Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1074: Am I dug out?

Next, a team of more than a dozen adventurers took a spaceship to surround the star, choosing the right place to log in.

Soon they found it.

"Here the flames of the stars are extinguished, and the temperature has dropped to a very low level, which is completely sustainable with our repair in the void." An adventurer said, flying out of the spacecraft and landing on the stars.

His companions also flew towards this landing point.

One of the more than a dozen adventurers on the ground looked very excited after landing: "Let me first see what it looks like under the planet, drive!"

With one hand inserted into the soil of the star, the energy of the whole body agitated, and only a loud noise was heard. A huge gully appeared ten miles away, reaching a depth of kilometers. Looking into the gully, it was a scorched black, like a huge black hole that was eaten by people.

"Sure enough, the energy of the stars has shrunk, and the soil has no trace of energy." One of his companions swept away, faintly.

When a group of people heard this, they thought they guessed well.

As a result, more than a dozen people immediately started to dig down crazy like a gopher.

"Well, what is this?" A man with the fastest speed dug near the core of the planet. At this time, he found that he had come to an empty space, and looked into the space, a purple-red floating in it. The sphere is burning with blazing flames, and the energy of many surrounding stars is still gathering toward this sphere.

"It's absorbing the energy of the star. This must be the treasure that the star has bred because of its energy exhaustion." The man muttered, excited, "It's a fortune, such a big treasure, and it's full of energy, it's definitely not extraordinary. "

At this time, several other people also came here.

"Treasures bred by stars, great."

"Haha, it's a worthwhile trip."

"Looking at this head, even if it is just an energy crystal, it is very valuable."

Several people said one after another, and they all thought they had made it.

But at this moment, suddenly a man's eyes brightened: "Such a treasure must be the one who grabbed it."

After he finished speaking, he rushed straight up.

"Iwaki, what are you going to do?"

"No, he's going to **** the treasure. Everyone hurry up. This thing can't let him monopolize."

"Asshole, I know this guy is a white-eyed wolf, and we shouldn't team with him."

Several people cursed, all grabbing at the so-called treasure, one or two of them were completely crazy.

Iwasa acted first. At this moment, he had touched the treasure with one hand: "A bunch of idiots, this thing is mine, close it!"

He urged his energy and wanted to put this treasure into a space ring.

But soon he discovered that the treasure could not be collected at all, but it didn't matter. He directly formed a web of energy and wanted to drag the treasure away.

It was also at this time that the treasure seemed to be frightened and suddenly emitted a bright light.

"What's going on?" Yan Aoran, but in his heart he secretly said that this treasure was unusual.

"Did I dig it out?" But then, I only heard the long voice coming, and I felt a little trembling in my heart, and the scared soul had no body. At the moment, a dozen other adventurers also trembled and quickly backed away. km.

"Treasure ... Treasure talked." An adventurer stuttered, but others felt very **** in their hearts. What kind of treasure is this and how can they still speak? Is it still a living thing?

When a group of adventurers didn't understand the situation, the light of the so-called treasure suddenly restrained, and the surrounding star energy quickly gathered, and then they saw that there was no so-called treasure in the void space. Instead, it was A man in black appeared.

The man is Wang Xing.

He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if he had fallen asleep.

Now that he has fully recovered, not only that, but also the improvement. Although it did not reach the second order of chaos, it also reached the peak of the first order of chaos. And the melting pot of the world in Dandan has already reached the size of a circle of ten miles, and the energy of one throughput is equal to the energy absorbed by a flying cultivator for one year.

"Although it has been improved, but after so many years of delay, in the final analysis, it still costs more." Wang Xing sighed, and then took a few steps in the void, only to see that each step of him fell, the space was like ice. Cracks appeared.

A dozen adventurers were completely frightened, they felt an extremely powerful breath, and they were almost choking.

In particular, it can break through the space, which is also a fortress.

How strong is the person in front of me?

Yan Yan is even red-faced and red-faced. He takes Wang Xing as a treasure and wants to take it back. At this moment, he almost has the heart to die.

Wang Xing looked around at a dozen adventurers and slowly raised his three fingers. He didn't want to be a **** of lanterns and realize the three wishes of this group of adventurers, but said: "You dug me out ~ www. ~ I also have three questions for you. First, who are you? Second, where is this? Third, what year is the cosmic calendar today? "


Celestial ring small galaxy, Celestial Star.

"The anniversary of Xiangong, Xiao Po Jing Dan is a 10% off sale for a limited time."

"The main government issued the latest decree, and the restriction on the purchase of second homes is a foregone conclusion."

"Xiangong recruits 20 cleaning staffs with monthly salary over 10,000 yuan. Work experience is preferred."

"The Dawu Universe and the Seven Universes invaded the Stan star in the small ring galaxy, and the war broke out."

"Senior College issued a statement overnight, and Sian College will fully support the Earth Federation's foreign war."

"Earth Federation Prime Minister Long Win issued a declaration of war this morning."


Wang Xing just returned here, looking at the news on the virtual screen in the sky of Tian Lanxing, his face was slightly cold.

Suddenly, Wang Xing received the task notification from the system, and it was still the main task.

"The host triggers the mainline mission. The mission description: Incorporate 36 small galaxies around the ancient wasteland into the territory of the Earth Federation. Mission requirements: completed within one year. Mission reward: Randomly obtain three nine-star character cards and randomly obtain a fairy Law, the title of Wang Dean (student practice speed increased by 35%, perception increased by 35%, and the ratio of student to faculty increased to 30: 1).

After watching this mission, Wang Xing couldn't help feeling a little excited.

After so many years, he received the main task as soon as he came out, which was really amazing.

And the reward for completing this task is also good, not to mention anything else, the three nine-star character cards are three teachers of chaos, which is what the college needs most now.

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