Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1131: I am Yao Meng Yao Jie

Under the shroud of Yao Jie, a seven-story small tower can be clearly seen.

This little tower presents an amazing purple, with strange lines painted on it, just like the lines of space.

The main tower!

Yao Jie recognized that this should be exactly the nine treasures, the only treasure of grade five.

However, the main tower is a magic weapon, even if it is only fifth-order, but its value is already comparable to a first-order original artifact. If the main tower has some peculiar functions, the value can be comparable to the second-order original artifact.

It wasn't anyone else who found the main tower in this world, it was the Angolan group of Angolans.

But now, An Youqi is clearly in trouble.

"Yao, shall we go?"

"Of course we have to pass, but it is the main tower of the world, and it is also time to show the prestige of our fairy league."

When I heard Yao Jie, a few students were a little excited.

Xianmeng has always been only a community of Xianxian Academy. If Xianmeng can show its prestige in the universe, what awesomeness it should be.


Yao Jie took the lead, and a group of people rushed in the direction of An Youqi.


An Youqi over there.

Hundreds of children of the Angolan family came together.

Speaking of which, An Youqi didn't know if he was lucky. He just killed a second-order Zerg, but who knows that a designated item vying for inheritance turned out.

At that moment, An Youqi even felt that he was the son of destiny and a man of great fortune.

But trouble followed, and he had just taken the main tower, because the vision revealed by the main tower caused a big trouble.

This big trouble is the magic axe.

The magic axe belongs to the **** bear slave trading company. It was once a slave of the **** bear slave trading company. Later it was found to have a terrifying cultivation talent. It was taken for its own use by the **** bear slave trading company and cultivated as a seed player.

At present, An Youqi is only the cultivation of the eighth peak of Zhouguang Realm. Facing the magic axe, relying on what he learned in Kunwu's secret realm, he is not afraid of the magic axe. Other bigger troubles.

"Magic axe, I am a student in Kunwu's secret realm. I got the main tower of the kingdom. If you grab it, it won't be good for you." An Youqi said lightly, but also secretly alert, just in case.

"Kunwu mystery?" Magic Axe thought for a moment, and seemed to be thinking.

"The God Bear Slave Trading Company can't arouse Kunwu's mystery. Don't trouble yourself." An Youqi continued to use Kunwu's mystery to threaten the magic axe.

"Really, but will Kunwu Mystery care about the life and death of an ordinary student?" Said the magic axe, and the three-meter-high body suddenly made a clucking noise. "Read that you are a Kunwu Mystery student, leaving the world. Main tower, I can spare you, otherwise you and these people in your family will die. "

"You ..." An Youqi's face was extremely ugly. "Magic axe, you really think you can beat me. Although my cultivation is one step worse than yours, the combat power may not be weaker than you."

"Oh, try it," said the axe, and a large axe with a length of two meters appeared in his hand. This was a fifth-order force weapon that weighed millions of pounds.


"It's been a long time since I fought against the students in Kunwu's mystery."

The axe said, turning into a bolt of lightning and rushing to An Youqi, the giant axe in his hand was chopped out like Pangu Kaitian.

Suddenly, a clear ripple appeared in the space, and many trees and stones turned into powder.

"The sunset sword!"

An Youqi saw the magic axe rushing, and the long sword in his hand was cut out, like a round of rising sun, welcoming towards the giant axe.

There was a loud noise.

The axe traversed Hao Ri, suppressed towards the bottom, and the raised Hao Sun sank into the sea.

"Great power, how is this possible?"

"Damn, this is the law of strength. This guy touched the law of strength, and he exerted at least thirty times his normal attack power."

What is the concept of thirty times? If it is not for practicing immortal-level exercises, then only some special lives can be achieved.

And An Qi has only practiced a half-step immortal skill so far, and his attack power barely reaches 25 times that of the normal state.

Coupled with the two people's first-order difference, this gap is already incredible.

If An Youqi wants to defeat the magic axe, unless he has a very high level of secret skill, but is this possible?

"It's interesting, but it can block my blow."

The magic axe looked at An Youqi with interest. The giant axe in his hand was lifted and turned into thousands of axe shadows. Each axe shadow attacked at a point, and this point was where An Youqi was. s position.

This is the mystery collected by the magic bear slave trading company for the magic axe.

An Youqi hasn't slowed down yet, seeing this axe, his face is extremely ugly: "Seventh-order mystery ... my sunset sword is only seventh-order, less than eighth-class ..."

"This magic axe is stronger than the legend. I am not an opponent at all."

"Continuing the fight, I might even be beheaded by him ~ ~ Asshole, if I can cultivate an eighth-order secret, I will definitely fight him."

It's not that An Youqi can't get the mystery of level 7 and above, but those mysteries, he hasn't successfully cultivated yet.


An Youqi was blasted out by the magic axe and spit out blood.

At this time, An Youqi blurted out and said, "I admit it, the main tower of the kingdom is for you."

Hearing this, the magic axe nodded with satisfaction: "You count."

An Youqi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, unwilling, but was helpless, and had to comfort himself: "It's okay, I have already mastered an eighth-order mystery, and then come to the magic axe to calculate."

"Throw the main tower." Mox urged.

"it is good!"

An Youqi did just that, and threw the main tower out of hate.

But at this moment, a sneer came: "Is the Angola family just the same?"

At the same time, a person appeared in the void, grabbed the main tower and took it away. This person was Yao Jie.

Feeling the main tower in his hand, Yao Jie felt seven huge spaces, and immediately he was a joy.

Good baby!

"Is you?" An Youqi was stunned, but turned to sneer, "It's really death, you dare to grab the magic axe, wait for it!"

Immediately, An Youqi said to the magic axe: "You saw it, and you gave it, but it was snatched by this person."

After the magic axe slightly looked at Yao Jie, he frowned slightly: "Who are you, how dare you rob me?"

Yao Jie smiled sharply at this time: "I'm Yao Jie of the League of Legends, I want the main tower in this world."

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