Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1072: World furnace

Like a star falling on the earth, the water was pouring down for nine days. This star, almost the size of the sun, splashed with a sky-high flame.

The flames swept across the world, like fire dragons, and the space was burned through instantly.

On the surface of the star, a creature that can no longer see the outline of humans is sitting tightly, like a melting candle, which is Wang Xing.

"It's really miserable. One third of the cells have been burned, and the repair has fallen out of the mysterious realm." A long voice came out, looking very embarrassed. It may not be possible to recover, and no one will. "

Although depressed, Wang Xing did not regret it.

And forcibly burning cells this time, he also felt quite a lot, especially the understanding of energy, which made him figure out many things.

Next, officially enter the slow recovery process.

Wang Xing chose this burning star in order to use the energy of the star to recover.

In the universe, there are not many people who really absorb the energy of stars. The main reason is that the energy of stars is too violent. Even those who absorb too much can not bear the power of chaos. However, Wang Xing's practice is strange, and he has devoured magical powers, enough to suppress any violent energy, so these are not a big problem for him. However, absorbing too much stellar energy, it is estimated that it will be difficult to create life in the future based on the star system in which the star exists.

But now, I don't care so much.

Wang Xing swallowed up the magical power, the Dantian furnace was turned on, and the energy of the star burst was quickly sucked into the furnace, and then began to refine.

Wang Xing quickly filled the dried cells.

However, he was not very satisfied with this absorption rate.

After a moment of contemplation, Wang Xing hit a decree and yelled ‘open’ in his mouth, only to see that there was a small space inside the Dantian furnace, only the size of his thumb. When Wang Xing saw this, he immediately sacrificed his own fairy Jin Dan and directly merged into this small space.

Suddenly, Jin Dan gave out a bright light, and Xianli poured out into the space. It was like a groundbreaker. The small space suddenly expanded to a circle of 100 meters, and it has become a small world.

This is where the Dantian furnace evolved into a world furnace.

"It's done."

Wang Xing couldn't help but be happy, this was the road he had long wanted to cultivate.

As far as his cultivation skills are concerned, Jin Dan has no meaning to him. Even the other chaotic powerhouses are the same. They will not expect a Jin Dan to provide energy for themselves, but to open up. Like the small world outside, open up the internal world. Only by having the support of a world can they continuously refine the chaos power.

In the later cultivation methods of Xianxian Academy, the immortal Jindan will eventually turn into a small Xianli world.

Although Wang Xing's strength has fallen into chaos, the realm is still there. It is not difficult to use your own fairy Jindan to open up your own small world smoothly. It's just that his small world is different from others. He is a pure furnace of energy, like a steam engine, for his energy endlessly.

"The full circle is the first stage of the world's melting pot. I don't even reach one-tenth of the first stage now." Wang Xing groaned. He tried to devour the magical power to absorb energy, but was shocked. "The melting pot of the world, which has not even reached the first stage, is already a hundred times faster than before. If it continues to expand, I don't know how terrible it should be."

As the speed of throughput of energy is accelerated, the speed of Wang's recovery will naturally be shortened.

It is for this reason that Wang Xing still chose to let the Dantian furnace evolve into a world furnace at this time.

The immortal Jindan is still slowly decomposing, and the world furnace is still expanding, but Wang Xing can obviously feel that the speed of expansion has become very slow.

After all, he just broke through the chaos before. If he wants to advance the world's melting furnace to the third stage, it is estimated that it is only possible to reach the creation state.

The energy of the entire star gathered toward Madam even more crazy, because the energy released by the star was absorbed by Madam, and the light that could be emitted became weaker and weaker. Gradually, the surrounding planets had completely become total darkness.

In this loneliness and darkness, Wang Xing began the longest retreat.


Among immortal colleges.

"The dean just sent a message. He has some feelings outside and needs to retreat for a period of time. I will handle the affairs of the college for me in the future." Cheng Yu said indifferently, and a group of teachers could only hehe. Is the dean in Did n’t you handle the affairs of the college on your behalf? Moreover, the college has its own rules and regulations, as long as it is implemented in accordance with the system, it is the same without anyone.

Divine bear slave trading company headquarters.

"Sir, this is the information about Xianxian Academy just searched." A man came over, this man is a greedy bear.

"Oh, let me see." Mochahai was curious.

"Hmm ..." Mochahai just flipped through two pages, and suddenly a look of surprise appeared on his face. "It has been dealing with our God Bear Slave Trading Company for a long time, and in the small ring galaxy ~ ~ It's still our biggest customer. But according to the descriptions in these materials, the strongest of this immortal college is chaos. It should be the same person who was in the Angolan family before you.

"Yeah, so the Supervisor is totally worried. There is nothing to be afraid of at Xianxian College. Our Divine Bear Slave Trading Company is fully capable of annihilating Xianxian College and taming them all into slaves." The greedy bear said excitedly, somewhat confused by Mochahai.

Mochahai put down the information and meditated.

But at this moment, another man hurried over.

"I've seen the Supervisor, and the latest order from the headquarters has added a new force that cannot be used as a source of slaves." The man said, handing a letter written by divine power.

Mochahai nodded, and opened the divine letter with curiosity.

A text came into his mind into a message, and then he saw the inscrutable look of Mochahai.

"Master, what's wrong?" Greedy Bear noticed the change in Mochahai's face.

"You just said that the strongest person at Xian Academy is Chaos. Are you sure you didn't fool me?" Mochahai's face was iron-blue, and there were fine cracks in the surrounding space. He now wanted to kill.

"Is there ... a problem?" The greedy bear was terrified, his body shivering.

"You still have the face to ask me if you have any questions, do you really find out? The divine letter sent to me by the headquarters just now listed the Immortal College as one of the forces that cannot be used as a source of slaves. Fortunately, I did not listen If you do n’t know how to die, ”Mochahai roared.

"For ... why?" The greedy bear was a little unknown.

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