Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1253: treasure!

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The Milky Way is in the area of ​​the Meteorological Gods. What the mad king felt and looked in a direction.

"Emperor Wang Xing, here it is."

"Well, here it is."

Wang Xing smiled slightly. He took a closer look at the mad king and found that the madness of the mad king seemed stronger.

"Brother Crazy King, you seem to have improved a lot in the past 100 years."

"That's right."

The mad king nodded, but in his realm, it is difficult to break through. Now he is still the seventh-order cultivation of the realm of the realm.

In fact, the pressure of the mad king has always been very great. He and the Emperor Longwu have been wary, which has filled the Emperor Longwu with vigilance.

Now, Emperor Longwu is madly impacting the ninth level of the kingdom.

If Emperor Longwu succeeds, it will definitely start with the Milky Way.

"I'll give it to you for the next 100 years." The mad king patted Wang Xing's shoulder. "The centuries I have been sitting in town, those people have not been able to take any action until my strength. This is no guarantee. Now, let me tell you about the surrounding form, especially about the Tianlonghe galaxy. "


"At present, there are still two emperors in the Tianlonghe galaxy. One of them is called Emperor Xun. The law of entanglement practice is currently a third-order practice of the kingdom of the kingdom. The attack is not too strong, but the defense is not weak. The other is called The emperor is brave, practicing the law of strength, and his brute force can tear the galaxy. He is currently the second-order cultivation of the kingdom of the kingdom. He is also one of the newly-emerged emperors in the Tianlonghe galaxy.

"Is the third order of one kingdom, the second order of one kingdom, I know."

"The Tianlong River galaxy and our edge on the edge of the Meteorological Gods are demarcated by an extinct volcano that stretches for hundreds of millions of miles. It is also the most prone to conflicts, so many people have died on both sides. But this is normal. As long as their emperor doesn't take the shot, you don't have to take it. Because once the emperor takes the shot, it is likely to cause a war between the two sides. "

"Others bordering us ..."

After the mad king had finished speaking, he smiled and said, "Work hard, this is also a good place to cultivate, strive for an early breakthrough, and become a true emperor."

Wang Xing stunned and said embarrassingly, "Big Crazy King knows?"

The Mad King bowed his head, and turned away.

Wang Xing became helpless, he thought he was hiding well, but the mad king still asked him to stay there, and did not break the matter, apparently also recognized his strength.

Wang Xing looked at the back of the mad king and admired it a bit.

Even Wang Xing also knew one thing later, that is, the immortal crystal that the different fire gave him as a gift was actually given by the crazy king.

"Our Meteorological Realm is indeed a good place."

Wang Xing murmured, entered the room opened by the Mad King here, and officially began his career in the Meteorological Realm.

Tens of millions of miles away from Uranus is the site of the Tianlonghe galaxy.

"The mad king is gone." A man with a body like a bark sneered, and he was the emperor. "The new emperor of the new star, I heard that it is the new emperor of the galaxy, and the strength is only the king of the realm. Order. "

"Big brother, let's go and do him?" The emperor Yongzhuo lived, he was a half-orc, very burly.

"Not for the time being. Once Brother Longwu has confessed, who knows if the mad king is far away. If the guy is still watching, then he will go crazy, maybe we all have the power of life. Wait for a moment A few years later, even if you can't kill the Emperor Wang Xing, you can still bully him. "Emperor Yun Di smiled coldly.

Next, although Wang Xing can no longer retreat, he is also constantly practicing.

Especially with the use of immortal stones, Wang Xing's cultivation is still slowly improving. Seeing that the exercises can be promoted again.

Ten years passed.

"Emperor, recently, the people of the Tianlonghe galaxy frequently began to cross the border and entered the range of our galaxy to search for resources. We expelled them and injured a few of them." A man confessed.

"Yu Wei, who seems to be the crazy king, has run out, and the other party began to fight brazenly." Wang Xing pondered for a moment. "It's okay, I will arrange a few teachers of the immortal college to stay at the border. If they dare to cross the border, they will look good."

"Teacher of Immortal College?"

"Don't worry, as long as those two guys don't shoot, that's enough."

Wang Xing smiled slightly. Of course, the two guys he said were the uncle and the brave emperor.

Ten days later.

There were heavy casualties over the Tianlonghe galaxy.

"Damn, that's where the Milky Way was looking for. We crossed the border and killed more than a dozen people, and even there are two honorable ones." The Emperor Yongdi dare not to say.

"It has been determined that they are teachers of Xianxue College, and most of them have been recruited by Xianxue College in recent years. However, after these people entered Xianxue College, their strengths have doubled several times, and it is also a hell." Road.

"So what next? ~ Still going?"

"What's going on, unless we take a shot, otherwise we will be killed if we cross the border."



Many people are exploring under the extinct volcano, and the Chilong Lord is one of them.

"It is said that the Meteorological Realm was formed by the battle of immortal gods, and all matter came from it. This extinct volcano can stretch for hundreds of millions of miles. It should not have been born out of thin air. There must be some reason. "I've dug more than 100,000 meters down and have to say it's really hard, but I don't know how deep it is and what will happen next."

After a little rest, the Red Dragon Lord continued to dig.


With the sound of a loud noise, the Red Dragon Kingdom stunned, and he saw a red light coming over.

"This ... this is dug to the end."

The Red Dragon Lord was so excited that he quickly opened a hole early, and then saw a vast world of flames.

In this world of flames, the terrible emperor fire is flowing. If the emperor cannot fall for a moment and three minutes, it must melt away.

"What's going on in this place?" The Red Dragon Lord unconsciously looked far away, and then he was stunned, because he found that in the center of this flame world, there was a plant.


The Red Dragon Lord had the idea from the first time. The plants that can survive in this place are not treasures.


A clear voice came, and not far away, a stone broke.


The Red Dragon Lord stunned, and then he saw a man: "It's him, the Lord of Flames of the Tianlonghe galaxy."

His Holiness the Flame also saw the strange plant at this time, but the Red Dragon Lord did not know it, but he knew what the plant was.

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