the world, resisting the temptation of Cang Yue Emperor.

Emperor Cangyue felt the power of Wang Xing's world and nodded.

With the power of the world, it must be the emperor, no doubt, but he could not see Wang Xing's cultivation, and guessed that Wang Xing intentionally did not want him to see it.

"King ... Emperor!"

Emperor Cangyue looked back at Wang Xing, showing a kind smile, but his body was white, and the smile was a bit infiltrating.

Wang Xing bowed his head: "Are you the emperor of Cangyue and the emperor of the galaxy?"


Emperor Cangyue replied, "Please sit down. It has been an exciting time since there has been no emperor in the Milky Way for many years."

Wang Xing didn't understand the meaning of Emperor Cangyue, but looked at the chair that Emperor Cangyue posed in the void, and sat up directly.

"I have known about you and the Emperor of the Fire. Although this is the fault of the Emperor of the Fire, you better not to kill him. We are the only emperor in the Milky Way. Strength will also be weaker. "Emperor Cang Yue opened the door to see the mountain road.

"As long as he doesn't bother me, I won't bother to kill him." Wang Xing nodded, mainly because he didn't have the confidence to kill the different fire emperor, it was as if he sold a favor, "but you said, the Milky Way What does it mean? Does anyone want to invade the galaxy? "

"Don't you know?"

The Cangyue emperor was surprised, and then it seemed like he understood something, and slowly said, "It seems that you have always been practicing and you don't pay attention to this. But since you are the emperor from the galaxy, this is also your responsibility in the future. I Just talk to you. "

Wang Xing nodded, Xing Gong sounded.

"In the universe, there are many small galaxies. Small galaxies constitute large galaxies, and large galaxies constitute star fields. Our galaxy belongs to a large galaxy below the Wuxingshan star field. There is no absolute peace in the universe. Some planets may be destroyed by others instantly, and small galaxies will frequently change hands. Even large galaxies are sometimes destroyed by others. "

"How could it be possible to destroy a large galaxy?" Wang Xing was inexplicably indifferent, and said nothing else, how many practitioners there were in this large galaxy, it was really cruel.

"This is normal. The universe is like this, full of cruelty. After all, for a monarch, even an immortal god, a large galaxy is a good food."


"Yes, it's like I ruled a large galaxy, and then sacrificed this large galaxy to some special beings to gain great power."


"Another analogy, this big galaxy gave birth to its own will. I captured it and refined my cultivation."

Emperor Cangyue said indifferently. When he heard the news before, he was actually equally shocked: "So ~ ~ Maybe when a strong existence passes by here, maybe he is not malicious, but just not After a careful sneezing, our Milky Way does not exist. Of course, there is a blessing of the laws of the universe's origins. This chance is very small. After all, there are not many people who can get rid of the restrictions of the laws of the universe. They are not good people, especially those who know the breakthrough is immortal and hopeless, but they can do everything. "

Hearing here, Wang Xing felt a shock.

The cruelty of the universe is even more terrible than he imagined. Some powerful practitioners can be stronger for themselves, and they can do everything.

"Not only that, in addition to the threats from these surrounding large galaxies, there are also some threats."

"What threat?"

Wang Xing could not help frowning, and his little heart couldn't bear it any more.

"Threats from some alien races, maybe you have heard that there are currently eight major races in the universe, namely Zerg, Orc, Mechan, Barren, Spirit, Horn, Crystal, and Titan. These three races, In fact, it is an alien race, and I do n’t even understand what this alien race means. It seems to be a word from the Shenhe River. But people from these three races often enter the Xinghai world. They do n’t ask them indiscriminately, that is, killing. One pass. "When Emperor Cangyue said here, he seemed to think of something, showing his hatred.

"An alien race?" Wang Xing couldn't help muttering. "Have you ever appeared in the Milky Way?"

"This has happened naturally, and nothing else, it is said that the Meteorological Realm was formed by the deities and interracial wars." The emperor Cangyue slowly said, "And in our galaxy, there was a female emperor named Lingyu who died in a giant In the hands of the Protoss Emperor. This time has passed ... careful calculations are almost 10 million years old. "

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