Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1045: Calculate the king, crazy plan!

At this time, a hump-backed Yuanmo tribal man came in: "Master, your tea."

Su Yu nodded and looked at the man. "Xinba, help me bring all the information about the king on the shelf, and bring it all."

After a while, Simba found a lot of things Su Yu wanted.

Next, while Yu Yu sipped her tea, she looked up carefully.

So busy until it got dark, a sneer emerged from the corner of Su Yu's mouth: "It's him, King!"

Putting down the things in his hand, Su Yu stood up, the figure flashed out of her residence, and when she reappeared, she had come to the residence of King Anatole of Zhenbei.

"Mr. Su, you are here." The soldier at the door saw Su Yu and saluted immediately.

"Well, I want to see King Zhenbei." Su Yu said lightly, his face calmly, and the soldier next to him heard this and immediately went to Tonglu.

"Mr. Su, please come in." The soldier returned soon, and then made a gesture to Su Yu.

"There is labor." Su Yu nodded and walked towards the house.


"Mr. Su, please sit down." Anatole looked at Su Yu with excitement.

"Master Wang." Su Yu said indifferently, but he was not polite. He knew Anatole very well. If you were polite to him, he would only be considered incompetent.

"I don't know if Mr. Su has arrived at this moment, is there any great idea again?" Anatole said with some expectation, there were more than a hundred people in his think tank, but only he could be recognized by him Jade one.

"It's true." Su Yu smiled slightly, which made Anatolton look forward to very much.

"Sir, please," Anatole said immediately.

"The civil war in Yuan Moguo has been fought for decades, and more than one billion Yuan Mozu people have been killed and injured. I think it is time to end." Su Yu had a profound feeling at this time.

"If you can end it, it's best, but please enlighten me." Anatole took a deep breath and became more humble.

"Before I said my plan, I asked Wang Yeping to retreat, and then made a sound-proof ban." Su Yudao.

"There is no problem with this." Anatole immediately followed suit, and soon there were only Su Yu and Anatole in the room.

"Then I said it straight. My strategy is very simple. It can be called the decapitation plan." Su Yushen said, "The direct point is to kill the Yuan Demon Emperor and make Wang Ye the new Yuan Demon Kingdom. Emperor. "

"I wanted to kill my elder brother, but you also know that I don't have this ability at all." Anatole smiled bitterly.

"Even if he has gotten some opportunities now, he has also used a lot of cultivation resources. It can only be achieved that he has just reached the eighth stage of the cosmic light realm, and the Yuan Demon Emperor has already reached the ninth stage of the cosmic light realm. Shocking chaos. I think it ’s not just Wang Ye, even if the entire Yuan Demon Kingdom is no one ’s opponent, if not for the Cangshi Emperor, to be honest, Wang Ye would have been in a different place. Said.

"I would also like to thank Mr. Su for giving me the support of the Cangshi King." Anatole said sincerely.

"So the beheading plan I said was not based on us or the Cangshi Emperor, but on someone who can behead and kill the Yuan Demon Emperor, in short, it is a plan to kill someone with a knife. I planned for a long time, and I have finally selected it for Wang Ye With a knife, I believe that as long as it works well, Yuan Mohuang will surely be dead and help the king to wait for the throne. "Su Yu said lightly.

"Is it possible to kill someone with a knife?" Anatole doubted.

"Doesn't Wang Ye believe me?" Su Yu asked, seeming to be a little unhappy.

"How dare I not believe sir, if there is no such thing as a wise man, I would not be able to occupy half of the river in the Yuan Demon Kingdom." Anatole sincerely said.

"Then please listen to me continue." Su Yu smiled, completely eating Anatole, "Master, do you know who this person is?"

A virtual image of a person appeared in front of Anatole.

"I don't know, but this should be an orc man, and looking at clothes should not be easy," Anatole thought.

"Yes, his name is Bu Ya, the son of the King of Kings. And the sword I want to borrow from the Lord is this King of Kings." Su Yu said coldly, "Although we can't kill Yuan Mo Huang, but But the king is the king of chaos, can't he kill the king of king? "

"The King of Kings ... but how to borrow the King of Kings swords?" Anatole said with a little trembling, it was too crazy to count a king.

"In fact, it is very simple. As long as the Yuan Mo Emperor kills the king's only son Bu Ya, everything will be done." Su Yu slowly said, "As for how to let the Yuan Mo Emperor kill Bu Ya, you only need to That's all. "

Listening to Su Yu's plans and plans, Anatole could not help but sweat out.

"This plan is feasible!" Anatole finally sank and then looked at Su Yu with some fear, this kind of meticulous calculation ~ ~ is too shocking.


Canggu Galaxy, Cariva Star.

Because here is not far from the small world of King Wang, even here can be said to be the domain of King Wang, so Bu Ya often comes here.

Genting Auction, a famous auction on Cariva Star, Bu Ya often participated.

Today's auction is very lively and many people come in, and Bu Ya sits in an independent private room and feels high.

"Well, the first lot was the female slave of the Baihu clan, isn't it good?" Bu Ya smiled with an evil charm. "Shu slave, I want this female slave."

"Yes, Master." A tree-like man with skin like bark next to him immediately started bidding, and it took 30 million universe coins to be sold.

The auction is still going on, but there aren't many things that interest Crow.

Suddenly, a missing golden star map appeared, and Bu Ya hadn't figured out what it was, and someone started bidding there.

"Master, how can this incomplete star chart look like the other half of the incomplete star chart you got a few days ago?" Shu Nu's eyes lighted up, and some dare not make a channel, which made Bu Ya a spirit.

"I remember, a few days ago, a **** slave offended me. After I killed him, he burned his body, but after the slave's body turned to ashes, it left this thing, how could it burn No change, then I thought this thing was a treasure. "Bu Ya was a little proud.

"Will this thing be photographed?" Shunu asked immediately.

"Stupid, what does the photo shoot point to? The star map definitely points to a place. Now we have half of it in hand. Now if we look at who took the other half and find this person, we can know what the star map does. Bu Ya smiled coldly and showed off his IQ.

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