Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1401: At ease

When Katherine heard this, she immediately had a bad feeling.

What you call you also understand this rule, which can only show that Wang Xing must also have this law, and what does it mean, that is to say, Wang Xing's means to her are completely aware of her.


After only seeing Wang Xing's surprise, there was a hint of sarcasm. He slashed at Kathleen with a sword.

That was only ten meters away, but it was constantly folded and twisted, and his sword originally attacked away towards Katherine, but appeared strangely behind Katherine.

This is a general rule, but it is more than ten times more clever than Kathleen.

"not good!"

The Sith the Great roared, but banged in the past, only to see the layers of space broken.

Kathryn only reacted at this time, and when the space was broken, she immediately fled out, and at this moment she was already sweating.

"How do you understand the law of space distortion, how could it be more profound than me?" Kathleen was incredulous, her fists clenched, and this was the first time she was defeated in an area where she was good.

"It's too obvious for you to understand." Wang Xing said indifferently. If he was given another tenth of breathing time, he could kill Kathleen.

Now he also saw that although the sixteen emperors were besieging him, they did not lose any defense against him.

If he attacks one of the emperors, the other emperors will either hit him at the same time, or they will immediately rescue the emperor, making him impossible to succeed.

Not easy to do!

Wang Xing understood this in his heart, but there was no other way. In fact, the easiest way was for him to be injured and kill several emperors in order to dissolve the opponent's offensive. Just then, he will be in danger. At present, Wang Xing still doesn't want to be injured himself. Whoever makes him the backbone of the Xian Academy, even if he is slightly injured, will make some people's minds shake.

"It's still the safest way to choose, then see who finds the flaws of the other party first. I have universe-level savvy, I'm also proficient in deduction, and trying to break their offense should be a hundred times easier than breaking their defense. "

Wang Xing said that Jianzhao once again focused on defense.

So a hundred strokes, two hundred strokes ... One thousand strokes passed, and Wang Xing was still completely at ease.

Shengchen Wudi and others are completely dumbfounded at this moment. What they saw was that Wang Xing was easily relieved by an enemy sixteen. Instead, the sixteen emperors of the Horn tribe frequently fell into the trap created by Wang Xing. Several emperors almost died at the hands of Wang Xing.

"Bastard, how could he be so strong!" The Sith the Great roared in his heart, thinking that he was already the strongest under immortality, and could even fight against the general lower gods, but when he met Wang Xing, he was real Was frustrated. Even he had a feeling that if he was alone, he would not be able to sustain a hundred moves in Wang Xing's hands.

"Kill, kill!" Cruther yelled, going crazy.

"Well, is this Horned Emperor crazy?" Wang Xing thought in his heart, but saw the opportunity, so he deliberately sold a flaw to Cruiser, and suddenly Cruiser really did the trick, and the closer he was, Coming with Wang Xing. But at this time, Wang Xing was cut out with a sword, but this was just a false move, the key was his other hand.

That is, the hand of God!

I only saw that under this grasp, the space instantly crystallized, and Cruiser's attacks also shattered.

"not good!"

A dozen other horned emperors also saw it and wanted to come and rescue Cruiser.

But it was too late. Wang Xing was very quick this time and didn't wait for them to be rescued. Cruiser's body was turned into crystal fragments, and he couldn't die anymore.

Looking at the crystal fragments splashing, the remaining fifteen Horned Emperors were all timid.

It is a great irony that 16 of the Horned Emperors besieged one King, but were killed by Wang Xing.

"Very good, it will be much easier in the future." Wang Xing thought to himself, the sword in his hand was horizontal, but one person attacked in horror towards the remaining fifteen anglers.

He even chose to take the initiative to attack.

"Amazing, too awesome, I am completely obedient." Sheng Chen Wuyi looked at Wang Xing's move and was already full of enthusiasm.

"Is this really not the **** of immortality?" Emperor Wu Wu already had some doubts about life.

And at this moment on the interstellar network and virtual space, in fact, there is a live broadcast of this battle, this is a real-time collection of the image of the Creator of the Holy Kingdom.

Countless people in the Wuxingshan star domain have been completely convinced by the means of seeing Wang Xing.

"With an enemy of sixteen, I thought that the dean of Xianxian College would be defeated in the end, but he did not expect to be killed by another."

"Handsome, so handsome."

"666, I want to give the Dean of Xianxian a hundred 666s."

"Where is the Great Emperor of Wuxing Mountain Star, I will ask who else ~ ~ who else!"


Among the immortal colleges, a group of students were jealous and excited.

This is their dean. No matter what kind of enemies they face, no matter how many enemies they face, they can work wonders.

Within Wuxingshan Cosmic Kingdom, Wugan was dumbfounded: "This ... isn't he an immortal deity? How can I feel that even the Father Emperor is not so powerful?"

The Star Emperor and others laughed bitterly. Where do they know this, this kind of strength should not appear outside of Shenhe.

In the void, the battle continued.

The Sith Emperor watched Wang Xing rush over, and even felt the provocation, but suddenly hit something.

It turned out to be a peculiar plant, which swept over and instantly entangled Wang.

"Immortal magic hand vine!"

Someone had recognized it, and was shocked.

Devil's hand vine is a kind of continuously evolving plant in the universe, and this kind of plant is a magic weapon that can entangle the enemy, restrict the enemy's movement, and can also be used as a weapon. However, it is extremely difficult to cultivate magic hand vines. This requires a lot of sacrifices to feed. Looking at the strain of this hand vine that has entangled with Wang Xing, the rhizome has turned red and is harder than k5 grade alloy. God-level magic hand rattan is very precious.

"Can't make it?"

Wang Xing felt a little, his face changed slightly.

And at this time, many Tao attacks came towards the attack, and those Horn emperors would not miss this good opportunity.

Many people who are concerned about this battle cannot help but hold their breath. If they are attacked, Wang Xing will be seriously injured if he does not die.

ps: Chapter 2, now during the period of exemption, I wo n’t talk about it, everyone can watch it for free. rw more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone reading school

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