Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1054: Penultimate

Annala was about to play, watching Wang Xingdao: "You don't encourage me, Dean Wang?"

Wang Xing didn't feel hehe: "I also encourage you ... I have inquired about it just now. You are the 20th heir in your family, and you are the second lowest."

Annala rolled her eyes unconsciously: "Without the support of my family, I haven't been eliminated until now."

Wang Xing nodded: "You are very capable, but unfortunately there is no good backer, but this time you come to me, it is definitely the most wise decision you have made in your life."

Annala looked at the extremely narcissistic star, and didn't know what to say: "Have you seen the position over there, it's time for you to show up."

Wang Xing nodded, but looked at the eighteen people who were already seated, all of them are strong chaos, it is really stressful!

As Anna pulled onto the stage, the figure flashed, and Wang Xing appeared above the old position of the opposite tribe.

Alas, don't say it, the seat is quite comfortable.

"Hello." Wang Xing looked at an orc man on his left. This guy had a first-order practice of chaos and looked quite imposing.

"Huh." The orc man looked at Wang Xing scornfully, but was too lazy to talk to Wang Xing.

"I'm going, your sister!" Wang Xing scolded in his heart, thinking that chaos would be great. I can beat you in minutes now. "Then ask, after this is over, is it necessary to send Long Jingyu? Pith, how many drops are there for everyone? "

Based on the principle of asking questions without understanding and the friendliness of the earth people, Wang Xing once again said to the orc men.

"Fa?" The orc man sneered when he heard this, and then some idiot looked at Wang Xing, which made Wang Xing always feel that he was deceived by Anna again.

With the emergence of Wang Xing, many people in the Angolan family pointed at him and looked at him with a mockery.

Wang Xing listened carefully to their conversation, and suddenly became speechless.

The people below either laughed at him but could n’t make up for Zhou Guangjing's behavior, or laughed at which indigenous race he came from, just treating him as a joke.

"Anzawa, it looks like your daughter really can't find anyone who can take her. She's eliminated. It's a foregone conclusion. Last time I told you about the marriage, how did you think about it, If your daughter can marry the son of the King of Stones, it will definitely help your son An Youqi to fight for the position of patriarch. "A middle-aged man from the Angolan family sings.

"I have told Anna to wait until the family meeting to let her meet the King of Stone's son." An Yingze said lightly, "If you can marry the King of Stone's son, that would be her blessing."

"But your daughter has a strong personality, and I'm afraid you won't be able to control her at that time." The middle-aged man turned around, and said with some suspicion.

"Hum, as the daughter of our tribe, it is incumbent upon us to fight for the position of patriarch for this vein and to maintain the status of the main vein. It is incumbent on several sisters of Annala to do this, and she must do the same. It ’s awkward. As long as An Youqi can be the next patriarch, I can do it even if Annala marries a group of fierce beasts who can only hesitate. The stocks are vicious and irresistible.

"The words are heavy, the words are heavy." The middle-aged man hurried, but was ruthlessly shocked by An Yingze.

Annala on the stage began to report on her experience, with sales of 180 trillion and profits of 50 trillion.

Wang Xing estimated that among the successors of the Angolan family, this data ranks second in sales and bottom in profit.

The twentieth is a young master from the Angolan family. He invited his own teacher, who is also a first-order man in chaos.

However, the young master's experience is even more than that of Annala, with sales of 190 trillion and profits of 80 trillion.

After the 20 successors reported all their experiences, the patriarch of the Angolan family came to the front again: "The Angolan family chooses the patriarch, not looking at individual cultivation, but only looking at the individual's business ability and connections, and the manifestation of personal business ability This is the sales and profits, so the ancestors of the early generation set the rules long ago. Sales plus profits, coupled with the ranking of their network performance, is the ranking of the children of this family among the successors. "

Wang Xing was secretly shocked. It seems that there is no reason why the Angolan family can inherit to this day.

Personal business capability is the necessary ability to manage Angolan pharmaceutical companies in the future, and contacts are a solid backing to ensure the company's operation.

As for personal cultivation, a successor's cultivation is too strong, but it will lead to a speech, which is not a good thing.

What just puzzled Wang Xing was how to evaluate the final network scores. Could it be that everyone would tell us about the situation behind them?

Anshan Lu didn't make nonsense at this time. With a wave of his hand, a virtual projection appeared in the sky, and the current ranking of the twenty heirs appeared on it.

Wang Xing took a closer look. Good guy, Annala is tied with the other Angola's unlucky eggs in the bottom 270 trillion ~ ~ No, it is not the bottom in the tie.

According to the rules of the Angola family, if the results are the same, the man will be given priority to inherit, so Annala is truly the last.

As for the positive number, Anruili has sales and profits of 780 trillion yuan.

Wang Xing felt a lot of pressure at once. Even if only one person was eliminated, it was definitely Annala.

At this moment, the greedy bear of the God Bear Slave Trading Company suddenly said a little displeasedly: "The patriarch of Anshan, I think Anyuan Mountain is very good. If your Angolan family now designates him as the next patriarch, I promise God The Bear Slave Trading Company will definitely give him his full support, how? "

At this point, many people were a little angry.

The greedy bears also noticed this, but they turned a blind eye. He glanced around coldly. Many people couldn't help lowering his head when he looked around.

The six elders of the Anshan foothills and the Angolan family also felt challenged.

But at this time, if they openly refute the greedy bear, they are likely to offend the **** bear slave trading company. As for the chaos powers that these heirs have invited, they are also pretending to be completely inaudible. Many of them are still anxious about Angola. The family and the Divine Bear Slave Trading Company face each other.

The scene was very awkward.

When Wang Xing saw this, thinking of the systematic side missions and the favor of the Angolan family, wouldn't it be the best time to do so.

So he coughed a few times and said lightly: "This bear is here, this is a matter for the Angola family, what are you talking about?"

It wasn't loud, but everyone heard it.

Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded, and the greedy bear's face flashed a murderous look.

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