Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1031: The shock of the Tanger

Auguste looked at the content on the federal news network and showed shock: "President Wang, people of other races can become musicians and scientists in your earth federation. Even I saw those who participated in the training of star masters just now. Three of them seem to be aliens. "

Wang Xing laughed unconsciously: "What is this? If you have known the history of our earth, it won't be so strange. For five thousand years of our human history, different peoples merge with each other, and different races merge with each other. , Different cultures merge with each other, which directly makes our Earth Federation have a compatible and inclusive property. Maybe you do n’t believe it. Before the Yuan Mozu invaded our earth, there were more than 200 countries and regions on our planet at that time. "

August was really shocked: "This is too incredible. I have never heard of such a planet in the universe."

Wang Xing nodded: "Yeah, this is the earth, the only part of the universe, maybe it is also related to the characteristics of our earth ’s human race. Now that we have established the Earth Federation, but you can take a look at our Earth Federation now The basic national policy is written to lead and unite the peoples of the Federation, with the Earth ’s human beings as the main body and other races as the supplement, and strive to build the Earth ’s Federation into the greatest universe state. ”

When the August and Tanger people heard this, they couldn't help but yearn for it.

Being able to accept other races in this way, guarantee the rights of all races in the territory, and then unite tightly together. Everyone thinks in one place and works hard in one place. Such a universe state cannot rise without reason.

"Let's go, I'll show you around the earth." Wang Xing became the host.

A group of Tange people are curious about the earth, especially the earth ’s dazzling array of technologies. Although some of the technology levels are very shallow, the earth always seems to be able to apply these shallow technologies to the most suitable places.

"Travel agency?" Shrek stopped at the door of a store, something he had never heard of before, but the most important one was from another race.

"Go in and have a look!" Wang Xing saw that the other Tange people were also very curious, and went in first, and immediately there were two Murloc girls.

"Welcome," the two girls said simultaneously.

"Where does your mermaid travel agency mainly undertake tourism?" Wang Xing asked.

"We are the official travel agency of the Mermaid family. We mainly undertake trips to the Mermaid Small World. At present, there are mainly three-day tours, five-day tours, and seven-day tours. The seven-day tour includes food and accommodation, round-trip fares, and can taste fish Human food, watching the fisherman's water show and other programs, and the cost is only 19,999 universe coins. "The fisherman woman introduced enthusiastically.

"Oh, what is the current tourist environment of your mermaid, I heard that there are some mermaids, but I do n’t know if it is true?" Wang Xing said casually.

"Sir, please do n’t listen to rumors. Our Mermaid tourism project, which was specially approved by our Mermaid Queen, has also been recognized and affirmed by the federal government. If there is a slaughter situation, anyone can go The FTA complained, "the Murloc girl affirmed.

"I see." Wang Xing nodded, knowing that the Murloc girl must have said true.

Several people left the travel agency, and the people of the Tange were still amazed.

"Different races have even opened tourism projects, which shows that the entire Earth Federation has truly become a whole. The earth's humans have not excluded other races, and other races have also accepted the dominance of humans on the earth." Oguchi said surprisingly, "This It is a magical country, a magical political system. If this system expands into the entire universe, it will definitely have a huge appeal. "

Wang Xing smiled slightly. In the past, China had a system of one country and two systems. What is the current political system?

Continue to visit the earth, the people of the Tange people were deeply convinced.

If Reze could do this to them then, it is estimated that the Tanger family would definitely swear to follow Reze, but the reckless guy of Reze had no courage to say nothing and bullied the race in his territory. It was really a heaven and a ground.

A day later, Auguste said to Wang Xing, "President Wang, the administrator of the Earth Federation, I want to see him."

Wang Xing knew that this had been decided by August, and this time he finally met the administrators of the Earth Federation and apparently intended to finalize the matter.

Earth Federation, Welcome Hotel.

"President Wang, is this?" Long Wen looked at August and others with a little surprise.

"This is August, the sixth-order revision of the cosmic light realm, the patriarch of the Tanger family of the Tianhuan small galaxy. The Tanger family is proficient in refinement and is the target of our immortal palace. In the future, the Earth Federation takes over the ring The small galaxy, the Tanger family will also be one of the races under the management of the Earth Federation. "Wang Xing introduced directly.

"The patriarch of the Tanger tribe, August, has seen the federal emperor." At this time, August stepped back sharply, and half kneeled towards Long Wen, while the other Tangers also knelt down.

This scene surprised Wang Xing, let alone Long Wen ~ ~ this ... this ... "Long Wen no longer knows what to say, the other party is the head of a family Not to mention, it is the practice of having the cosmic light environment, even bowing towards him like this, which makes his body a little weak. You must know what he does, despite the federal resources, he is actually It is just the real state of God, completely incomparable with August.

The other senior leaders of the Earth, although surprised at the moment, couldn't help but feel a little proud.

This is the Earth Confederation, and now the power of the Cosmic Light Realm has bowed his head.

"Get up, get up." Long Wen finally reacted and dragged Augustu in a hurry. "Our earth federation is a federation of people's republics. No federal emperor said that in our earth federation, everyone is federal. Master. Although I am the Prime Minister of the Federation, I am actually a public servant elected by the people to serve the people. "

"Is that so?" August was even more surprised. He couldn't help but look at Wang Xing. The management system of the Earth Federation had already surprised him. I didn't expect to play like this.

"Yes, the Earth Federation does not have an emperor. Every federal citizen is a free person. There is no one who is inferior to others. According to the customs of our planet, you only need to shake hands at this time." Wang Xing couldn't help but, This makes Augustine a bit embarrassed. He feels that he should meet the managers of the Earth Federation with the highest etiquette, but who knows that people are not at all happy about this.

Then everything went fine.

Wang Xing was accompanied, Long Wen and August talked about the current status of the Earth Federation and future plans, and August gradually adapted to it.

Seeing this, Wang Xing knew that his mainline mission had been completed soon.

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