Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1111: Master Star

After hearing this, Innet was extremely angry: "Training, you dare to kill one, we are the slave hunters under the God Bear Slavery Company. If you dare to do this, the Earth Federation will definitely be destroyed, and the federal residents will be destroyed. All were trafficked as slaves. "

Threat, this is definitely an undisguised threat.

But this is also true.

The Divine Bear Slave Trading Company is very powerful. Many of the many races in the galaxy, because of their resistance, were eventually sold to slaves by all of them.

But this time Innet was disappointed, because he met Su Yu, a student of Xianxian College.

Immortal college, how bullying is so good.

"Since I dared to come here, I thought about the consequences. Today the Orion slavery must disappear from this universe."

Su Yu completely ignored Innet.

The other slave-hunting groups on Jutan Jupiter also noticed a smell of threat.

Su Yu was able to slaughter the Orion Mercenary Corps in front of them unbridled today, would that be able to slaughter them in the future.

For a moment, quite a few people felt at risk.

"Dear brothers of the slave hunting group, the Earth Federation bans the slave trade and drives us out of their territory. Now even if we arrest slaves outside the territories of the earth, they have to take care of us. What other way to live and how can we survive? The Orion Mercenary Corps is protesting that the Earth Federation treats us this way, so they warned them, but who thought that they had killed us giant Tan Jupiter directly for more than a hundred junkies, this is what they are doing. It's provoking us. It's trying to cut our way. "

Innet shouted at this moment, his voice was loud, spreading hundreds of thousands of miles.

Jupiter, Jupiter, and all the slave hunting groups listened clearly.

These slave hunting groups have lost some of their benefits because the Earth Federation banned the slave trade. At this moment, they are stimulated by Innet and are full of hatred for the Earth Federation.

"Resolutely protest the Earth Federation's boycott of the slave trade, our slavery is legal."

A slave trader shouted, and many slave catchers shouted, and Jutan was the voice for a while.

Innet saw this scene with some pride.

He has kidnapped so many slave-hunting regiments, and if the Earth Federation really dares to go to war, then he must watch out for their revenge.

Su Yu's face was cold and she smiled sternly: "They are what this is, petition? Or demonstration?"

"Su Da, so many slave-hunting groups belong to hundreds of forces. If we all offend, it will be endless." A federal law enforcement whispered, others also looked at Su Yu at this time.

"It's really endless ..." Su Yu nodded, rubbing her eyebrows with her hands, seemingly distressed, "Since so, then ..."

"I know, retreat immediately," the law enforcement man said immediately, thinking that he had guessed Su Yu's thoughts.

"No ... it just smashed the planet to me and killed all the slave-hunting regiments." Su Yu said, waving her hand, only to see a sudden appearance in the distant space. A Nebula-class spaceship.

On top of this Nebula-class spacecraft, Yao Jie stood lightly.

Many of the slave-hunting regiments were stunned. They thought that the Earth Federation could send a Nebula-class battleship to the limit, but who knew that there was a hidden ship nearby.

In fact, this Nebula-class battleship was not federated, but sent by the academy to cooperate with Su Yu to rescue federal citizens.

But now all federal citizens have been killed, and their purpose has become revenge for dead federal citizens.


With the order of Yao Jie, a huge beam hit Jutan.

The bright light illuminates the galaxy of millions of miles, many meteorites impacted by horrible energy waves splashing away, and there are continuous cracks in the space.

Above Jutan, all the slave-hunting groups were stunned.

"They even ... dare to do it!"

"The Earth Federation is fighting a hundred slave trading companies."

"Damn, the full blow of the Nebula-class battleship is enough to blow Jutan into half. The people of the Earth Federation are crazy, let's go!"


With a loud noise, Jutan Jupiter shattered and fell apart.

Because the planet was shattered, volcanoes and magma erupted everywhere, and in the core area of ​​the spacecraft attack, I don't know how many slave catchers died.

Innick's face was dark and very embarrassed at this moment, but just now, half of their Orion slaves were dead.

Who made Yao Jie the main target when they attacked?

Inuit didn't expect Su Yu to dare to do this, and he blurted out: "You earth federation is over, our God Bear Slave Trading Company will not let you go, and other slave trading companies will not let you go."

"Noisy." Su Yu sneered, "Yao Jie, go and destroy their spaceship. Don't let anyone from the Orion Slave Regiment leave. I went to cut this Innet's head. This mission is to save I won't go back, but I can put this guy's head up. "

"Okay!" Yao Jie nodded without any opinion.


Su Yu's figure flashed ~ ~ towards Inite.

Today, Su Yu has practiced the Star Transformation Method and has reached the sixth order of the cosmic light realm.

Because of the power of Xingchen's power-changing method, he is not afraid of anyone in the chaotic environment, even more powerful than Yao Jie.

"The untouchables of the Little Earth Federation dare to take the initiative to kill them, then you should die!" Innet appeared a large knife in his hand, and chopped it towards Su Yu's head.

The huge sword stretches for thousands of miles, tearing the void.

But at this time, Su Yu's star-changing exercises were working.

In Su Yu's Dantian, a big sun rises and shines on the four sides.

The entire big day seems to have existed for hundreds of millions of years, constantly burning, and releasing huge energy every moment.

This is the stellar realm of the star transformation method.

"Zhang Yu Xing Chen!"

A starry sky reflection appeared in the palm of Su Yu's palm, and the starry sky reflection dropped down, even affecting tens of thousands of planets around.

I saw those planets emitting a bright light, which is the purest power of the stars.

The gathering of so many powers of the stars directly restrained Innet's knife air, making Innet unable to move.

"This is ... the field? Impossible, how can you, a sixth-order ant of the Zhouguang Realm, trap me with the field ..."

"You talk too much."

Su Yu smiled coldly, pierced through the space with one hand, as if he removed Innick's head with a slight pick.

Many people were shocked to see this scene, and Su Yu was too abnormal!

Also at this time, a powerful energy wave suddenly appeared in the void, and a man tearing the space appeared in the starry sky.

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